#dottie underwood x reader


*。 How The MCU Women Will React To Someone Having A crush On They’re S/O *。

*。TAG LIST:Prompt List :Guidelines/Who I write for :

*。Master list

*。Tags@djbynum3718@ginger12202@sarahpstan@hehehehannahthis @evilcr0ne@peggycarter-steverogers@nyx-aira @multifandomfix

*。Peggy Carter master listNatasha Romanoff master listDottie Underwood master listThena master listGamora master list




*。Peggy Carter

*。 Natasha Romanoff

*。Dottie Underwood


Gamora was fuming. The said person who has a very noticeable crush on you will never take the hint that you are hers and she is yours, well not at first.

It began as some sort of little annoying itch, an itch that she will compress. The itch grew over time, mainly because hedoes not get any of the hints that you and even her are laying flat on the ground for him to clearly see.

“He is staring” Gamora annoyingly huffs, eyes narrowing on your hand as you gently squeeze her thigh.

“He can only stare, baby. He can’t touch, just stare” You reply, a smile lingering on your face.

You always found ways to calm her down but this day was not going to be easy and you knew it. By the time Gamora and you were packing up and moving towards the ship, he came. A smile on his face and anger on Gamora’s.

“Oh no,” You mutter under your breath, trying to quickly move you and your boiling partner to the ship before he could stir some trouble.

You were so close until Gamora turned her whole self around.

Her eyes filled with burning rage as she balled up one of her fists and threw one good punch. He was out for sure as Gamora made her way back to you, taking your hand into hers and walking back to the ship.

“I think he got the message now, huh?” Rocket cracks up laughing, rolling over with tears streaming down his fluffy face.

You just smiled. You can’t always hold Gamora accountable after gold was never your colour.


Thena was amused. She found it funny to always see a man or even a woman fall head over heels for her lover who she has loved for many years and will continue to love. It was always young men and easily flustered women.

You were the Goddess of love. You will always have a hold on any mortal who was stupid enough to fall for a simple smile, so like always Thena found herself laughing with her usual amused grin.

“He is only 17 and he is really trying to work a woman who will always come back to me” Thena comments, her smile only growing as you get what you want for free for the second time today.

“Having fun?” The blonde Goddess asks once you sit beside her.

“You have your fun out on the field while I have mine” Your voice filled with entertainment, a gentle kiss meeting Thena’s rosy lips.

“You’re the Goddess of war. Your my dream at the end of every day and you know it” You mutter against Thena’s smiling lips.

“That I do know. You also know that I love seeing your victim’s faces when they realise that your heart already belongs to someone else. But the question is, have you gotten what you wanted?” The green eyed woman asks while pulling you into her lap.

“You are all I want” You answer, one of your hands finding their way in her hair before tugging enough to angle her head to look you in the eyes.

Thena bit her lip, your lips trailing kisses up her neck, her eyes looking to the side to watch the young boy’s smile disappear as he catches sight of what he sees.

“Love, leave a love bite, please. I would like to make my message very very clear” Thena says, her untamed hands squeezing your ass with a wicked giggle leaving her throat.

Peggy Carter

Peggy didn’t notice at first but then flowers and even chocolates began to show up at your shared bunk room door. You thought they were from her until you woke up one morning to find her still laid in your arms with gifts left at your door.

You were flattered of course but crept out. You knew Peggy will be annoyed to find that some soldier boy has a tiny crush on her number one girl but you were very surprised at the way she took it.

“Okay,” She replied, her concentration stuck on applying her lipstick.

“Okay?” You rose an eyebrow, arms crossed with confusion plastered all over your morning face.

You didn’t get a response but felt as if the feeling was “okay” so you went on with your day as usual until you found Peggy staring flames at Howard Stark himself.

You couldn’t help but laugh. You really thought she didn’t mind it but yet Peggy’s eye twitched as Howard threw you a cheeky little wink.

“Howard, how are you?” You ask, arms wide enough for him to embrace you.

“Better now that you’re here” He replies, taking your hug and immediately backing away as Peggy slowly approaches from behind you.

Howard as usual begins ranting about his grand plan while Peggy wraps an arm around your waist, her hand gently finding yours.

