#don’t touch me




PDA at the TVA

The longer this conversation went on, the more Loki began to mirror Mobius. Something the casual observer might not even notice.

I love this gif set, because… I have eyes, BUT I love it more because of the obvious display of mirroring. And it’s fairly well known that mirroring is a sure sign of attraction, and indicates that the person is completely engaged in the interaction.

First, both of them have their hands out, Mobius is calm and relaxed, but Loki is sitting upright- attentive, listening. But as the topic becomes more philosophical, Loki leans back in the chair, like his new friend, tilting his head the same way, the hand in the pocket. Everything about his posture is also very ‘open’- chest and legs- his whole body is open, vulnerable. He is practically displaying that he feels safe, which I think is very interesting, especially because he is in a place where he should not feel safe. But does because of his, so to speak, caretaker.

I dunno, I was just thinking about this. I just love it. I love the attention to detail.

omg Loki was actually doing that thing cats do where they expose their bellies (i.e., let their guard down) when they feel safe and protected and loved ❤️
