#doomfist x reader

I’m so sorry to hear that. I know how awful that is, and I wish I could do more to help!I ha

I’m so sorry to hear that. I know how awful that is, and I wish I could do more to help!

I had a feeling he’d be requested soon! He’s such a cool character already! I’m sorry if it feels a little flat. I’m still trying to get a proper hold of his personality.


You knew how a conversation with him would go.

He had only returned recently, leaving you with just a few instances of meeting. Yet, his moral standings made it easy to guess his reaction.

“You there!” Speak of the devil.

“Yessir!” You straighten your posture, turning to face him. He mimics your stance strong, and in a way that makes you feel small.

“Your request for a day off has been denied.” He starts, stoping as he studies your face, watching as it almost immediately falls. He clears his throat, “I heard about that pet of yours. Is that what this is about?”

It was destined to lead here, wasn’t it?


“Know that even through hardship, we do not except any decrease in productivity. Learn from this. Grow from this. Be stronger than your emotions, let nothing hold you back. You are on the path to weakness. Do not wallow in your own self pity.” He’s words were sharp and powerful, leaving you feeling like a small child being scolded by their parent.

“I….. I understand, sir.” You push through the lump in your throat. “I just….. I guess I thought a break would help me get back on track. I’m sorry for slacking sir.” He watches you, taking into your slightly disheveled appearance, and sighs.

“You know,” he starts, waiting until your eyes are focused on him, “life and death are both equally unfair. Though, while life treats us, as individuals, with unkindness , death treats all but those who die poorly.” He turns motioning you to follow him. “We all experience loss. It is inevitable. We grow, we gain, we lose. You are no exception to this.” You both turn a corner, and he pauses as other agents pass. “Just know that you are no lesser than me for grieving, and I do not think of you that way.”

His slow build of reassurance washes over you gently, and you nod. “Thank you. I appreciate it.”

He hums, continuing his strides forward with you. “You are strong. I’ve seen you fight courageous battles. Continue, through all of your endeavors this way. It will get you far in life.”

You both stop in front of his office, but not before you answer with an, “I will, sir.”

He opens his door, but before he enters he stops, and glances over his shoulder.

“Do you truly believe that a day off will help you?”

“I do.”

He gives a curt
nod and a small smile. “Then I will look into it.”

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