#monsta x fanfic


2019 has been a pretty sucky year i must say. we lost sulli, woojin left stray kids 2 days ago and now wonho left monsta x. it’s hard because i need to try and put myself in their shoes instead of being selfish and being frustrated for what they have done~ but they all have been worked too much and they need a break. and i will gladly continue to support first and foremost monsta x as they are my ult group but also stray kids and f(x). i hope you all will too. we can make it through these hard times if we stick together <3

has a fanfic ever seemed too real to you?? like it effects everything you do in your life because it feels so real?? maybe it’s just me.



Summary:Changkyun has been in love with you for as long as he can remember, and he’s determined to make you finally stop looking at him as your little brother’s best friend and see him as a man. This is a story of love, scheming, and hijinks with the help of Changkyun’s friend and a bad date known as the Hannibal.

Pairing:College student! Changkyun x Noona reader

Genre:Crack, fluff, romance, smut, slow burn

Word Count: 19.5K (I really outdid myself this time)

Warnings: unprotected sex, fingering, public sex

A/N:This is dedicated to @mzpandylu because I just love making you suffer with me over this brat.

   Changkyun has always been too smart for his own good. For as long as he can remember he’s been able to weasel his way out of all possible consequences for his varying shenanigans. One might think that now, as an adult, he’d finally outgrown this. But honestly, Changkyun isn’t sure if ‘adult’ is an apt description for him when he’s still living in dorms and barely holding down a work-study job. He’s honestly not sure how the lab hasn’t caught on to the fact that he sometimes makes acid that he’s turned a profit on occasionally. But that’s neither here nor there. No the main reason why Changkyun doesn’t feel like he’s really an adult yet isn’t because he’s still in school, or because he isn’t really living on his own yet. No the real reason why he doesn’t feel like an adult is because you don’t see him as one. A fact that perpetually insults and aggravates him.

   There are some facts he’s just accepted, no matter how much it annoys him. He can admit now that his parents and you will always see him as a snot-nosed brat. The former he can accept easily, it’s the latter that makes him feel the rage of a thousand suns. Not that suns have sentient feelings, but Changkyun’s rather fond of the whimsical folly in such an absurd statement.

Keep reading

I love everything about this. The characterization and details are amazing! This is my favorite portrayal of both Changkyun and the college au trope. I’m definitely reading this again.

Question, would you like it better if I wrote my bogwitch x peasant boy fic of Minhyuk in third person or second person?? Just curious considering I haven’t tried that out in writing yet and I would like to see what you guys think



Part 1 // Part 2

A/N: IMPORTANT!! READ AT YOUR OWN RISK. I say this with full sincerity because I sorta accidentally left this on a cliffhanger. I may very well write a part 3 (I currently have a vague idea where this would go), but I don’t want to promise it and have anxiety. So. Yeah. At your own risk, friend.

Keep reading



Part 1 // Part 2

A/N: IMPORTANT!! READ AT YOUR OWN RISK. I say this with full sincerity because I sorta accidentally left this on a cliffhanger. I may very well write a part 3 (I currently have a vague idea where this would go), but I don’t want to promise it and have anxiety. So. Yeah. At your own risk, friend.

Dark red, high gloss liquid lingers on the tip of the brush, and you swipe it across your toenail in an even coat. Two more swipes and you’ve finished with your big toe. You got just a bit on your skin, a byproduct of being too hasty, and you grab for the paper towel and bottle of clear liquid on your night stand.

You pause in your actions when you hear a small knock on your window. You remember a time when such a sound would have freaked you out, or at the very least surprised you. But now it was so very common.

You glance up to see a deadly attractive boy perched outside your window. He flashes you a charismatic smile, displaying canines that were slightly longer, slightly sharper than the average humans.

You go back to painting your nails, barely acknowledging the vampire as he lifts the window and lets himself in.

Concentrating on getting the spot off your skin, Wonho plops down on your bed, grabbing the bottle before it can tip over and spill out.

“Oh nooo she’s painting her nails with the instruments of death!” He exclaims in mock fear, chuckling at his own joke.

You start to paint your smaller toes. “Laugh it up but if that polish remover got in your eye you’d feel like you were dying.”

“Yeesh,” he grimaces, sitting the bottle back down on the nightstand with a weary eye. You can’t help but laugh this time.

“You know,” you muse, “I could make a pretty good vampire slayer; I obviously have all the right tools.”

He seems mildly annoyed by the subject. “Calm down there, Buffy. You wouldn’t want to be a vampire hunter. You’re way too smart to be employed by that cult of idiots.”

“I said slayer, not hunter. I don’t need to hunt vampires; they crash into my room willingly for pedicures and late night snacks.”

“Touche,” he grins, the annoyance leaving his voice.

Then it hits you, and you pause mid pinky toe to look up at him. “Wait, employed? Cult? There are actual vampire hunters?”

His eyes shoot up to yours. There’s tension in his body that wasn’t there before, but you barely register it.

Your eyes get big with wonder, quickly recapping the nail polish bottle and setting it aside. “And there’s employment opportunities?! How much do you think–”

You’re smacked in the face with a pillow.

When your vision is unobstructed again, the serious face Wonho is sporting–coupled with the fact that this dangerous vampire took his annoyance out on you by throwing a pillow–has you guffawing.

Faster than your human brain can process the movements, he’s diving at you, tackling you backward onto the bed.

If it’s meant to scare you, it doesn’t work, as you just laugh harder.

“Excuse me! Hello! I am a terrifying vampire!” He demands above you, eyebrows pinching together in an attempt to look menacing.

Perhaps if you hadn’t known him, it would have frightened you. As it were, this is the same boy who has been coming over for weeks, insisting on climbing through the window instead of using the door because “it makes me look more boss”. The same boy who, more often than not, came in with arms full of snacks and food because “I get to eat, it’s only fair that you do too.” The same boy who always tucked you into bed after you let him feed on you, propping the pillows up just so, and making sure the blanket was secure around you because “why is it weird that I don’t want you getting cold–stop looking at me like that.”

Oh yes, he was terrifying. But not because he was a vampire, but because you knew you were falling for him.

You clamp your mouth shut trying to stifle your laugh, but tears gleam in your eyes from the effort and you don’t trust your voice. So you just nod emphatically.

He raises a cocky brow, “so you’re terrified?”

Again you nod, biting back your smile.

“That’s more like it. You’re lucky because I was going to eat you.”

Oh no,” you stretch your neck, hastily moving your hair out of the way, exposing the tender skin to him, “that would just be awful.”

He groans at the sight, his pupils dilating.

Wonho bends his head down, his nose running the length of your neck, inhaling as he goes.

You shiver, your body eagerly awaiting the bliss of being bitten.

“You smell incredible…”

“Glad to know your dinner smells appetizing,” you barely manage to get out, closing your eyes at the sensation of his breath on your skin.

“No I mean,” he lifts his head, looking at you now, his eyes scanning your features, “you smell really lovely. Did you get a new body wash?”

Your eyes pop open and you turn to meet his gaze. “…um, yeah, I did actually.”

For a moment he looks almost embarrassed. “Oh,” he says, as if he’s just as surprised by his observation as you are that he pointed it out. “Oh well it’s lovely.”

“So I’ve heard…from you.”

He laughs nervously, “yeah, duh, I already said that.” He rubs the back of his neck, clearing his throat.

He pulls away from you, sitting back on his heels. You take the opportunity to sit back up.

“You alright?” You finally ask when he doesn’t say anything.

“Go out with me,” he blurts out in a whoosh of words.

Your jaw unhinges. “I, wait, what?”

He shakes his head, laughing at himself, then looks down at his lap. “Let me take you out.”

“Out?” You ask lamely.

He laughs again, looking back up at you. “Yes out. Like outside. Like going somewhere. Like–”

“Like a date?”

He bites his bottom lip and it’s so incredibly attractive you almost lose focus on the conversation.

“Like a date,” he confirms.

You can’t help the smile that blooms on your face, especially when his eyes light up gleefully at the sight.

“Ok,” you nod, “let’s go on a date.”


You put in your earring, then lean back in your vanity chair to appraise your appearance. You smile at your reflection as you remember who you’re getting all dolled up for and why. The butterflies that begin to assault your belly have obviously just remembered as well.

You’re not left with your thoughts for long, because right on time, there’s a knock on your front door.

You nearly laugh out loud at this fact. He always comes through the window. But you guess he thinks a date is worthy of a good, old fashioned, front door entrance.

Taking a deep breath, you open the door to reveal an impeccably dressed Wonho. Slim fitted, white button down, rolled up at the sleeves, left little to the imagination of this boy’s physique. You watched as that well toned chest heaved a breath, causing you to remember yourself. Your eyes shoot up to his.

But he was busy taking you in, as well. He expels the air he had just sucked in.

“You look amazing,” he says with utter sincerity.

You chuckle nervously, his comment affecting you more than you would wish. “Yes, well, it’s amazing the difference a little effort and some actual clothes can make. Have you ever seen me in anything other than my pajamas?”

“I don’t suppose I have, but I think you look beautiful either way.”

There’s silence for a beat where you stare at him for a moment too long. You clear your throat and try to gain control of your rapidly beating heart.

Trying to ease the sudden tension, your mind searches for anything to say to change the subject. You opt for poking fun at him, which is really your default.

“So, what, no flowers?” You raise an eyebrow at him in reproval.

It takes him half a second to register what you said; then his eyes fall to his empty hands as if they were the culprits who betrayed him. Glancing back up at you he looks mildly panicked and you immediately feel bad for teasing him.

Just as you’re about to tell him you’re joking, his eyes light up, a smile spreading on his face. He points to himself.

Your brows furrow in confusion. So he circles the finger around his face. “Me. I’m the flower.”

