#domestic inukag




June 12th, 2022 - Domestic

Summary: Some demons make Inuyasha have an existential crisis which screws up his plans.

Disclaimer: I misunderstood the assignment but it’s too late now.

“Would ya look ah that! Bastard really is domesticated! Look how he came runnin’ when she called!” the spindly ogre cackled and his companions cackled with him, “It gets bettah! He’s got a collar!”

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Not sure if I’ll be able to do all the @inuyasharedraw challenges for InuKag week this year, but we’ll see. Couldn’t miss doing this one though - it’s too cute!


CHAPTER SIX: Sweet Dreams

SUMMARY: “and I’d choose you. In a hundred lifetimes, in a hundred worlds, in any version of reality, I’d find you and I’d choose you.” – Kiersten White. For each chapter, a prompt from the One Hundred Ways to Say I Love You list.


GENRE: fluff




Kagome went about her bedtime routine with newfound excitement.

The nightly ritual of taking a warm bath, putting on the most comfortable clothes available in her closet, following every step of an intricate skincare and eagerly succumbing into her soft mattress was always a divine experience on its own, but this night was different. Special.

Because this time there had been someone in the bath with her, complaining without pause that the water was way too hot and accusing her of scalding attempt. This time, her lace babydoll was tossed aside in favor of a worn out Queen t-shirt that did not belong to her. This time, her beauty products were interspersed with aftershave, cologne, deodorant — each one presenting a comically aggressive masculine title to describe their particular fragrance — and the second toothbrush that had now taken permanent residence next to hers. This time, there will be someone waiting for her on that mattress. And the night after that. And the night after that, and the night after that, until they equal a lifetime.

Kagome watched her reflection smile at her in the mirror, delighted at the concept of never having to say a long lasting goodbye, of coming home to him every single day, of falling asleep and waking up in his arms.

Not that she was a complete stranger to the feeling — they had stayed over at each other’s places as often as their work schedules would allow them — but there was a certain solemnity, an inexplicable sense of finality brought forth by calling her apartment theirs. And to be quite frank, Kagome loved the sound of that.

At the restless age of twenty six, the world insisted on shifting under her feet. Change itself was the only constant, the only steady variable in her life.

Until Inuyasha came along.

Suddenly, everything changed again, but for once it was in a way that made complete and perfect sense. As if, in the great scheme of things, every twist, every push and pull, every switch and every turn had led her there. Exactly where she was supposed to be.

Maybe it was naive, to believe in fate. Kagome wouldn’t go as far as to call herself a believer, at least not until hehappened. Even so, if there really was such a thing, she had no doubt hers got sealed the minute his golden eyes locked with hers.

And life will go on, as life goes. Things will change, as things do. But this won’t. In a roaring sea of transformation, wave after wave of novelties and adjustments, Inuyasha was the shore she kept crashing into, a continuous presence she could forever rely on. That unshakeable knowledge was what made every other change bearable — almost irrelevant — because Kagome might not be one hundred percent sure of anything else, but she was completely and irrevocably sure of him.

That’s why there was little to no debate on whether or not they should take their relationship to the next level. It was a natural decision. Simple. Obvious. Water was wet and skies were blue and they needed to live together.

He had moved in with her that very morning.

Kagome finished applying the unscented moisturizer she got acquainted with ever since they started dating and stepped out of the bathroom to find Inuyasha taking full advantage of their shared Netflix account, lying in her bed — theirbed — on the side he had unconsciously claimed as his for what it felt like had been ages ago. 

His attention turned to her right away, as if he had been aware of her every move the entire time.

Which he probably was. 

A wide grin broke into Inuyasha’s face while he appreciatively scanned through her figure. Keeping his gaze on her, he raised the remote, effectively making the incessant noise of explosions, gunshots and people screaming bloody murder on whatever action movie he was watching come to an end.

“Ready for bed?”

Inuyasha himself was a sight to behold, nothing covering his body except plain white sheets and the pitch black ink of his tattoos. It was amazing how he managed to simultaneously look like both a fish out of water and the final piece that fit precisely there, setting the puzzle of her life complete.

“That’s an understatement,” she said.

