#dont be a douche



Hot take, but you never needed Yoshi P’s, or anyone’s for that matter, permission to do what you wanted. But the devs can’t keep their own lore straight, and I believe it was more a over-arching message of “do what makes you happy” rather than this is absolute canon now.

I wasn’t going to say anything but it’s almost 4am and I keep seeing posts about this reblogged and I’m salty. Don’t use this as an excuse to attack folks who like adhering to a stricter set of rules than you do. That “elitism” is a two way road. If someone declines to RP with your character from the First, character who’s traveled to the First, or whatever, it’s okay. It should be okay. You don’t get to say “Well Yoshi P said I’m right—!” The above scenario (declining RP) does not make someone an elitist.

I am not, nor will I ever condone policing someone’s fun. It’s about respect. Personally, I find fun in RPing in a world with certain limitations and like the challenge of finding ways to make stories in a world with pre-existing rules. Other people like more freedom. All the power to you.

If an expansion down the line wants to prove me wrong, I’ll happily accept it. But I’m not taking this statement as law, because it ain’t. Again, I reiterate, I believe he is encouraging people to create what they want, how they want. Which I agree with. What I don’t agree with is how many people seem to think that means they can force someone else to accept it as validation.

Seriously. Do what you want. Everyone else is. Agree to disagree. Don’t be a dick. Have fun.