A laugh bursts from your lips.

The look on his face morphs into one of excited surprise. “And look you got me a flower too!”

With those words, he cups your cheek, effectively cutting off your laugh. You feel a blush rising up, so you swat his hand off before he can feel the tell-tale heat on your face caused by his cheesy words.

“What a dork. I thought vampires were supposed to be smooth,” you retort.

“Haha! Please! You couldn’t handle me if I put on my–” he pauses, lifting an arm up to lean on the threshold of your door “–full charm.” He leans in, giving you a wink coupled with a cocky grin.

He’s so close, you get a whiff of his cologne and you swear it makes your head spin.

You lean in too, until you’re inches from his delicious looking lips. You glance down at them; slowly his grin leaves, his expression changing at your proximity.

“You’re right,” you whisper, “I can’t handle you.”

And with that you give a quick jab to his gut, causing him to bend at the waist with a grunt as you quickly take a step back to give you both some breathing room.

“You’re mean,” he says simply before righting himself, leveling you with a look.

“I get that way when I’m hungry. Let’s roll, date!” You smile widely at him, pointing a finger out.

He just shakes his head, laughing. He grabs your outstretched hand bringing it down, then pulls you along.

He doesn’t let go of your hand and your mind doesn’t let go of that fact.


The strong breeze whips your hair behind you as the two of you stroll beside the river. There is an electrical charge in the air that could only be felt before an impending storm, but you can’t bring yourself to be worried because there is a current running through your veins that has nothing to do with the weather.

And a lot to do with the boy walking next to you.

Wonho looks over at you with a smile as you’re laughter fills the air, brought on by one of his stories of adjusting to the vampire life. Which, as it turned out, is very comical.

“What else would you like to know?”

“Hmmm…” you tap your chin in thought. There is something you are very curious about.

“You mentioned before about being part of a clan?” You ask. He cuts his eyes your way and nods hesitantly. “Could you tell me about them? Am I going to get to meet them?”

He stretches his neck, rubbing the back of it to get rid of the tension that has just settled there, trying to look nonchalant as he answers.

“I’m surprised you remember that,” he laughs, “you were pretty blissed out if I remember that night correctly. That was the night I met you, the night of my change.”

“Oh! Are you going to tell me about the change?” You ask excitedly, momentarily forgetting about your previous question.

He smiles at your excitement, then straightens up looking very serious. He waves a hand in front of both of you, as if he’s about to paint a visual with his words.

In a foreboding tone, he begins, “Picture it. It was a dark and stormy night when–”

He’s cut off from his story when you punch him in his arm.

“Ow!” He shouts, but he’s laughing, “what was that for?”

“For starters, that is so cliche,” you say. “Secondly, what do you mean it was a ‘dark and stormy night’?”

“…that it was storming and also dark?” He questions.

“No it wasn’t. I was there, remember? There was zero storming. And also, isn’t ‘dark night’ a bit redundant? How can a night be anything but dark? I mean, this is opposed to what? A sunny night? Dumb.”

“You harshly critique my story,” he puts a hand on his chest. “My heart…it’s wounded…”

Your eyes light up at the thought of another question. “Oh! Another thing! Do you even have a heart?”

“That is rather offensive,” he deadpans.

“Oh come on, you know what I mean!” You quickly backtrack.

He eyes you up and down with amusement, “you sure are nosey about the vampire gig, aren’t you?”

“You were the one who asked if there was anything else I wanted to know…” you trail off feeling a bit embarrassed by your own curiosity.

“Yeah, but I thought I’d get questions like ‘what pizza toppings do you like’ or ‘what’s your favorite color’.”

“Ok then,” you concede, “what’s your favorite color?”

“Black…like my soul,” he says dramatically, ending with a “MUAHAHAHAHA”.

“AHA! So you do have a heart!” You leap up with a triumphant whoop. “It’s about time you finally answered one of my questions!”

He laughs, but it sounds forced, “What? Why would I be dodging questions—oh look we’re here!”

Your curiosity is momentarily derailed when you see the layout before you. Next to the river’s edge, a plaid blanket covered the ground, and atop it sat a picnic basket. The smells hit your nose before you even hit the blanket, and you swear you have to keep yourself from drooling.

“This is for us?” You ask. He nods, hesitantly trying to gauge your reaction to the unconventional dinner.

“Wonho…this is…this is amazing,” you say, getting teary eyed as you sit.

Noticing this, he quickly sits next to you, pulling you into his arms. “Hey hey, what’s wrong?”

“Nothing. It’s just…this is so sweet…” you trail off, taking in the scene. “It reminds me of my parents. We used to have picnics by the river when I was growing up. With work and everything, it’s been a long time since I’ve seen them. I guess I didn’t realize how much I miss them.”

“Perhaps you should visit them soon,” he says, continuing to hug you close. “Family is important.” The conviction in his voice at his last statement gives you momentary pause. You know there’s more behind those three words to him than he’s saying. But you know better than to push it.

“You’re absolutely right,” you say, matching his conviction.  


After the delicious dinner, he vows to take you out for ice cream “like a real gentleman should”.

Fortunately, there was a ice cream shop nearby. Unfortunately it was in the mall that was always packed on the weekends.

The two of you walk in, bumping shoulders with a few people to get properly into the little parlour situated in the food court.

He looks over the crowd with a weary eye. “I should have maybe planned this better. Want to bail and go get coffee or something?”

You think about it, but, “nah, the wait shouldn’t be that long, I think most people are just hanging out. And besides, what about coffee says ‘real gentleman’? No no, proper etiquette calls for ice cream.”

He laughs, “you’re so right, what was I thinking? Why don’t you start picking out a flavor while I head to the restroom.”

You nod, thankful for the time to decide. You scan the selection behind the glass counter, tapping a finger to your lip in thought.

You’re so absorbed with reading the labels that you don’t notice the guy breaking away from the crowd to approach you, eyeing you with interest.  

“There’s too many to choose from…” you mumble to yourself.

“That’s why you go big and get the three scoop. It seems excessive, but really there’s no such thing as too much ice cream,” he says when he reaches you, leaning a shoulder casually against the glass display.

You startle, realizing that the new arrival is addressing you. You look up at the boy who is smiling down at you. He’s trying to be subtle about it, but you can see his eyes roving, checking you out.

You blink at him. “There is if you’re lactose intolerant.”

His smile drops. “Um, yeah, I guess…I guess that’s true.”

“Sad but true.”

“Really a shame.”

“Truly tragic.”

“Are you always this chatty?”

“Only when I put forth effort.”

He sighs, dropping his shoulders, “I’m going to go out on a limb here and say I’m barking up the wrong tree.”

“I’m confused. In this scenario are you on the tree’s limb or barking up it’s trunk?”

His mouth pops open, then it morphs into a pout. “You’re mean.”

“Surprisingly, you’re not the first person to tell me that today.”

“…I’m not sure what part of that is supposed to surprise me.”

Ignoring that comment, you continue, “admittedly, this time it was unintentional. You’re cute, but I’m here with someone.” You eye him accusingly, “which I betyou already knew.”

He puts his hands up defensively, “I honestly didn’t; I didn’t see you walk in. I swear I’m not that kind of douchebag.”

You look at the sincerity on his face. Your defenses lower, and you now begin to feel bad for being so cold to him. So, naturally, you make up for it by teasing him. “Then what kind are you?”

“‘Scuse me?”

“You said you weren’t that kind of douchebag, so what kind are you?”

He looks like he’s taking offense, until he catches the smile creep up on your face. You stifle a laugh. He can’t contain his. And when he laughs, you notice the most adorable dimples on his face. He really is cute. Had you not been so enamored with Wonho, you would have definitely given this guy a chance.

His laughter trails off, something behind you has caught his attention.

You turn to see Wonho making his way through the crowd and back toward the counter.

The boy in front of you visibly stiffens, his eyes snapping back to yours.

“Is that the guy you came in with?” he asks with an edge of aggression that wasn’t there before.

“Um…yes…?” you tilt the end of the sentence in a question. His severe reaction to Wonho has knocked you off kilter.

“I don’t want to scare you, but you’re in danger. Come with me, I’ll get you out of here,” he grabs for your arm and begins to pull you away.

You’re so shocked, he’s dragged you several feet into the crowd before you come to your senses, jerking your arm causing him to halt.

“I don’t think so, dimples,” You scoff, incredulous of his audacity.

“Look, I’m going to need you to trust me. I’ll explain everything once we get you away from him.”

“You have 3 seconds to let go of me before I start screaming ‘stranger danger’,” you say in a flat voice, conveying how serious you were.

He’s breathing heavy through his nostrils, clearly trying to contain his annoyance. “Why do women have to be so stubborn?”

You choke out a laugh, “why do men have to be so unrelenting in their futile pursuits?”

He grinds his teeth in irritation.

“I’m not…this isn't…” he takes a breath, “this is not me trying to pick you up. I’m not that desperate, thank you. You’re boyfriend is a dangerous man.”

“A danger to your ego maybe,” you shoot back.

He cautions a quick glance at Wonho, who appears to be searching for you. “I don’t have time for this.”

With a frustrated grunt, he drops your arm. “You know what? Your problem, your funeral.”

And with that he turns around and disappears into the crowd.

You stand there momentarily stunned, trying to make sense of such a weird encounter.

A hand lands on the small of your back and you let out a surprised squeak.

Wonho laughs at your side. You didn’t even realize he’d walked up. “Jumpy? And here I thought you weren’t afraid of anything.”

You give yourself a mental shake, and try a smile. You’re not certain you succeed. “Psh, me? I’m afraid of a lot of things. Like how much jail time I would serve if I had to hurt some stranger for touching me. Luckily it was just you.”