He had done all the heavy lifting for the day while Kagome had helped out in any other way she could, cleaning, unpacking and organizing until there were no boxes left. Although her tasks were considerably less demanding, physically speaking, it’s also true that Inuyasha had the upper hand: his demonic genes made it so he had an infinite supply of energy.

She was exhausted. Inuyasha, on the other hand, seemed positively unbothered by the exertion — be it from moving furniture around, be it from the R rated bath they took after to celebrate.

Kagome turned off the lights and joined him on the bed, where she was welcomed with a chast, sweet kiss. They had to be careful. The smallest of touches, the simpler of looks could reignite a blaze they knew Kagome was too tired to put out.

At that moment, she wanted nothing more than to be cuddled and Inuyasha could instinctively tell. There was a point — and neither Kagome nor Inuyasha were able to put the finger on the exact second it happened — when her needs became as clear and as important to him as his own.

He pulled away ever so gently, surprisingly faking a yawn and turning his back to her, hogging the blanket in the process.

“Good night.”

Her lips hung agape, still tingling from the touch and paralyzed in confusion.

Kagome blinked fast, recovering even faster.

“Oh,” she snorted, “so this is how it’s gonna be.” Partially retrieving the covers and tucking herself in, her back strategically turned to Inuyasha. Two could play this game. “Fine. Suit yourself.”

“What?” He asked, feigning ignorance. “Did ya want somethin’?”

She could practically hear his infuriating grin, picture with astonishing accuracy the little fang stubbornly poking out.

Hell would freeze over, though, before Kagome gave him the satisfaction of begging for it. There had been plenty of begging during their bath already and she refusedto indulge his sadistic habit of making her thrash and plead for something they bothwanted, only to give it to her anyway.

That she had done just that not much earlier was irrelevant.

This was a battle of wills.

And she had every intention to come out victorious.

“You’re the worst.”

Pretending nonchalance, Kagome waited. 

Then waited.

And waited.

Inuyasha didn’t budge an inch. So she did.

Knowing he wouldn’t resist physical contact, Kagome moved backwards. Closer. Carefully. Slowly. In what she was confident to be a subtle, elusive advance, hoping to try and ask with her body what she refused to demand out loud.

In retaliation, Inuyasha caught one of the many, many pillows at his disposal and deliberately set it between them.

“What are you doing?!” Kagome half chuckled, half exclaimed and completely amused that he was onto her. And rather quickly. People used to say she is an open book and perhaps that’s true. Or perhaps Inuyasha is the most avid reader she has ever met.

“Tryin’ to sleep,” was his answer. Kagome wasn’t having it. Unceremoniously and unapologetically, she grabbed the offending pillow that separated them and tossed it to the other side of the bedroom. Without a word, she resumed her previous position, feeling like she had won that round.

Inuyasha took another pillow and simply replaced the one she had discarded.

That was it.


Before he could properly nestle it between their bodies, Kagome stole the pillow away to hit him with it. Repeatedly. He broke into a fit of laughter, not an uncommon occurrence when it was at her temper’s expense.

“Alright, alright,” Inuyasha surrendered, lowering the toned forearms that shielded him from her fury to regain the pillow, tossing it aside and pulling Kagome to him in a swift moviment, her back perfectly molding to his chest. He sneaked his arm under her shirt — a compromise he made so he could see Kagome in his abnormally large clothes without having to fully give up the enjoyments of her naked skin — and wrapped it tightly around her waist. “That’s what you wanted?” He breathed in her ear, forging a trail of kisses from her neck to her shoulder.

Kagome let out a satisfied sigh, her sleepy mind hoping that it’d be enough of a confirmation. Their legs tangled up on their own accord and her eyelids closed, at last.

“Sweet dreams,” he wished.

But she was already living in one.

A/N.:hey@inukag-week it’s officially my favorite week of the year! Happy Inukag Week, everybody! Today’s prompt is “domestic” and it coincided with Valentine’s Day here in Brazil, so I went extra fluffy there.

Speaking of Brazil, those of you who watched Big Brother Brasil this year have probably caught the “pillow fight” reference I threw in there. Don’t judge me. I’m only human.

Last but not least @lostinfantasyworlds I can’t believe I missed your birthday. Here, have a very short, very belated and yet full of love birthday gift dedicated to you. Hope I can offer you something juicer next year.
