#dont mind me ranting


it’s interesting to me to see just how quick people are to assume that the new character will be a new love interest to either simon or wilhelm when that really doesn’t have to be the case. all we know about the new character is that he will be a reoccurring character and that he is a guy their age but that could literally be anything. 
even if he would be a new love interest doesn’t mean he would be simon or wilhelm’s. it could be for felice, or for sara, perhaps even august, we don’t know. it could be an old friend, a new classmate, anything. though simon and wilhelm’s story are a main part of the plot doesn’t mean it’s the only one and he might not have anything to do with any of it. it isn’t just simon and wilhelm’s story. 
usually, based on other shows i’ve watched, a love triangles and cheating storylines tend to occur when writers doesn’t really have a clear vision of where they want their story to go so they add another love interest to create drama and conflict when they don’t know what else to do to. however, lisa gives a clear impression of knowing exactly what story she wants to tell and therefore for her to turn to such an easy-solve that a love triangle often is doesn’t feel likely at all.
don’t get me wrong, i’m not saying we can completely disregard the idea but the relationship between simon and wilhelm has enough stakes to it as it is. it wouldn’t be relevant for them to add another factor to it to keep that story interesting, it already is on it’s own.
i feel like a lot of people tend to read into it and get scared because edvin and omar mention that they want more drama as if they know something we don’t but i don’t think it has to be that deep. they are actors and very dramatic scenes are often the funniest ones for actors to play out so for an actor to want to play those types of scenes isn’t weird or has to mean anything. it however seem to make people fear for the worst when that isn’t necessary. 
in my personal opinion it would make the most sense for the new character to be someone like an old friend of wilhelm’s. someone that wilhelm reaches out to in his loneliness after everything has fallen apart for him. someone that could give wilhelm perspective on the whole situation from the outside looking in while simultaneously give insight to us as viewers to the person wilhelm was before hillerska and before simon. all this while still being someone wilhelm would have enough trust in to open up. but that’s just what i think but i have faith in lisa that it will be great no matter what.