Just me? I’m wounded!” He says in mock offense.

“Don’t you have, like, magical healing or something?”

“Perhaps, but ice cream will expedite the process,” he grins broadly at you.

You smile back, “you aren’t wrong.”

And just as quickly as Mr. Dimples had shaken you up, Wonho has put you at ease.


You can’t help the smile on your face as you walk up to your door with Wonho.

He looks down, scuffing his feet, swinging his shoulders in mock shyness. “I had a really great time tonight,” he says, punctuating the statement with a falsetto giggle.

You laugh at his antics, pushing his arm gently, “you are such a dork.”

He laughs too, looking up at you so that you’re able to enjoy the full effect of his beautiful smile. “I’m serious though, I really did have a great night.”

You paste on your best sultry look, which apparently isn’t very convincing, if his barely contained grin is any indicator. You run your hand up his chest to his shoulder, stopping at the nape of his neck. The humor in his eyes changes to surprise.

“There’s no reason it has to end now,” you say in an attempted smokey voice. “Hows about a little night cap, yeah?” You tap at your neck.

He cocks an eyebrow, leaning into you. “Why, _______, how indecent of you.”

You open your mouth to rebut but he silences you with a finger to your lip. “That is definitely a great idea. I’ll go get some snacks, you go get comfy and pull up Dramafever.”

And with excitement in his eyes, he kisses your forehead, lingering momentarily before pulling away and dashing down the hall.

“Don’t forget the Pocky sticks!” You yell after him. He waves an arm in acknowledgement without slowing down.

You make your way inside, heading straight to your room to exchange your date outfit for your pajamas. You reach to turn on your bedside lamp when the sound of the window opening has you turning.

“There is no way you got my pocky sticks that fast,” you say to Wonho as he straightens up.

That’s when you realize it’s not Wonho at all. It’s the boy from the mall. He seems just as shocked to see you as you are to see him. But you don’t take the time to analyze that.

You quickly grab the bedside lamp and throw it towards him. He puts his arms up to brace for the impact but there was no need. You didn’t think about the fact that the lamp was plugged in; and the cord had the lamp landing lamely several feet from your intruder.

You growl in frustration, “I have got to start keeping better weapons in this room!”

You turn to run, but he’s quickly there grabbing you, stopping your retreat. And before you can let loose a scream, he clamps a hand over your mouth.

You whimper, fear pumping through your veins.

“Calm down, calm down. I’m not going to hurt you. I just didn’t want you running off. If I let you go, will you let me explain? Please?” He asks.

You nod emphatically.

He sighs. “You’re going to bolt as soon as I let you go, aren’t you?”

You shake your head no, as convincingly as you can with a hand over your mouth and an arm holding you immobile.

He throws you on the bed, then darts to block your door. He’s effectively trapped you in before you even have a chance to right yourself.

“You ok?” He asks from where he’s now stationed.

“Are you—are you seriously asking me that right now?” You ask as you stand from the bed.

“….good point. Ok. Look, I didn’t mean to scare you. Honestly I didn’t think I’d even find you in here alive. I was worried I’d be too late.”

“Dude you are seriously off your rocker. You’re crazy.”

“No, I’m a hunter. Which admittedly is a bit close some days.”

“A hunter?” You ask. Then realization dawns on you.

“Yes, and I can protect you. But I need for you to…”

“Um no thanks. I’m solid,” you interrupt.

He lets out a sad sigh, as if he’s about to break some devastating news to you.

“I hate to be the one to tell you this, but you’re little boyfriend, he’s—

“A vampire,” you say.

“—a vampire, and—oh. You already know.”


“Well this is different.”

“Sorry to steal your thunder.”

“Yeah, that’s usually the big reveal. I’ll live, though. Now I’m just hoping you do.”

“What’s that supposed—“

“You human?”

“Yes, most definitely. I was actually going to see if you guys were hiring. I can get Wonho here for you to…do whatever it is you do with vampires. Just let me go grab my phone.” You knew you needed to text Wonho a warning, but you couldn’t think of anything to say that wouldn’t have him rushing here anyways.

Sadly, that struggle was moot because Dimples wasn’t falling for it. As you move towards the door, he angles his body to block you in more effectively.

“No need, he’s already here.”

In horror, you turn to face the window that is now filled up by a familiar form. He’s so focused on getting the bags of snacks over the sill, he hasn’t even looked up to see your uninvited guest.

You go to run to him, but the boy grabs your arm, pulling you back to him. That doesn’t stop you from screaming though.

“Wonho run!”

Wonho drops the bags, whipping his head up, finally taking in the scene. His eyes go wide.


“Hello, brother.”


Told you it was a cliffy. You totally should have listened to me. To be honest, I’m glad you didn’t listen to me, I wanted you to read it. It’s sorta why I wrote it.

Anyways! Hope you enjoyed this chapter! If you did, I’d kill for some feedback, it fuels me. Thanks for reading!!



You we’re waking up from a perfect night of sleep. Still sinking into your sheets as if you were glued to them. The crisp, cold morning air coming through your slightly open window hitting your face. Stalked by yolk colored sunshine peering in, practically painting your room and sheets.

As you lay there fuzzy headed and lazy eyed you hear silent groaning beside you. Turning your head you see sleepy Minhyuk awaking from his slumber.

The morning sunrise perfectly hitting his skin, making it glow even more. Pouty swollen lips and light blue messy hair stuck to his forehead.

As he slowly peels his eyes open and gives you the same warm loving smile that you’re greeted with every morning.

goodmorning mrs. lee” He whispers.

You slowly caress his face and peck his strawberry sented lips. smiling at your newly found last name.

good morning mr. lee

New MX blog ♡

I’m not really that new, I’ve had a tumblr before but I just got this one! I used to not be that active, but I want to change that!

I may write some fics here and there, although I’m not very good. They’ll be for me mostly but I hope other Monbebe will enjoy them as well

some about me :

  • I’m 21 as of July 2019 ♡
  • she/her
  • I’ve been a monbebe since 2017
  • I’m a minhyuk ult
  • I love every single member so so much
  • monsta x are my ult of all ults & so is minnie!
  • my favorite color is pink and I love soft things
  • but I’m secretly not soft at all and I made this tumblr to basically vent out my hard stan side

I really hope to also make some friends while here !

- minsgirl

(I haven’t thought of a name to give myself here since I don’t want to expose my identity, so just minsgirl for now ♡)



Baby quit.”

Minhyuk laughs and brushes you off. As much as he wants to goof off with you he needed to finish editing his clients’ paper by tonight. Although you sense a challenge and decided to keep testing him.

“But I’m bored!“ you exclaimed while strategically throwing your hand up just to have it land dangerously close to his member, and you pause to see his reaction. He knew you wanted to antagonize him so that he would throw a fit and show reactions, so he was keeping his best poker face on That is until you kept inching closer. Minhyuk gripped your wrist quickly and cocked an eyebrow at you.

“You know what you’re doing to daddy, baby. Quit being a brat.” This time he sounded much more stern, that’s when you realized his growing length.

His voice has always sounded so sweet and smooth, especially when he was stern with you and that’s what turned you on the most. That’s why you were always a brat with him, you liked it. You needed it. You craved his discipline. How firm but gentle his touch was. How he made you cum and beg for more. Like many times before you makes you weak by just shooting you a look. And just like then you could now feel the familiar wet growing in your panties.

Naturally, you kept being your bratty self until you found yourself laying across his lap. His left hand gripping your waist and his right one delivering smacks straight to your ass. Each one slowly getting harder and more intense. 




“I’m sorry, what was that? Does daddy need to start all over again?”

He slaps harder and grips the red area showing on your cheek.

Seven!” You screamed out earning a loud grunt from him followed by him rubbing your stinging ass.

“You’re being such a good girl for me princess.” He praises you while he slowly pushes your panties to the side and teases your sensitive area with his index finger. Sliding back and forth between your clit and your throbbing hole.

“Already so wet for daddy?” You could practically hear the smirk in his voice.

Up.” He commands to which you follow and stand up and turn around facing him. He pats his lap making you sit and straddle his lap.

You sit on his lap like its your throne. You’ve been in this position many times before and you know you’re in for one hell of a night. Your senses are heightened, your breath getting more hinged. You feel like each touch went straight to your core, but you’ve barley even been touched. Your knees digging into the soft leather couch compared to the hardness you felt from his cock between your thighs rubbing into your heat. He pulls you into a sweet kiss. Granting him access to your mouth, his kisses are intoxicating and they always make you feel drunk and worn out. If you were standing right now you could swear your knees would give out.

Minhyuk pulls away from your swollen lips and moves onto your neck. Leaving kitten sized bites and leaving a trail of kisses behind him. He devours you as he knows best. A small whimper leaves your mouth and he brings his hand up and grips your throat. Squeezing just tight enough, just like you like it. Then leaning his head down and biting your rosebuds between his teeth and delivering a kiss afterwards to both of your breasts as if apologizing for being so rough with them. Making them so raw and making your mind fuzzy. Eliciting more soft moans to leak from your throat. He bites his way back up, making you tender and your pussy throb. He lifts his head up off your body to take you in and examines you.

“You look so good like this babygirl. All spread out across me looking so fucked out when I’ve barely even touched you.” Rubbing his hands over the love marks he put on you. He starts slowly sliding his hand from your neck up until his fingers reach your mouth opening for him earning more praise as you diligently wet them as if it was his length.

