#overwatch oneshots

I’m so sorry to hear that. I know how awful that is, and I wish I could do more to help!I ha

I’m so sorry to hear that. I know how awful that is, and I wish I could do more to help!

I had a feeling he’d be requested soon! He’s such a cool character already! I’m sorry if it feels a little flat. I’m still trying to get a proper hold of his personality.


You knew how a conversation with him would go.

He had only returned recently, leaving you with just a few instances of meeting. Yet, his moral standings made it easy to guess his reaction.

“You there!” Speak of the devil.

“Yessir!” You straighten your posture, turning to face him. He mimics your stance strong, and in a way that makes you feel small.

“Your request for a day off has been denied.” He starts, stoping as he studies your face, watching as it almost immediately falls. He clears his throat, “I heard about that pet of yours. Is that what this is about?”

It was destined to lead here, wasn’t it?


“Know that even through hardship, we do not except any decrease in productivity. Learn from this. Grow from this. Be stronger than your emotions, let nothing hold you back. You are on the path to weakness. Do not wallow in your own self pity.” He’s words were sharp and powerful, leaving you feeling like a small child being scolded by their parent.

“I….. I understand, sir.” You push through the lump in your throat. “I just….. I guess I thought a break would help me get back on track. I’m sorry for slacking sir.” He watches you, taking into your slightly disheveled appearance, and sighs.

“You know,” he starts, waiting until your eyes are focused on him, “life and death are both equally unfair. Though, while life treats us, as individuals, with unkindness , death treats all but those who die poorly.” He turns motioning you to follow him. “We all experience loss. It is inevitable. We grow, we gain, we lose. You are no exception to this.” You both turn a corner, and he pauses as other agents pass. “Just know that you are no lesser than me for grieving, and I do not think of you that way.”

His slow build of reassurance washes over you gently, and you nod. “Thank you. I appreciate it.”

He hums, continuing his strides forward with you. “You are strong. I’ve seen you fight courageous battles. Continue, through all of your endeavors this way. It will get you far in life.”

You both stop in front of his office, but not before you answer with an, “I will, sir.”

He opens his door, but before he enters he stops, and glances over his shoulder.

“Do you truly believe that a day off will help you?”

“I do.”

He gives a curt
nod and a small smile. “Then I will look into it.”

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Yeeeeeessssssss. Mermaaaaaaiiiddddssssss! I wasn’t sure if you meant if they all were mermaids

Yeeeeeessssssss. Mermaaaaaaiiiddddssssss!

I wasn’t sure if you meant if they all were mermaids or not, so I just made S/o one. I hope you enjoy!


“An’ this ‘ere’s a ribbon!” The alluring fabric flows gently against the breeze, held high by a thin arm.

She grabs it gently from him, inspecting it carefully in the sunlight.

“And, what does it do?” She asks.

Both of them watch her run her fingers over it in curiosity, turning and twisting it as she saw fit. “Nothin’ really. Just suppose 'ta look pretty.” Jamison responds.

“Well, it certainly does that well!” She tries to wrap it around her now drying wrist, wanting to make it look like a bracelet of sorts. She struggles shortly before a small wave crashes around her, drenching the ribbon in salty water. Her eyes become wide as she sees it grow dark and heavy. “Oh no! It got wet! Was it not suppose to get wet!? Did I destroy it??! I am so sorry!!!!”

Mako chuckles lightly, picking it out of her frightened grasp, and ties it around her wrist.

“It’s fine.” He quietly reassures her, patting her small back with his large hand.

The panic in her face subsides slowly, replaced with a shine in her eyes. Letting her tail flick in excitement, she holds her arm up to inspect the light reflected back at her. “Thank you!” A gasp escapes her, “and that reminds me!”

She scoots forward slightly, bringing a satchel- another gift from the boys- around from her side to her front. Opening it lightly with a bright smile, she places two orbs, one after another, in the wet sand before her.

“For you!” She exclaims. The Junkers glance between each other before grabbing one and individually inspecting it. She watches their confusion, and giggles. Taking Mako’s, turning it around, and shaking it, she holds it back up as they watch it in awe.

The foggy white glass inside slowly shifts and sways, revealing its kind of snow globe like function. A small coral reef, swarming with fish and sparking light, presents itself temporarily, before disappearing into fog once again.

After the quick show, Jamison ferociously shakes his own, watching a similar scene unravel.

“Woah!” He shakes it again, this time holding it to his ear, questioning if there was sound to accompany it.

“Thank you.” Mako near whispers. He takes back his orb, and as he does she places her hands on his.

“Of course! I have some many from you, it would only be fair to return the favor.” She releases him, sighing, lying her head into her arms. “I only wish there was a way that I could show you those places for real.”

“Maybe some day.” Mako pauses and then snatches her present from the other man, “Stop shaking that so hard.”

“Aye! I ain’t gonna break it.” He protests, huffing. “Give it back!” He reaches over, attempting to grab the object.

This was suppose to be a swimming lesson for Jamison, as they usually are, but they always end like this. Goofing around, laughing, and, for the boys, mild fighting.

She raises her body, and starts to happily crawl back into the water.

“Where you off ta’?”

“Swimming. Care to join me?” She flicks her tail up before going underwater, not waiting for them to respond.

Junkrat hobbles over to the side of the ocean before sitting and twisting off his prothetic leg.

“Do you need the vest?” Roadhog refers to the swimming vest behind them.

“No, who'dya think I am. Some kinda child?” He protests, scooting into the waves to join their girlfriend in the cold water.

“I’m bringing the vest.”

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