#dont like talking

Inktober 6I’ve never played D&D but I’ve watched/listened to D&D shows and I’ll come up with

Inktober 6

I’ve never played D&D but I’ve watched/listened to D&D shows and I’ll come up with characters in my head sometimes.

Anyway she’s one of those. She’s a celestial warlock. I don’t know if those are good or not but I don’t give a hoot. 

Her patron’s a wisp of the soul of the goddess from the last drawing. She wants some revenge and the goddess wants some revenge (also for her soul to be reconstituted, that’d be nice.) so they’re helping each other out. They’re friends. 

Also, those horns are supposed to be ethereal. Like you can only see them if the light hits them right. Like as she becomes stronger the more sort of physical manifestations of her goddess she gets. Like those horns will eventually meet and form a halo like her patron. I probably shouldn’t have outlined them in black.

She is a human.


The end.

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