Never breaking eye contact with him as he slides his fingers out of your mouth. Making sure each digit is evenly coated in your saliva. Thursting them in and out of your orifice as if he wishes it was his length he was shoving deep down your throat. How he loves feeling you gag and moan around his cock, taking him just right, but this will have to do for now. He removes his hand and puts one finger below you. He moves the cloth covering your heat over and rubs against your clit, carefully circling around the bundle of nerves. Then pressing harder into you and without warning, he slides his finger deep into your core. Causing you to throw your head back at the sudden gratification of being even slightly filled by him. he slowly pumps you and then removes his hand once again leaving you empty, needy, and whiny.

Which he loves.

Soon he has his finger replaced by his throbbing muscle, slowly sliding you down onto his length until you’re taking all of him.

Oh fuck” You moaned out and started moving up and down his length a few times.

Eventually, you pick up your pace until your face is buried into his neck and profanities are spilling from your lips. You’re so close to your release but not if Minhyuk had something to do with it. He grips your hips causing you to come to a halt in your movements, but before you could whine he lifted your thighs up a bit and slammed his self back into your wet cunt.

Repeatedly he rams his cock deep inside of you before sliding back out just to do it again, and again, and again. With each thrust to your needy heat, he gets faster and more aggressive. Filling you up and making moans and screams fall from your lips until the only thing you can think of is his name.

That’s what he likes, your thoughts to be filled with daddy, with Minhyuk, Minhyuk, Minhyuk, Minhyuk. And nothing else.

His name repeatedly flows from you like a symphony as he speaks over it with praises of how tight you are around him and how good you make daddy feelHow much of a slut you are for him and him only. The lewd sounds of skin smacking together and wet filling the apartment again and again, until you’re coming undone around him and he’s spilling into you.

“I love you so, so much.”


[GENRE]: fluff

[WARNINGS]: Please make sure to pay attention to warnings in each chapter.

[A/N]: My first full series! I’m not sure just how many chapters it will have at this point, but it will be fruitful. Also, I’m sorry it isn’t amazing. I am a new writer but I will definitely try my best on this. Written in y/n point of view.

Chapter One:

Shownu quirked his eye at you trying to piece your thoughts together. He couldn’t imagine what you’re thinking right now. All he wanted to do was help or provide some kind of comfort to you. He could only just kept watching as you paced your livingroom carpet back and forth. Wondering what was wrong. He thought eventually you’d make a burn in your tracks like they do in the cartoons. 

“Okay, that’s it” His shout caused you to stop dead in your tracks. Standing in place waiting for him to break the silence.

I can’t watch you just walk back and forth like a mad man all day. It’s not good for your sanity. Can you please tell me what happened today and why you’re doing.. this? “ He finished, gesturing around the area you were just pacing around.

You just stared at him with a blank expression on your face. You didn’t know what to tell him, how to explain, or just simply couldn’t, yet you wanted to so badly. Looking at his stern and slightly worried expression memories came fluttering in your mind.

 From grade eight and onward, you two have been practically joined by the hip. Becoming friends when randomly sat next to each other on the first day of school.

Now you’re a 25-year-old art school graduate. He’s a 27-year-old accounting major. Sometimes you laugh how widely different you two are, and yet you two are so compatible it’s almost scary.

You became so attached to him, and he became just as attached to you. You loved him so much and were so thankful for his friendship. That’s why you’re thankful he rushed over when you called him out of the blue, you couldn’t hide it anymore and heneeded to know.


He was thankful you finally spoke and replied with a simple “Hmm?”.

But then he noticed the tears welling in your eyes, something was very wrong.

Standing up from your sofa, he walked over to you and placed a gentle hand on your shoulder. In his softest tone, he let you know he was there for you. To which you returned a smile.

I have a confession…” You looked down to break eye contact with him and sighed.

About five months ago the animating company I worked for suddenly sold the rights over to our competitors and so lots of people lost their jobs. Including me. Since then I have been trying so hard to find another job. I’m sorry I didn’t tell you, I didn’t want to worry you. I thought I would have a new job by now. My commissions aren’t doing much anymore and I’m all out of any savings I did have.. I don’t know what to do Nunu.” You hadn’t noticed the tears streaming down your face. Shownu just stared at you while he was pulling all the information together in his head.

He realized this means for the past five months you’ve been struggling.

Probably not eating as well as you should have been and financially, as well as mentally, struggling.

He knew the rent in your apartment was high as your old job was overly decent pay. You were probably months behind on the rent, but knowing how stubborn you are, you’d never admit it.

He wiped your tears from your face and just looked at you with furrowed brows.

Sometimes, you frustrate me so much.” He breathed out, though it nearly sounded loving.

Dumbfounded, you just stood there. Watching as he broke away from you. You weren’t sure what he meant until you watched him walk towards your hallway making a beeline straight to your bedroom door.

Hey! Shownu.. what are you doing?” You tried yelling for him again but he just silently disappeared away into your room, you now following close behind.

You studied him opening and closing different clothing drawers, grabbing handfuls of mix colored clothing and throwing them on your bed. Then he went to your closet, doing the same. Shortly after he reached for your luggage and started stuffing them.

W-what are you doing...” You softly spoke, barely recognizing your own voice.

You just looked at him while he was practically throwing your entire wardrobe in luggage, followed by your necessities. Until the two hard shell cases couldn’t fit anything else.

Wonho and I will come to get the rest later. In the meantime, we have a spare bedroom and that’s where you’ll be staying. When we get all your things you can have the entire basement. It’s like its own apartment, you’ve seen it.

He sounded so firm and was still messing with the luggage, zipping them up and shuffling them about.


You’re not allowed to refuse y/n.” Shownu interrupted.

Where do you think you’ll go? You obviously can’t afford this place anymore. Just stop, let me help you. For once, stop trying to act like you’re okay when it’s fucking obvious that you aren’t. Come on grab this and let’s go.” He shoved the handle at you, which you took and followed him to the door.

“I can’t live with you rent-free. How much do you want? I don't’ have much but-

He cut you off again, “I don’t want anything.

Shownu isn’t dumb by any means though, and he knows you’ll insist on paying him and if he refused you would just transfer the money into his account or slide it into his wallet. Especially since his place was significantly more lavish than yours, he knows you’ll just insist more.

Just…You know I live with six other guys. So we could use a girl’s touch. It’d be nice. So it’s your job to keep the place tidy at all times, occasionally make us breakfast or lunch, or something. You’d be like our maid.” He kind of giggled.

Shownu was always shy when it came to things like this, speaking his feelings. He wasn’t good at expressing his emotions and you thought you saw a faint blush spread across his cheeks as well.

The drive to his house was in comfortable silence. You were drowning in thoughts of how it would be living with seven men. Not sure what exactly to expect, but you were kind of excited.

Kind of was an understatement. Flashes of his decor came flooding into your mind. Your place, well old place, was nice. Sure, but his place was amazing.



Keep reading

Y'all my sissy’s so good at this stuff!

Starting a petition for a second part and a series with all of Monsta X!



Pairing:Patient!Shin Hoseok x Psychiatrist!Reader

Rating: R





Status: ON GOING




He was once an excellent doctor. An excellent psychiatrist. Everyone loved him. He was nice, kind, always care for each other, he even got the look. We can say… he was the whole package.

But his glorious days ended in just one night. The night he woke up as a patient in the asylum where he worked, with no memory of why he is there or what he has done.

The atmosphere in the cafeteria today was rather heavy, due to five rebels that were refusing to take their daily drugs. Nurses and doctors, even the guards had to work hand in hand to calm them down— of course, one nurse fell down- literally and her hand was bruised from bumping onto the metal table.

The foods in your tray were left untouched. You were occupied by the thoughts of Minhyuk and Hoseok actually knew each other, but why had Minhyuk never mentioned that fact?

Your eyes darted to the long queue of people waiting for the food to be served onto their trays. Pretty boring sights, but there wasn’t anything to look at aside from that and bunch of people hunched on their table, stuffing themselves with the foods.

“May i sit here?” A voice startled you and made you jumped quite a bit, resulting in your knee bumping onto the metal. “Oh, sorry, did i scare you?” He asked.

“No— yes you can sit here and no, you didn’t really sc—“ you turned around to see who was it. “Scare me, Minhyuk.” Your voice were slowed.

He quickly was adjusting to his own seat, making himself as comfortable as he needed to enjoy the bland dish.

“You look exhausted. Is something up?” He asked, ripping off the plastic that wrapped a perfectly ripped banana.

You curled your lips in and just swirled your spoon lazily.

“You can tell me anything, you know.”

“Actually, something had been bothering me.”

“Something? So it’s not someone? Intetesting. Is it about ghosts? Or just any kind of spirits? Because i heard some experienced some paranormal activities in this institution or is it your pet do— wait, do you even have a pe—“

“You and Hoseok were friends, weren’t you?”

He stopped talking and had his eyes automatically fixed in yours.

“You really were? God. Wow. I can’t believe this. So you’re involved in all these play?” You felt pretty much dumbfounded by the fact you just found.

“No— (y/n), listen.” Minhyuk tried to hold down your hand, looking a bit taken aback.

“You’re actually in a team with Mrs. L—“

He shushed you with his finger glued to his rosy lips, eyes widened. “Yes we were—“

You stood up and left him with his unfinished sentence. At least you already had him confessing that he was indeed friends with Hoseok.

“(Y/n)!” He shouted, but of course you ignored him.

Running as fast as you could to Hoseok’s room, you didn’t care how many eyes were looking at you when you walked passed many corridors. Some even said hi to you, but you just had no time to hi them back. Sorry, but your mind were too focus on Hoseok.

“Open it.” You commanded Hyunwoo.

“You don’t have any session at this t—“

“Fuck my session, i need to get in.”

“But (y/n), i can’t let you in—“

“Hello, (y/n).”

This voice again. This deceiving motherly voice.

“What are you doing here?” She asked. The sound of her heels tapping against the concrete floor was getting closer and closer.

