

“It…. would have been easier right…? That’s definitely not something you’ve ever shied away from”

“I seek to improve this world; not lessen it. So, Even if it must be in the backwater crevices of the world, I will allow you to do what good you can…”

Oh, Rax. That…. Conceit is unlike you"

“Of course there have been others I’ve had to… nudge out ofthe way tokeep my plans intact.
But still…. you arespecial among them
You can recognize and utilize others’ strengths and weaknesses, organize even near total strangers to work alongside you like the most well-oiled of machines, and regularly put others’ well beings before your own. That is, after all, what took your eye, yes?”


“Your injuries were not my intent, but… You should consider them fortunate.

Several years ago, Rax managed to arrange a meeting with Doppel
What did he ask?

“… Dumb question, yeah… I know you always are.”

Several moments pass without a response

“What? Did you just expect me not to question that? That a group of mercenaries like them would just show up in the exact same middle of nowhere town as the one ‘mon in hiding from them? You owe me answers, Doppel!”

The silence continues to hang over the scene, broken only by the white noise of the rain


“Look, just- You should probably head home. It looks like it’s going to rain soon”
