#dont you just love it


Master Pakku: It’s not natural for women to fight.

Katara: It’s not natural for someone to be as stupid as he is tall, and yet there you stand.

Sokka: Trust me, this plan’s going to work!

Katara: Fine. But if Combustion Man kills us all, I’m going to get Aang’s spirit to teach my spirit how to play the tsungi horn just so that I can annoy the heck out of your spirit.”

Sokka: I’ll just hire Zuko’s spirit to kick your spirits’s butt!

Zuko: My spirit won’t associate with your spirit.

Iroh: You are going to… kill the Moon?

Zhao: Tui made the decision to return to the physical world. If she makes herself such an available target, she can further the Fire Nation’s great destiny.

Iroh: Men mock the spirits until they need them, Zhao.

Ty Lee: Spirits, Mai, you actually look happy.

Mai, clearly smiling: Don’t be ridiculous.

Zuko, at the Agni Kai: What’s the matter today, no lightning? Afraid I’ll redirect it?

Azula: Oh, I’ll show you lightning!

Katara: Zuko, this whole ‘shoot lightning at me’ thing is starting to concern me.

Sokka: Aang, maybe the monks didn’t cover this lesson, but you do not negotiate with a powerful firebender with lightning crackling around him during Sozin’s Comet.


Sokka: Zuko, maybe your fancy tutors didn’t cover this lesson, but you do not argue with a guy who can start glowing and harness all the power and skills of his past lives at any time.

Sokka: You were early, Toph!

Toph: I was on time!

Sokka: For you, that’s early. Next time you plan to impress me give me some warning!

Toph: The animals are free, and I found you a boat. This is when a thank you would be in order.

Suki: Thank you, Toph.

Toph: Hey, no problem, Suki.

Toph: See, Sokka? That’s how the civilised folk do it.

Sokka, to Zuko, at the Boiling Rock: Well, we’ve managed to get ourselves locked into the most secure prison in the world. We’re either geniuses or the dumbest sons of bitches to ever breathe air.

Aang: We’re all gonna die!

Sokka: Well, statistically speaking, only SOME of us are going to die.

Sokka: It was a calculated risk.

Zuko: It was cross-your-fingers-and-hope-for-the-best. Believe me, I know the difference.

Sokka and Aang: *doing their spirit magic impressions, i.e. waving their arms and making vaguely creepy sounds*

Zuko: What are they doing?

Katara: Performing an ancient Spirit-summoning ritual.

Zuko: Really?

Katara: No.

Aang: Sure, I’m skinny, but I stay drier in the rain.

Sokka: How?

Aang: Less falls on me.


Sokka: You can WATERBEND.

Hakoda: Good luck hitting a skinny little Water Tribe boat, cutting through the waves and staffed by a crew of men who’ve spent their whole life dodging obstacles in boats.

Bato: I’ll quote you on that when a fireball lands in my lap.

Random Boiling Rock guard: Please, have mercy!

Suki: I like it when men beg. But this isn’t the time for it.

Chief Hakoda: How are you finding our country?

Toph: It’s a magical place. If you like ice and more ice.

Sokka, about Zuko: Would it kill him to smile every once in a while?

Katara: Very possibly.

Toph: Katara and Zuko? Far be it from me to doubt anyone’s determination to get this done, but is that really the ideal pairing?“

Sokka: Zuko knows guard procedure, and Katara can handle any guards without a noisy fight. Your job is to keep them from killing each other.

Toph: Because I’m definitely the diplomat of the the group.

Sokka: Aang is the diplomat of the group. But he’s busy, so you get to do it.