No, i can’t let her know i found out something.

You turned around,pulling the fakest smile you’ve ever shown.

“Hello, Mrs. Lincoln.” Her fingers brushed against your coat, dusting the invisible dusts to ever exists on the fabric.

“Didn’t expect to see you here outside your session.” She smiled. Of course, fake.

“Yes. I just want to have a couple of words with Hoseok. Won’t take long—“

“Mr. Shin is sleeping.” She cut.

Christ. It’s bad.

“Oh, he is?” You pretended like you were crestfallen.

“Yes. I was just there thirty minutes ago. He looked so tired, so i let him to have his rest.”

Twitching on the edge of his lips. She’s lying.

“Oh. Well… too bad then.”

“Yes, too bad.” She nodded. “Why don’t we both go for some air?” She invited.
Without second thoughts, i nodded at her offer and quickly tailed her.

She told a tale of her life on our way down the corridor in her motherly voice, so soothing that could make any orphans mistook her as their own mother. Her steps were slow. The thuds of her heels sent an echo of terror for those who trapped behind the metal cylindrical row of bars. She’d showed off the curve of her malevolent smile.

You were not fascinated by all of her fabricated tragic story of her childhood— well, maybe some of them were true, but you just won’t buy it, thinking that she’d put so much effort into making a terrible terrible stage play in this institution.

“Mrs. Lincoln,” you cut her before she had the chance to continue her story.


“I… really need to go to the bathroom.” Not really, actually. She turned around, looking far behind your back. Probably counting how many corridors had you two been walking through.

“Sure. I’m sorry to kept you with my story.”

“It’s— fine.”

You waited for her to finally be in her office, waited for another soft creaking sound of her chair being pulled out under the desk and as soon as you heard it, you rushed to Hoseok’s room.

Hyunwoo was still there. Well, he always there 24/7. Never leave unless he had to ‘carry’ hoseok to his daily treatment.

“Hyunwoo.” You called, in a soft tone. “Mrs. Lincoln wanted you to be in her office now. She said something about Hoseok’s treatment and—“

He squinted his eyes and doubted you for a second before he let loose his shoulder and nodded.


Wow, that was… pretty easy.

You put in the numbers you memorized when you stole glances everytime Hyunwoo opened the door.

Entering the room in such ease was something. The room was quiet. Hoseok was curling, hugging his own frail pale flesh. He wore one of his broken white uniform, the one who always had stains in some parts, like it had never been washed.

You walked silently, trying as hard not to make any noise— not to wake the man up. Standing right next to his bed, you heard his breathing. He slept in peace and you shouldn’t bother him. Or maybe it’s best to just leave him, in thoughts that Hyunwoo would be back at any second after he realised that you lied to him.
Turning around and walked to the door, you heard a rustling sound from behind. It could be him, switching positions.

“Don’t go.” He said.

You stopped. Turning around slowly to found Hoseok helped himself up from his fetal position.

“You weren’t asleep.” Was the sentence that slipped out of your lips.

“I wasn’t.” He darted his eyes to the corner of the room, where three blue pills were scattered. “I spitted them out.”

You looked at him, perplexed.

“She forced me as usual, but i tried hard not to swallow those when they made me to gulp down the water.”

“You don’t deserved any of these.” You shook your head.

“They think i d—“ He grunted, cutting his own words. His hand quickly traveled to his head pulling his brown strikes from the pain that building up inside him.

“Are you ok— hey?” You brushed up the hair from his forehead and trying to stop him from pulling his own hair, but what you found was something you’ve never expected to see. “Oh, fuck you Mrs. Lincoln.”

Blood is dripping down his temples. He wasn’t curling, sleeping in peace. He was curling, holding the pain.

“What the fuck did she do to you?” You wiped off the blood with your coat as you brushed his hair up to get the clearer view of the bruise.

“Doesn’t matte—“

“It does matter, Hoseok!” You snapped. “She can’t torture you over and over again like this!”

“Maybe i do deserved all these—“

“What are you talking about?”

“Maybe i did kill them— maybe i did skin them— maybe i did—“

“Hoseok, you have lost your mind right now. Listen, you did not do those things they said you do—“

“I did! I did fucking kill them! I did fucking skin them. It was amazing to see them ripped apart!” He laughed out an epiphany that revolves around chaos.

“No— no, i did not kill them, no.” His body trembled, sweats dripping and the wetted fabric of his uniform started to stick onto his skin. “(Y/n), i didn’t kill them, it wasn’t me! Help m— Fuck i did kill them!” He cried out a desperation before it turned into another malicious laugh.

“Hoseok?” He was having a battle inside his brain. Something must be injected. Those pills were only used to trick him.

“(Y/n), help me,” he cried. He begged with his teary eyes, hands grabbing your coat, not wanting to let go of you. “No— i don’t need help. I deserved this, i killed them!”

“Listen, you did not. They used you as a bait. They put you in this position for a reason we do not know yet, but you did not kill him.” You gripped both of his upper arms and tried to make him to only had his focus on you. “We will figure this out together. You did not kill them. You are not a Hoseok they said you are. Understood?” You stared deep into his dozy eyes.

“I did not?”

“No. You did not. Not even touching those bodies.”

“I did not.” He repeated multiple times before his voice slowly changed again, as if some demon had consumed his mind. “I did not, you said?”

He laughed, he stood up, stretched his arms in a swift that it flew off your hands off the grip. He stepped forward, eyes stared deep into your eyes. Blood still dripping down his chin, staining the floor as he walked, cornering you to the desk behind.

“Hoseok…” you looked behind you. It was a dead end. You can’t turned to either your left of right because he now had you caged between his arms. He bowed as those strong arms supported his whole body. Your back arched before you gave up and had your arm bent, supporting your weight with your elbows. “This isn’t you.” You tried to stay calm.

He smirked. It was the worst smirk you’ve ever seen. His eyes contained nothing but anger and retaliation. His hand slowly traveled to your chin, pulling it up just to get your eyes and his on the same level.

“I know myself. It is me.” He caress your cheek as his eyes darted to your lips. “You know nothing about me, baby.” He tilted his head and brought it closer to you until you could feel his heavy breath on your ears and he whispered something which sent chills down your spine.

“Hoseok..” you called in almost sounded like a whisper.

His lips trembled as he formed another smirk and mouthed you a word.
You pushed him back until his back hit the metal of his bed, so hard it would make a loud thudding noise. He bit his lips before he grunted out the stinging pain of his bone feeling snapped into pieces. He sat down on the floor, head leaned on the edge of the bed, arms fell loosely on either of his side.
“This isn’t… you.”

You ran towards the door, eyes teary with a lot going in your mind. You swung the door open, leaving Hoseok to consume his pain alone just to found Mrs. Lincoln, Hyunwoo and Minhyuk stood there, as if they were waiting for you to come out by yourself.

<<PREV | NEXT >>

Hi, guys! I made a fake-chat Monsta X fanfic on twt if you guys want to take a rest from this heavy psychology/thriller story and shift to comedy/romance fic, just head to my twt @sterlingsoup and give it some love xo



gif’s not mine


Pairing:Monsta X x Reader

Rating: 18+ (well, there’ll be some smutty part so… yeah)

Genre:Drama, Comedy (i think??)

Status:One|Two | Three | Four | …


One day, you found out that you were pregnant, but living under one roof with 7 men you’re really close with makes it harder for you to find who’s the father of the tiny bean that is growing inside your womb.

a/n this chapter is a bit serious and all, no humor whatsoever, but hope you guys like it as well and sorry for the delay! xo


Who’s waiting for the next chapter?

monsta x / fake dating


warning:bullet points because it’s the only thing stopping me from writing 7 full-length fics. these are still long, though. lower-case intended.

requested by @sweeticeream​​.



  • frankly, you probably didn’t know hyunwoo well enough to ask him this, but he was the only guy friend you had (even if you only knew him for a little less than 4 months)
  • when you brought the idea of fake-dating up to him, he was very ?? about it
  • why don’t you just date someone (him) for real?
  • you regretted bringing this up as soon as you saw the confusion in his eyes
  • so you went into a whole frenzy, trying to justify your decision to fake-date, all so you wouldn’t come off as crazy as you felt
  • and after you started to explain it more, he got far too lost in the passion in your eyes, so he just said yes
  • sure, he’ll pretend to be your date to this family event in exchange for good food and great company
  • which meant home-made dishes and an endless stream of grandmothers, exclaiming “who’s this handsome young man?!” whenever he walked into the room with you
  • it was a nice ego boost and he got to hold your hand the whole night, which was nice, too (because you had soft skin, that’s all, no other reason whatsoever)

  • you weren’t worried about what would happen once the night ended because your family only got together once every decade
  • but by a stroke of disaster, four of your cousins (some of them twice removed; you’d never even seen them before tonight) announced they were getting married later this year
  • and, of course, they hoped you and hyunwoo would come to the wedding
  • the two of you smiled and nodded and acted in love
  • but as soon as the night ended, you told hyunwoo he didn’t have to come to any other event with you
  • there was only so much food you could bribe him with before you started to feel awful for dragging him here
  • but hyunwoo gave you a look and replied, completely seriously, “i don’t know what you’re talking about, i had a nice time tonight. your family’s great.”
  • that definitely made you feel less terrible when you asked him, “so you wouldn’t mind going to one of those weddings with me as my fake-boyfriend?”
  • you laughed as you said it, trying to make it seem more like a joke than a serious suggestion, so he wouldn’t feel bad about having to turn you down
  • but hyunwoo didn’t feel bad in the slightest when he said, “oh, no. i wouldmind.”
  • so, that was that, then
  • “oh, well, it’s okay. i told you, you don’t have to go with me—”
  • “i want to go with you as your actual boyfriend.”
  • yeah, fuck it. he may not have been able to look at you as he said it, but he didn’t really see a point to fake-date you when really dating you seemed like a much better alternative


