#don as always my beloved




Yue from Avatar the last airbenderALT

[ID: Four edits of Yue from Avatar: the Last Airbender. In each one, she’s wearing a white headscarf.

Image 1. Sokka and Yue are riding on Appa. Yue has her eyes closed and she’s smiling at Sokka. She wears a headscarf that covers her hair and neck. One strand of fabric isn’t tucked in and is instead hanging loose, being played with by the wind.

Image 2. Yue is leaning over the side of a boat, giggling with her hands in front of her mouth. A veil is draped over her head, covering her hair but not her neck.

Image 3. Yue is riding on Appa, smiling brightly. She wears a headscarf that’s tucked into the collar of her parka.

Image 4. Yue and Sokka are sitting on Appa. Her headscarf is made from rectangular cloth that’s draped over her head and fastened underneath her chin to cover her hair, neck and chest. /end ID] @atladescribed

Some more hijabi Yue edits, inspired by @zukoisgayforsokka’s fan fics

The first piece is inspired by a style Amal from Iftah Ya Simsim wears occasionally, the last one is based on a 19th century Russian fashion plate.

These edits are as incredible as always, thank you for making them and tagging me

You can find my fics that feature my beloved trans hijabi Yue here on AO3
