#dominate shownu



[GENRE]: fluff

[WARNINGS]: Please make sure to pay attention to warnings in each chapter.

[A/N]: My first full series! I’m not sure just how many chapters it will have at this point, but it will be fruitful. Also, I’m sorry it isn’t amazing. I am a new writer but I will definitely try my best on this. Written in y/n point of view.

Chapter One:

Shownu quirked his eye at you trying to piece your thoughts together. He couldn’t imagine what you’re thinking right now. All he wanted to do was help or provide some kind of comfort to you. He could only just kept watching as you paced your livingroom carpet back and forth. Wondering what was wrong. He thought eventually you’d make a burn in your tracks like they do in the cartoons. 

“Okay, that’s it” His shout caused you to stop dead in your tracks. Standing in place waiting for him to break the silence.

I can’t watch you just walk back and forth like a mad man all day. It’s not good for your sanity. Can you please tell me what happened today and why you’re doing.. this? “ He finished, gesturing around the area you were just pacing around.

You just stared at him with a blank expression on your face. You didn’t know what to tell him, how to explain, or just simply couldn’t, yet you wanted to so badly. Looking at his stern and slightly worried expression memories came fluttering in your mind.

 From grade eight and onward, you two have been practically joined by the hip. Becoming friends when randomly sat next to each other on the first day of school.

Now you’re a 25-year-old art school graduate. He’s a 27-year-old accounting major. Sometimes you laugh how widely different you two are, and yet you two are so compatible it’s almost scary.

You became so attached to him, and he became just as attached to you. You loved him so much and were so thankful for his friendship. That’s why you’re thankful he rushed over when you called him out of the blue, you couldn’t hide it anymore and heneeded to know.


He was thankful you finally spoke and replied with a simple “Hmm?”.

But then he noticed the tears welling in your eyes, something was very wrong.

Standing up from your sofa, he walked over to you and placed a gentle hand on your shoulder. In his softest tone, he let you know he was there for you. To which you returned a smile.

I have a confession…” You looked down to break eye contact with him and sighed.

About five months ago the animating company I worked for suddenly sold the rights over to our competitors and so lots of people lost their jobs. Including me. Since then I have been trying so hard to find another job. I’m sorry I didn’t tell you, I didn’t want to worry you. I thought I would have a new job by now. My commissions aren’t doing much anymore and I’m all out of any savings I did have.. I don’t know what to do Nunu.” You hadn’t noticed the tears streaming down your face. Shownu just stared at you while he was pulling all the information together in his head.

He realized this means for the past five months you’ve been struggling.

Probably not eating as well as you should have been and financially, as well as mentally, struggling.

He knew the rent in your apartment was high as your old job was overly decent pay. You were probably months behind on the rent, but knowing how stubborn you are, you’d never admit it.

He wiped your tears from your face and just looked at you with furrowed brows.

Sometimes, you frustrate me so much.” He breathed out, though it nearly sounded loving.

Dumbfounded, you just stood there. Watching as he broke away from you. You weren’t sure what he meant until you watched him walk towards your hallway making a beeline straight to your bedroom door.

Hey! Shownu.. what are you doing?” You tried yelling for him again but he just silently disappeared away into your room, you now following close behind.

You studied him opening and closing different clothing drawers, grabbing handfuls of mix colored clothing and throwing them on your bed. Then he went to your closet, doing the same. Shortly after he reached for your luggage and started stuffing them.

W-what are you doing...” You softly spoke, barely recognizing your own voice.

You just looked at him while he was practically throwing your entire wardrobe in luggage, followed by your necessities. Until the two hard shell cases couldn’t fit anything else.

Wonho and I will come to get the rest later. In the meantime, we have a spare bedroom and that’s where you’ll be staying. When we get all your things you can have the entire basement. It’s like its own apartment, you’ve seen it.

He sounded so firm and was still messing with the luggage, zipping them up and shuffling them about.


You’re not allowed to refuse y/n.” Shownu interrupted.

Where do you think you’ll go? You obviously can’t afford this place anymore. Just stop, let me help you. For once, stop trying to act like you’re okay when it’s fucking obvious that you aren’t. Come on grab this and let’s go.” He shoved the handle at you, which you took and followed him to the door.

“I can’t live with you rent-free. How much do you want? I don't’ have much but-

He cut you off again, “I don’t want anything.

Shownu isn’t dumb by any means though, and he knows you’ll insist on paying him and if he refused you would just transfer the money into his account or slide it into his wallet. Especially since his place was significantly more lavish than yours, he knows you’ll just insist more.

Just…You know I live with six other guys. So we could use a girl’s touch. It’d be nice. So it’s your job to keep the place tidy at all times, occasionally make us breakfast or lunch, or something. You’d be like our maid.” He kind of giggled.

Shownu was always shy when it came to things like this, speaking his feelings. He wasn’t good at expressing his emotions and you thought you saw a faint blush spread across his cheeks as well.

The drive to his house was in comfortable silence. You were drowning in thoughts of how it would be living with seven men. Not sure what exactly to expect, but you were kind of excited.

Kind of was an understatement. Flashes of his decor came flooding into your mind. Your place, well old place, was nice. Sure, but his place was amazing.