  • it was supposed to be mutually beneficial for you both
  • a classic let’s-pretend-to-date-to-make-our-exes-jealous plot
  • and then somewhere along the way, hoseok kind of forgot that this was supposed to be all pretend?
  • he’d keep on holding your hand even when it was just you two in the room
  • or he’d still kiss your cheek when he stood up from the couch to grab something, even though there was no one to prove a point to
  • and okay, at first, you didn’t realize there was anything wrong with that
  • but then you ran into your ex without hoseok around, and he asked, “so where’s your boyfriend?”
  • and you didn’t even care about the envy in his voice as you told him about how much hoseok had been working lately and how you hadn’t gotten to see him a lot
  • and there it was
  • the realization that you really cared more about spending time with hoseok than about making your ex jealous
  • god, it was so awkward bringing this up to hoseok, though
  • “so, hey, do you think it worked?” you asked him that same night once your conversation (sort of) turned to your exes
  • he wasn’t following, “what do you mean?”
  • cringing now, you tried to make this sound less childish, “well, you know. getting a reaction out of—”
  • “oh,that.”
  • silence
  • honestly, for a minute there, you worried hoseok was about to say that it had worked and that he was back together with his ex now
  • but then he just chuckled nervously and admitted, “honestly, i’ve kind of forgotten all about that.”
  • oh, well okay, but what does that mean????
  • your heart feels like it’s about to leap out of your chest as you wait for him to say something else
  • something that would, hopefully, make the state of your relationship a little more clear
  • but then hoseok just went, “so, how do you feel about ordering pizza tonight? my fridge is empty,” and that was it
  • so, yeah, idk, i guess you’re dating for real now? ‍♀️


  • honestly, this was supposed to be just a joke
  • everyone always kept teasing you about how you spent so much time together, “it was time you started to date”
  • so minhyuk finally just shrugged, took your hand in his, and declared, “we already are”
  • it was mostly meant to make your friends uncomfortable
  • like, okay, they couldn’t stop teasing you about how close you were? then you’ll show them just how much closer you could be
  • but although your friends did squirm, and their teasing did turn into complaining within a few days of this
  • you felt like you were the one who felt the weirdest
  • because, fine, when it came down to it, maybe you did have a little crush on minhyuk
  • it was barely there, though!
  • you never even thought of it as a serious crush, you just found him attractive is all
  • but then he was suddenly glued to your side, always touching, always smiling and glancing over at you
  • and yeah, it’s definitely a crush now
  • and thing is, this doesn’t feel fake!
  • minhyuk went out of his way with the pda, all to make your friends cringe
  • but did he really have to call and text you every night before going to sleep just to say goodnight and wish you sweet dreams??
  • did he really have to remember every little thing that you’ve ever told him, even if you couldn’t remember saying it??
  • alright, to be fair, minhyuk realized he didn’t need to do those things, he was just taking full advantage of his position as your fake-boyfriend
  • and your friends’ teasing had not been baseless; clearly, there was something there between you and him
  • so, somewhere along the way, the fake dating seamlessly morphed into serious dating
  • your friends hadn’t even realized that “he’s my boyfriend” used to be a joke, but now you were no longer kidding
  • except, at times, when minhyuk was using his boyfriend status as an excuse to drag you to a yet another dreadfully boring event with him
  • he’d always use the boyfriend card
  • “how can you say no to me, Your Boyfriend™??”
  • and you’d always remind him, “well, technically, you never asked me out on a date, so i don’t know where you’re getting this from”
  • he’d give you a look and a sarcastic laugh
  • but he wasn’t too wounded by this because he was too busy wondering if you’d still say the same thing when he eventually used the “since i’m your boyfriend” technique to ask you to spend the rest of your life with him


  • okay, now, you weren’t supposed to start fake-dating
  • you just happened to be standing next to each other at a party when the guy who was relentlessly hitting on you the entire night, walked by and did a double-take
  • he stopped in front of you two, scratched his chin thoughtfully, and then said, very accusingly, “you should have told me you didn’t want to go on a date with me because you already had a boyfriend”
  • (really, you didn’t want to go on a date with him because he was a disgusting pig, but whatever gets him through the night)
  • and kihyun – who’s, really, more of a friend-of-a-friend than a boyfriend to you – was already opening his mouth to refute this
  • until you grabbed his hand and whispered a hushed, “why don’t we let him believe that?”
  • and you obviously didn’t mean that as a prank
  • kihyun could tell from the look in your eyes that you needed this guy to finally get lost, you weren’t just joking around
  • so he cleared his throat, got his hand out from your grip and placed it around your shoulders, bringing you closer
  • and then he stuck his chin out at the guy, “yeah, she has a boyfriend.”
  • partially cringing, you glared at the guy one more time – not that it did much; he was immune to all deadly looks – and he finally shrugged and walked away
  • you thanked kihyun, apologized, stammered awkwardly for another minute, and walked away, hoping to simmer in mortification somewhere else
  • preferably at a place where this cute boy, who just pretended to be your boyfriend, couldn’t see you
  • but, not even fifteen minutes later, your friends were collectively hitting you on your shoulders and back, all yelling over each other
  • you hunched over and took a few precautionary steps forwards to escape their assault, before giving them a bewildered look
  • “what the hell happened????”
  • finally, one of your friends gave you an explanation: “how dare you bring your boyfriend to the party and not introduce us?”
  • you were still staring at your friends with wide eyes, and you were genuinely starting to worry about the contents of their cocktails because they knew you didn’t have a boyfriend
  • “peoplejust overheard you reject some asshole because you were here with your boyfriend,” another friend said. “they saw you hugging.”
  • oh. well
  • “he wasn’t—i was just—”
  • but you caught sight of the same asshole out of the corner of your eye, and, suddenly, you weren’t so sure if it was a good idea to admit to lying
  • “yeah,” you ended up saying, a defeated sigh following shortly after. “he’s my boyfriend. i’ll introduce you later.”
  • “why don’t you do it now?” a voice asked, nearly making you jump out of your skin
  • kihyun – the king of showing up at the right place, at the right time – was smiling as he stood next to you
  • your friends, of course, proceeded to pounce on you (that’s how they show love)
  • and it took you another half an hour to get kihyun alone to ask him why, in the name of god, would he carry on pretending to be your boyfriend?
  • and he’s been so composed the whole night, but suddenly he’s an awkward mess
  • “i don’t know,” he admitted, “maybe that’s the only way i knew how to ask you out on a real date.”
  • you both knew that there were many easier ways to do that, but you had to admit two things
  • one, you kind of have no choice but to say yes now, since everyone already thinks you’re dating
  • and two, the butterflies in your stomach have been rioting ever since kihyun introduced himself as your boyfriend that first time, so it would be good for your health to go on a real date with him. you know, to stop all the fluttering and the shaking of your heart


  • hyungwon got you into the fake-dating mess by accident
  • he’d been trying to impress his new manager because he felt like he really deserved a promotion
  • but no matter what he did, the guy seemed to hate him
  • and then one time during lunch, hyungwon happened to start a conversation about music, and he discovered that the manager was into the same indie band as he was
  • he milked the hell out of this, mentioning every obscure song he could remember, and he could almost see the points he was gaining with the manager
  • he even ended up being called up to his office at the end of the day
  • “this will sound weird, but are you seeing anyone right now?” the manager asked
  • hyungwon genuinely thought he gave off the wrong impression and even glanced at the sexual harassment awareness posters on the wall of the office
  • but then the manager explained, “i have four tickets to the band’s concert this friday. we could go on a double-date.”
  • and, because this was his promotion on the line, hyungwon stammered, “uh… yes, i am seeing someone… a concert sounds great.”
  • cut to you getting a panicked phone call from hyungwon several hours later, demanding that you cancel your plans for friday night and pretend to be his girlfriend to impress his manager
  • eh, you like the band anyway, and hyungwon was a good friend, even if you never really saw him romantically, so why not
  • but, like in any classic rom-com, after spending the night exaggerating hyungwon’s positive qualities (in a subtle way, of course), you came to realize that, huh,maybe you did see him as a romantic interest? kind of? a little bit?
  • it was just nice how he kept holding you all throughout the concert, so he wouldn’t lose you in the crowd of people
  • and it was nice how he walked you home and checked on you even after his manager and his girlfriend had left the two of you alone
  • and it was also nice—alright, fine, you had a proper crush on hyungwon now
  • you assumed he’d done most of those things that night because he wanted to leave a positive impression on his manager
  • but then hyungwon got that promotion (the concert played a part in that for sure), and he invited you to celebrate at his house
  • and you showed up, thinking it was going to be a party for all of his friends, but it was just him, a bottle of wine, and two glasses
  • so you got worried that maybe you showed up too early, but hyungwon shook his head, “no, you’re right on time. wine?”
  • “uh… shouldn’t we wait for everyone else?”
  • “there’s no one else,” he said, his hands shaking as he unscrewed the cork. “it’s just you.”
  • oh, okay, then
  • now your heart was shaking and what-not, that’s great
  • “i wanted to thank you,” he said after he finally managed to pour wine into your glasses and onto the counter. “if it weren’t for you, i wouldn’t have gotten this promotion.”
  • “that’s not true, you’re a great employee and you deserve this.”
  • hyungwon appreciated you saying that, but he looked down and deflected, “you know, this promotion had been something that i was looking forward to for the past few months. until the night we went to that concert.”
  • you waited for him to continue, but his mouth was too dry, so he took a big gulp of his wine before he even finished the toast
  • (was this even a toast? oh god, he couldn’t understand what he was doing)
  • “t-that night,” he tried to continue, “i realized that i’m looking forward to seeing you again more than i’m looking forward to getting promoted. i was absolutely ready to go on a dozen more double-dates with you before i got that promotion.”
  • “i thought we’d have to do that, too, to be honest,” you interjected with a chuckle, alleviating the atmosphere slightly
  • “yeah?” hyungwon was glad to hear that. “i’m really, kind of, sad that we didn’t have to do that.”
  • quietly (because you didn’t dare to start drinking your wine yet, so you lacked the courage), you admitted, “me too.”
  • oh now he was positively vibrating and he had to set his glass of wine down as he braced himself
  • “why don’t we go on an actual date? no promotions to look forward to this time, just each other’s company.”
  • he looked like he was going to combust in three, two—
  • but you saved him by replying right away, “yeah. i’d like that.”


