

the way any of the titans could be queer rep if the writers were just brave enough.

kory - pan

dick - bi with female preference

rachel - lesbian who used to be bi curious

gar - bi with male preference

kon - unsure, exploring still, bi curious

donna - bi with kory preference

tim - bi

like come on, just give us two of these, i swear i’ll never complain about anything again

donna should be allowed to call kory “princess” btw. @ titans writers do your job!

titans the tv show has completely downplayed a lot of their main characters specifically kory and gar. kory’s friendship with donna is hardly touched on, the rachel and kory mother/daughter relationship they had in s1 is almost completely gone and gar doesnt get anything at all. yet we still get like 5 episodes about hawk and dove and all these relationships that dick has with other women that arent kory… like who gives a shit? bring back core4 or get cancelled

alright rewatched s1-2 of titans (i will not put myself through the torture of rewatching s3) and now im back to being obsessed with dickkory again but now with the addition of donnakory … so that’s great
