#dont force on a muscle thats cramped so to speak

My 2021 art summary.Whelp… 2021 has been more than chaotic in terms of art tbh (among other t

My 2021 art summary.

Whelp… 2021 has been more than chaotic in terms of art tbh (among other things but let’s just focus on art shall we? ^^’). It’s been varying between “I’m trying new things and I want to progress” and “what’s even the point, I don’t feel any happiness when drawing anymore”.

Doing this summary helped me to see that despite everything, I didn’t abandon completely, even at my lowest. There are still things that inspire me, things that I want to learn and things that I want to explore. Things that I want to keep learning, whether it is through drawing characters, backgrounds, subjects that aren’t always 100% in my comfort zone (through collabs, commissions or challenging myself) or… following prompts at random.

And while there’s been ups and downs, a big motivation is also to share my art with you. Every words through comments or tags, reblogs or likes is pushing me to move forward. So thank you for sticking with me or simply enjoying what I create!

Finally, if you read these words and create yourself, know that I’m encouraging you! Art is hard, creating things is hard but if it makes you happy, it’s 100% worth it! Let’s keep doing what we love and create! :D

January, September and November are collabs with @thecrimsonvalley-creates , who came up with the composition, lined the characters & coloured. I did the sketches, worked on the backgrounds & polishing the shades. May is a zine illustration, April is an art trade and December is a commission.

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