  • you and jooheon both wanted some peace and quiet when you went out with your friends, who all knew that the two of you were single, and kept setting you up with various people in the bar
  • so you suggested telling your friends that you both had already found relationships
  • “they’ll never believe it unless they see our partners,” jooheon pointed out
  • “okay,” you nodded, admitting the mistake. it only took you a second to come up with a better plan, though, “then how about we tell them we’re dating each other?”
  • he watched you for a minute, his eyebrows furrowed
  • “that is the dumbest thing i’ve ever heard,” he said then. “let’s do it.”
  • dumb or not, it worked
  • finally, you were able to relax, unwind, and get wasted on a friday night without being introduced to a new stranger every two drinks
  • it was a dream come true
  • and it worked like an excuse in other settings as well!
  • you don’t feel like attending another company dinner? “sorry, my boyfriend’s taking me out tonight, it’s our anniversary.”
  • jooheon hates his pretentious neighbour, so he needs an excuse to say no to his party? “sorry, got plans with my girlfriend this weekend.”
  • funnily enough, no one ever called either of you out on your bullshit
  • your co-workers had seen jooheon pick you up from work countless times
  • and all of jooheon’s neighbours knew you were the only person left who still had a spare key to his apartment (after a very unfortunate incident involving minhyuk, the notebook for jooheon’s lyrics, and a forgotten candle “for ambiance”, when jooheon was out of town)
  • nor you, nor jooheon had enough time for a serious relationship, and your fake-relationship never interfered with casual dating (since it all tended to end after one date)
  • so it was all fun and games
  • until your friends started asking, “so when are you going to propose?” and you realized this had been going on for a longtime
  • jooheon, who was so used to his role as your fake-boyfriend, didn’t even skip a beat as he said, “when the time is right”
  • but the question rang in both of your heads for the rest of the night
  • when your taxi stopped outside of jooheon’s house at the end of the night, you got out with him because he was usually the type of drunk who could fall asleep in an elevator if left unsupervised
  • so, to save him the embarrassment – and also, to save you a trip back and forth between your houses – you tended to sleep in his guest room on friday nights
  • “you know what would be funny?” you asked him as the two of you took the elevator to his floor, “if we told our friends that we weren’t actually dating this whole time.”
  • jooheon chuckled, seemingly agreeing that this really would be funny
  • “you know what would be even funnier?” he responded, his speech still slurred from the alcohol. “if we actually started to date.”
  • you laughed, nodding, because that really would be even funnier
  • but then once jooheon was in bed and you prepared to head to the guest room, he suddenly grabbed your hand, stopping you
  • “so what time should i pick you up next week?” he asked
  • he never picked you up for anything, so you were understandably confused, “for what?”
  • “for our date,” he explained.
  • “oh, to pull the prank of the year?” you asked, chuckling. “first, we pretended to date, and then we actually started to date. but, actually, it’s all one big—”
  • “no,” jooheon disagreed, his eyes drooping, but his grip on your hand remaining firm. “this won’t be a prank. it’ll be a date. for real, this time.”


  • he needed to get his family off his back (in the kindest way possible, of course)
  • there were only so many “it’s time for you to get married, why don’t i arrange a blind date for you?” a person could take
  • and you’d been his best friend for years, so hey, can you lend your friend a hand? you won’t even have to do anything
  • or so he said
  • you agreed because, according to changkyun, he’d just tell his family that you were his girlfriend, and you wouldn’t actually have to go to any dinners, or any parties whatsoever
  • how utterly and completely dumb this was!!!!!!
  • you run in the same circles, of course you were going to run into his family in town
  • their congratulatory hugs weren’t even the worst part (but it was still awkward, and you made a mental note to strangle kyun later)
  • the worst part was the “i knew you two kids would get together eventually!” comments
  • you felt like you were disappointing his family because you weren’t actually dating, and that felt a lot like disappointing your realfamily
  • it was crushing
  • you’d had such a good relationship with changkyun’s whole family, they were your second home
  • and now you were lying to them
  • so you didn’t think you were exaggerating when you sent changkyun a gentle “prepare to die” message once you managed to escape his relatives
  • he had a solution, though (at least, he thought he did)
  • “okay, so how’s this, then – we date for real?”
  • ???????
  • he’d been your best friend for so long, you struggled to think of him as anything else
  • but it was also a defence mechanism in a way? you used to have the biggest crush on changkyun when you first became friends, so you needed to find a way to suppress these feelings
  • “changkyun,” you began seriously, “do you really think dating you would traumatize me less than my fear of disappointing your family?”
  • he watched you for a minute, the insult buffering, and then sent a pillow flying right at your head
  • “i’m saying i want you to go out with me, dumbass.”
  • you tried to duck, but still got swatted on the back of your head with the pillow as you asked, “why?”
  • he laughed humourlessly (and nervously) and then rolled his eyes, “gee, i don’t know, maybe because i don’t want you to feel bad about lying to my family, you sensitive wuss. or maybe because i genuinely have feelings for you, i don’t know.”
  • you were about to toss the pillow back at him, but then stopped
  • swallowing hard, you asked, “so which is it?”
  • “i can’t even breathe right now, which do you think it is?”
  • you were the one rolling your eyes this time, “can’t you just say it like a normal person, you asshole?”
  • “it’s already obvious, dimwit.”
  • “are you seriously only insulting me because you can’t tell me you like me? that’s lame, even for a nerd like you.”
  • he was groaning in exasperation at this point, “what else do you want me to do? you’re the most oblivious person i’ve ever met. and i don’t like you, you big idiot. i’m pretty sure i’m in love with you.”



When You Fight - “woman, I’m a romantic” [.9k]

That’s the Eggnog Talking - Christmas party [.6k]

You’re My Favorite Person - “I’ll be back” [.4k]

She’s the Love of My Life - loving the new baby [.4k]

You’re in Trouble Now - glued locker, idols [.3k]

Maybe I’ll Move On - “drinking won’t do it”, angst [.3k]


[main masterlist] [monsta x masterlist] updated 7-22-21

Monsta x Hogwarts series: - Shownu: “You might belong in Gryffindor, where dwell the brave of Monsta x Hogwarts series: - Shownu: “You might belong in Gryffindor, where dwell the brave of Monsta x Hogwarts series: - Shownu: “You might belong in Gryffindor, where dwell the brave of Monsta x Hogwarts series: - Shownu: “You might belong in Gryffindor, where dwell the brave of Monsta x Hogwarts series: - Shownu: “You might belong in Gryffindor, where dwell the brave of Monsta x Hogwarts series: - Shownu: “You might belong in Gryffindor, where dwell the brave of Monsta x Hogwarts series: - Shownu: “You might belong in Gryffindor, where dwell the brave of Monsta x Hogwarts series: - Shownu: “You might belong in Gryffindor, where dwell the brave of Monsta x Hogwarts series: - Shownu: “You might belong in Gryffindor, where dwell the brave of

Monsta x Hogwarts series: 


“You might belong in Gryffindor, where dwell the brave of heart, their daring, nerve and chivalry set Gryffindors apart.”

— J.K Rowling, Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone

  • house: Gryffindor 
  • blood status: half-blood
  • patronus: asian black bear
  • words: brave; leader; loyalty

Post link

Pairing:Yoo Kihyun x female reader

World:Out of the Shadows

Genre:suggestive fluff / idol au / established relationship

Warnings:amake-out session that’s suggestive, minor jealousy, and mild cursing

A/N: it is somewhat expected that you’ve read the series this story is based on. Whilst it’s still readable without OOTS knowledge, it is recommended to read this after the series. This idea came to me after seeing the performances of LOVE, and Kihyun’s interesting outfit options >_>

Word count: 2295

Opening the studio door with his elbow, Kihyun took a deep breath to steady himself after rushing since he left his last schedule. Stepping into the room, he smiled brightly.

He felt instantly relieved, and he hadn’t even taken you in yet. “Sorry I’m late, the radio show ran longer than anticipated. And then I stopped off at that new coffee store you’re in love with to pick you up a S’mores frappe.” Noticing your intense stare as he finished his apology, Kihyun frowned, holding out your iced drink. You took it, throwing your hip to the side as you leaned back against the desk. “What?”

“Just taking it in,” you murmured, sweeping your eyes from his head down to his toes.

Even though Kihyun had been in love with you for months now, it still felt like the first time he saw you in Boah’s vocal coaching building. His body jerked with a static charge, and his lips curled up into a smirk, trying to mask how overwhelmed he felt with you appreciating him visibly. “Do you happen to like your handsome boyfriend, Y/N?”

You snorted. “Yeah, sure.”

“What kind of response is that?” he whined playfully, watching you take a sip of your fancy chocolate milk and swallowing hard when you let out a small moan.

He was still feeling allthe honeymoon aspects of love with you.

“I was taking in this,” you mentioned, reaching out to pluck his grey hoodie between your index finger and thumb.

