#oh look its me




ancient greek word of the day: κακοθερής(kakotherēs), unfitted to endure summer heat

this literally means “bad at summer” pass it on



“your kid needs your attention, not adhd meds!”

“maybe we can talk about how with the internet there are more diagnoses of adhd now, and how the internet is rewiring our brains…”

“medicating childhood: the hoax of adhd”

literally all things ive seen in the past fucking WEEK let me out of this hell

i can debunk this all in a flash

adhd is a neurodevelopmental disorder, and develops around 12 years old. given that, and how many diagnosed adhd adults there are, including elders, this is something that predates the internet

adhd is genetic, so despite an attention given from parent to child, it’s incredibly likely that at least one of the parents or other relatives also has adhd

oh yes, and let’s not forget the myth that adhd symptoms are synonymous with child behavior. but adhd isn’t just hyperactivity - in fact, hyperactivity doesn’t always present itself. in addition to hyperactivity, other symptoms include:

  • echolalia
  • poor memory
  • racing/scattered thoughts
  • slowed social development (around 30%)
  • difficulty understanding tasks/organizing them into steps
  • struggles understanding time management
  • impulsive acts (impulsive spending is a major issue with many of us)
  • difficulty managing emotions, especially anger
  • easily bored (and boredom leads to greater frustration than others)
  • TROUBLE SLEEPING. many adhd people spend their entire lives not getting good sleep because of the constant “noise” in their heads. see the scattered thoughts. basically, the thoughts are always going. there is no shut off switch. insomnia is largely prevalent with adhd
  • losing details (like getting poor grades because you missed the fine print on a test even with knowing the material)
  • struggles with listening comprehension (words sound like nonsense)
  • struggles with reading comprehension (words look like nonsense)
  • memorization issues - a child skilled in math will have trouble with multiplication tables, for example
  • has trouble “waiting their turn” in conversation - frequently interrupts without realizing
  • hyperfocus - an often overlooked aspect, when one focuses to the exception of all other external stimuli, including needing to eat, sleep, etc. time almost ceases to exist
  • not a symptom, but adhd - especially adult adhd - is highly comorbid with anxiety disorders and depression later in life. this is because a person with adhd is working their heart out to achieve the same standards, contrary to the believe that they’re “lazy.” as you can see above, almost every aspect of daily life is impacted - social, work, school, family, money… and this can lead to a feeling of being unable to cope.
  • despite all that, people with adhd are also:
  • more solution-oriented
  • more resilient
  • more expressive
  • more curious
  • and better at multitasking - not just because of having to learn how to manage the other symptoms, but these are, in fact, also symptoms. you can imagine how useful hyperfocus can be as well.

i wrote all this because i really want people to understand me and understand how this all works. and i want misunderstandings to stop so people can respect who i am.


when it’s suddenly 4 AM and you’re still awake


new status condition: generalised anxiety disorder!


:) <- guy making an au so specific a mere handful of people will enjoy it


also im so sorry for anyone that ever compliments me on here, I know I’m very stale with the same “I’m glad you like …!” “I’m happy you like …!” over and over again I’m just really bad at taking compliments I promise I’m not icing over at you. I promise I reread them and think about them at night giddily kicking my feet in the air like a lovesick teenager


in honor of sokka week neurodivergent day…

here is a list of all of the sokka with tourette’s content i have posted !


Deeper Than Words - 4,417 words

the urge to love you is stronger-3,113 words

you never quite say (but i hear) - 16,119 words

a friend is still a friend - 13,639 words

you are the best you - 5,652 words

no photograph could possibly show, the you i know- 1,901 words

no doubts, no more fears - 4,002 words

stuck - 2,590 words

those are pretty much all the ones where his ts is important, but most every fic i have posted has sokka with ts!

Sunset Over The Jasmine Dragonby@zenithpng - 3,377 words

you’ve got a friend in me by@beachytablecloth - 2,712

some stuff @zukkaoru has written that includes sokka with ts:

show them the way (let the music play)

45. “I bought this for you. It’s in your favorite color…”

zukka + bandaids ft. ts sokka

zukka + apologies ft. ts sokka


sokka with ts headcanons one

sokka with ts headcanons two

sokka with ts headcanons three

ts sokka and azula friendship

ts sokka boiling rock headcanon

ts sokka and autistic zuko and how their neurodivergencies interact

ts sokka and his hair problem

video of sokka making noises that corey uses as proof

ts sokka being bad at taking care of himself

ts sokka and turtleduck drawings

ts sokka and sleep

ts sokka and azula friendship two

ts sokka that turned into ynqs(bih)

ts sokka deserves noise cancelling headphones

ts sokka stimming [hc mostly in tags lol]

ts sokka and ts bato

ts sokka ft. i have a lot of feelings

ts sokka and baby izumi

ts sokka and baby izumi part two

ts sokka and shoulder pain ft. zukka

ts sokka, zukka kisses, & the number three

ocd suki ft. ts sokkaby@zukoisgayforsokka

art that i consider ts sokka

sokka with penguin stress ball i commissioned by @rolandtowen<3

sokka with a fidget spinnerby@flynnpaff<3

nb bi sokka with ts pinby@zukkaoru <3

ts sokka & autistic zukoby@fixationsbigandsmall<3

sokka with ts in a yourfaveshould’vebeen… format by me lol

anyways, that’s all for now ! yeah, a lot of self-projection, but, hey, i gotta create the content i wanna see :)

big thanks to everyone who supports my silly little headcanons mwah <3



Yue from Avatar the last airbenderALT

[ID: Four edits of Yue from Avatar: the Last Airbender. In each one, she’s wearing a white headscarf.

Image 1. Sokka and Yue are riding on Appa. Yue has her eyes closed and she’s smiling at Sokka. She wears a headscarf that covers her hair and neck. One strand of fabric isn’t tucked in and is instead hanging loose, being played with by the wind.

Image 2. Yue is leaning over the side of a boat, giggling with her hands in front of her mouth. A veil is draped over her head, covering her hair but not her neck.

Image 3. Yue is riding on Appa, smiling brightly. She wears a headscarf that’s tucked into the collar of her parka.

Image 4. Yue and Sokka are sitting on Appa. Her headscarf is made from rectangular cloth that’s draped over her head and fastened underneath her chin to cover her hair, neck and chest. /end ID] @atladescribed

Some more hijabi Yue edits, inspired by @zukoisgayforsokka’s fan fics

The first piece is inspired by a style Amal from Iftah Ya Simsim wears occasionally, the last one is based on a 19th century Russian fashion plate.

These edits are as incredible as always, thank you for making them and tagging me

You can find my fics that feature my beloved trans hijabi Yue here on AO3


Podfic - Avatar, You Can Forget Your Name

More ATLA podfic coming at ya,

[ID - a textured white background that almost looks like fancy art paper, in the bottom left corner and the top corner are two pink weeds with pink flowering heads. Int he middle in a cursive hand written looking font says You can forget your name, underneath it in a bold sans serif font says the author and the reader’s names. - End Image ID]

Title: You Can Forget Your Name

Fandom: Avatar the Last Airbender

Pairing: Sokka/Zuko

Author: @whenyourfavouritedies

Summary: Zuko doesn’t want to attend his high school reunion, but he promised Mai he’d apologise to the people he hurt with his teenage anger and petty rivalries. Turns out he’s not the only person to realise they were trans after leaving.

(Prompt: High School Rivals)


stream and download here on AO3


im smol and ready 2 brawl

#videos    #oh look its me    