“I guess that okay was really some sort of cover on how you truly felt” You whisper, a grin growing by the second

“Maybe” The brown-haired woman answers while looking around before sneaking a big fat snog, making sure Howard notices.

“Woah! ladies maybe get a room that isn’t the meeting room” Howard almost yells, covering his eyes like a child.

Peggy saw no end to the show, her hand squeezed your ass with a moan feeding her mouth. Your hands latch onto Peggy’s shoulders as you dominate the kiss and finally see an end.

You suck in a deep breath as you rest your head on your lover’s shoulder while Peggy throws Howard a warning look.

“God damn it, Peggy! Y/n told me you two were a thing this morning while also asking me to stop sending her gifts! Geez, I need a glass or even a bottle of whisky after seeing that!” Howard yells, scurrying away on the mission to find himself a drink.

Peggy looked down at you and your laughing frame.

“I was going to tell you but I had no idea that you were going to - uh pull a Carter” You laugh, lipstick long gone.

“Come. Howard has gone to nurse his drink and I want to nurse my whole bottle of a woman before the meeting room is filled with working men” You whisper into the British flowers ear while leading her into a dark corner by her tie.

Natasha Romanoff

Natasha, she is a bit like Peggy but more into marking what is hers. Like a wolf marking its territory but without the whole urine thing and more into love bites but to her they were her way of saying minewithout any words being needed.

Wanda Maximoff was getting a little too comfortable with your open kindness that she began to develop a little tiny crush on the alphas luna. Maybe it was time to remind the little girl that what is hersstayshers.

Natasha began by clearing her throat while you and Wanda were looking for a movie to watch in Wanda’s room.

One look in her eyes and you knew it was the moment to feed the hungry redhead.

“You might want to turn the volume up. Have a nice night Wand’s” You say with a preppy smile while waltzing out of her room damn well knowing that no matter how high the volume goes Wanda and the whole ass compound will hear you going round after round.

“What is mine stays mine” The dominating redhead whispers into your ear with one hard thrust inside you, drawing out yet another massive moan.

Round 7 and Natasha has only left one hicky but is planning more as you beg her for more.

“MOMMY! PLEASE ONE MORE! GOD, PLEASE DRAW OUT ONE MORE!” You screaming, back against the wall, legs wrapped around the ring leader’s waist.

“Baby no need to beg. Mommy is keeping you up all damn night until your whole neck chest and even tits are covered with my damn warnings” Natasha growls into your ear, thrusting growing stronger with her warnings painting themselves over your heated skin.

“God I love you!” You yell, capturing her lips, dominating the kiss as she knocks orgasms after orgasms out of your body.

The following day Natasha made sure to walk out of the room with a sports bra on and most importantly had you leave the room with a lazy bottom-up with her artwork for everyone especially Wanda to see. Everyone got to see the claw marks you left on her skin while also having a full visual of her territory marks.

Dottie Underwood

Uhh yeah, Dottie is flat out crazy. Dottie is like a Yandere but on drugs. They are really rare moments but Dottie seems to always allow her inner voices to overcome her until all she sees is red.

Murder is what I’m trying to highlight. If Dottie can Dottie will.

Poor ending for your fellow agent but he should have heard the angels calling him when he dared to buy you flowers and leave them at your doorstep every single night. Dottie waited at the door instead of going to bed to look outside of the peephole.

She only smirked when she caught a glimpse of the middle-aged man’s face. She kept a mental note in her head and when the time was right she was going to wipe him out.

Peggy called for her aid so she went undercover with Jarvis. But things turned sour and she was kicking ass left and right while you sit back hoping she was going to come out alive.

Dottie was about to take her leave when she caught a tiny glimpse of the man who left those annoying little gifts at your door and only took her chance.

“Well, there you are” Dottie began, her grin only growing as the stupid agent began to fight her.

“I now can say this is self-defence” The dark-haired woman comments, throwing her legs around his neck and snapping it within seconds.

Your beloved smiles at her work before finally taking her leave but not without snagging a rose from a vase.

“For you” She hands you the rose with a smile.