Glancing down at his plain hoodie and then back up at you, Kihyun frowned for the second time. “My… hoodie?”

“It’s a great hoodie.”

“You’re being exceptionally weird,” he intoned, placing down his iced Americano on your desk so he could envelop you in his arms. His smile grew again as he leaned into peck your nose. “Missed you, baby.”

“I saw you four days ago,” you reminded, and Kihyun pouted.

“We used to be inseparable.”

“We still are inseparable.” You gestured to how little space there was between you both. Shifting an arm out of his hold to put your drink down, you then reached for the collar of his hoodie, tugging him close again. “I really like this hoodie. It covers allof you. I can barely see your neck.”

Kihyun laughed. “Normally, you like seeing more than my neck.”

“Mm. In bed. In private—”

“This is your private recording space,” he pointed out wickedly, and you swatted at him lightly. “I could blow your mind and take this off to show that I have a respectable tee on underneath. Fully tucked into my jeans and all.”

You sighed. “You picked up on it.”

“Why didn’t you just tell me straight, Y/N?” he wondered, running a hand loosely up and down your spine. “I told you to expect my outfits for this promotion to be… a little different.”

“‘Different’ is an open collar. A few extra buttons undone. A sheer panel along your sides.”

“To be fair, it has been a lot of my sides that have been exposed,” he said with a nod of his head, and you groaned loudly.

“Why am I dating an idol? This is torture.”

“Says the ex-idol.” You rolled your eyes at Kihyun’s reminder. “Who took to the stage in the most spectacular of gowns that I not only almost faltered in singing at the sight of you, but I wanted the whole world to never see you again.”

“Lies!” you cried, shunting out of his embrace. “You and the rest of Monsta X were thrilled for me to be finally out of the shadows and on that stage. In fact, you were far too smug about it for some time there.”

“My girlfriend did look amazing up under those lights,” he agreed. Then he scrunched up his nose as he thought about why he didn’t appreciate the spotlight on you. “The thirsty comments that came after the performance though. They really got to me.”

“Might I remind you that there are numerous thirsty comments about you that I could wade through on a daily basis?”

Kihyun grinned. “I guess I don’t look too much.”

“You’re an asshole sometimes,” you told him, though the smile on your face made him aware that you weren’t that hung up on it.

Reaching back for you, Kihyun pulled you close, shutting his eyes as he breathed you in. Four days was going to be nothing compared to the upcoming US tour. Even with daily video calls, he was unsure how much he’d be able to handle being away from you that long.

Kihyun wondered if he’d ever adjust to how deeply he felt about you.

“I’m torn over those outfits,” you admitted quietly. He didn’t respond, knowing there was more to it. “I don’t like that everyone else gets to see glimpses of what I have of your body.”

“They don’t get to feel it like you do,” he offered breathily, remembering the way your hair had been splayed over your pillow the last time you were both together. Clamping his eyes shut again, he willed his body to cool down. He didn’t have more than this two-hour window to spend time with you today. And whilst he could perfect your breathless falsetto within these walls with some creative tangling of bodies, he knew you would never let him take your workplace to such an inappropriate high.

Kihyun was already running through his current schedule to find the next time he could have you in between his sheets.

Ignoring his statement, you tapped your fingertips lightly in a rhythm at the juncture where his neck and shoulder met. He shivered with how good your touch felt. “I liked the Music Bank outfit. It made no sense at first with all the loose straps. But the tease factor! I’m not going to tell you how many times I’ve rewatched the fancam online.”

“The fact that you’re telling me you’ve watched it has my ego inflating enough without a number. Though, surely it has to be more than twenty times, right?”

You pulled back just enough to pointedly roll your eyes at him. “Your ego really is a problem.”

“Not my clothes?” he teased, and you inhaled sharply.

“Are you taking those outfits with you to America?” you asked, and Kihyun watched as you turned your head, attempting to seem nonchalant with your question as you took a long gulp of the frappe. You sighed. “Damn, I’m going to become the size of a house because of this drink. It’s too good.”

“You’re lucky that even with me on a promo diet I still picked that sugary, milky drink up for you. Shows how much I love you.”

You grinned. “Want a taste? I promise you it’s delicious.”

“You know hyung can sniff out diet breaks a mile away,” he pointed out, and your eyes danced with mischief, dragging in a long mouthful from the straw. You had barely swallowed before your hand slipped around the back of his neck, pulling him in close enough for your lips to touch.

He could taste the marshmallow and chocolate on your tongue as you opened up for him. The burst of flavours, both from the drink and the one that was just inexplicitly you overwhelmed Kihyun, and he pushed you up against the desk, hands finding their way to the back of your thighs, assisting you up onto the table. Being appropriate, be damned. Kihyun could only think of one way he wanted you to sing for him now.

“Easy,” you murmured into his skin as your lips trailed down his neck in a trail of kisses. “Boah’s right next door with a lesson.”

“The room is soundproof.”

“Are you wanting to test that?” you asked, and Kihyun dropped his forehead to your shoulder as your hands trailed to the bottom of his hoodie. Sliding up just a bit, you then let out a surprised laugh. “Your tee really is tucked into your jeans.”

“Because when I’m not on stage, I’m not exactly going about feeling uncomfortable.”

“Those outfits are uncomfortable?” you asked innocently as your hands yanked on the tee, greedily wanting to meet with his skin. He felt branded as soon as your palms touched his flesh, fingers spreading over his torso. “I couldn’t tell with how cocky your expressions were.”

“I liked the response of the fans. Sue me.”

“Were they looking at you or Hyungwon? He was showing just as much skin. I thought Changkyun was the one in charge of showing so much skin whilst Hyunwoo’s in the army?”

“Don’t bring up their names when your hands are on my body,” he grunted, trying to find the waistband to your leggings under the soft, oversized top dress you had on. Finally succeeding, he slid his hands over your rear, securing your hips against his.

“Kyun’s outfits have been classier than yours. What’s up with that?”


You chuckled. “As much as I’m sure I’ll enjoy where your thought process is going, I do have a client after this. And your idea will definitely lead to sweating, which you and I know won’t be great for my skin if I can’t shower and change after.”

“You encouraged this,” he said, deflated, though he put space between his hips and yours. Only a little because he didn’t want out of your space just yet. Your intense gaze trailed over him again, smirking lightly at his evident arousal before darting back to his eyes. He tipped his head to the side. “Done fuelling my flames?”

“The outfits. Are you having to wear them in the states?”


“Because I would prefer if you didn’t. They throw bras at you even when you’re fully dressed.”

“Maybe they’ll throw full lingerie sets this time,” he responded, stepping back when your hand swung towards him again. Laughing loudly, he caught your fingers within his own, entwining them for a moment. “You couldn’t sound more jealous, you know.”

“I guess I’ll have to take matters into my own hands.”


“Well, first, I better go home and pull out my suitcase. You know, I haven’t used that thing in a while. I’ll have to see if it’s in the back of the wardrobe in Nina’s old room. She used it last when she went to teach that dance class in Japan.”

Kihyun smiled fondly at the mention of your best friend before blinking as the rest of your statement caught up to him. “Wait. Why do you need your suitcase?”

“Because I need to pack.”

“Where are you going?”

“With you on your tour,” you explained matter-of-factly, and Kihyun stared at you dumbly. You grinned. “You didn’t think I’d let you wear those shirts – if you can even refer to scraps of fabric as such – without me, did you? Monbebe will eat you alive.”

“Are you being serious?”

“Apparently, it’s important to check your vocals regularly whilst on tour for fatigue or strain. Funnily enough, your girlfriend is pretty good at being a vocal coach now.”

“And my company, with its bad history of losing one of its most talented female vocalists, hired you?” he asked incredulously, stepping back in between your legs, arms loosely wrapped around your waist. You immediately smiled before resting your head on his chest.

“Well, Boah might have pulled some strings along the way. But this contract, I promise I read over with a lawyer and about four times before I signed it.”

“You’re coming with me?” he asked with an elated laugh, using a hand to cup your jaw so he could look into your eyes. Kihyun pressed his lips to yours and then laughed again. “This solves so many problems.”

“Like how much I would have missed you being stuck back here?” you suggested, and Kihyun nodded, nuzzling your neck with his nose. “I have missed you, you know. Four days was unbearable. We used to go longer. When I was in Starlet, there were weeks where we didn’t see each other.”

“I’ve become complacent having you close to me, thanks to the lack of touring and trips out of Korea during the pandemic. I’m eager to see our international fans again, but the idea of leaving you behind was one I wasn’t looking forward to.”

Smiling at him, you returned the peck to his nose that he had greeted you with. “Now neither of us have to think about it.”

“I’m thinking about other things now,” he told you with a sly smile, and you gave him a dry look.

“Oh, God.”

“Hotel stays are going to be different this time around,” he mentioned with a wiggle to his eyebrows, and you chuckled.

“You’re incorrigible.”

“I’m in love,” he corrected, and your expression softened.

“And I’m never going to get any singing done with you today, am I?” you asked, slinging your arms around his neck and leaning in close. “I suppose that’s not a horrible thing. I like doing other things with you too. And until the day arrives where either of us grows bored of how much we desire the other, I think I’ll take as much advantage of it as I can.”

“I haven’t grown bored yet.”

“I don’t think we ever will,” you replied, kissing him softly. “I love you, even if your stylist is on my current hit list.”

Kihyun kissed you back. “I’ll have to make sure you don’t destroy her when you see all the other things she’s come up with for me.”

“There’s more?! Can’t I keep you under wraps?”

Kihyun laughed, reaching for your lips and trying to divert your attention away from his stage persona and back to where he wanted you.

Right against his heart, always.


All rights reserved © prettywordsyouleft

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