#peggy carter x reader



Pairing: Director of S.H.I.E.L.D.!Peggy Carter x Reader

Word Count:900+

Requested: “Hi! could i request a Peggy Carter x reader drabble where they get into an agurement but eventually make up? (Also know im late to the party but congrats on 1k!)”

Summary:Peggy couldn’t understand why you were so upset following this latest S.H.I.E.L.D. mission until she remembers that neither of you are as young as you used to be.

Warnings: Mentions of blood, injury, and minor medical procedures following said injury

Author’s Note: Ohhhh I just barely fell under the word count for this to still count as a blurb by my own standards even though a drabble was requested. I need to stop being so wordy with these concepts I get in my head for requests.

MCU Masterlist.|Notification Sideblog. | Requests Closed!

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Pairing:Peggy Carter x fem!Reader

Summary: Reader is a S.H.I.E.L.D. agent and historian who specializes in the life and legacy of Captain Carter. After Nick Fury uses the Tesseract to bring Peggy back, the Director of S.H.I.E.L.D. contacts the reader to help her navigate life in the XXI century.

Warnings and notes: Food, mentions of Steggy, mentions of Stucky, very small mentions of war. Other characters are also mentioned. This got way longer than the first two parts, but there’s also way more Peggy here. This series takes place after the last scene of What If… episode one, including spoilers to that episode. Reader uses she/her pronouns.

Word count: 2,304

Series Masterlist

It should be a short walk to your apartment, but you made a small stop each time Captain Carter was curious about something. You also got some take out on the way, making sure to pick at least four different options from separate places and a couple of desserts too, since you didn’t know her taste yet. It was a while before you made it to your street.

During the entire time, your chatting was limited to safe topics - how loud and bright the city was, how many screens there were, the amount of coffee options that existed now. You watched Carter fall in love with her caramel coffee and made a mental note to buy her more sweets.

Soon, the Captain would also need to go shopping. Fury had gotten her the formal white blouse and the black pants she wore now, an outfit much more discreet than the uniform she was wearing when she fell, but that was her entire wardrobe at the moment. That was another mission you should handle, but it could wait until after lunch.

When you finally got home, you placed the food over a kitchen counter and gave Carter a quick tour of the apartment. It wasn’t much, but hopefully it would be enough for both of you until she was more familiar with this century. The tour ended where it started: in your tiny kitchen. You pulled a stool for the Captain and presented her with the options for lunch.

“I suppose you’ve never tried some of those, so I got a few different meals. Burritos, sweet and sour chicken, calzones and Pad Thai. For dessert, there’s lemon tart and triple chocolate cake. I might have gotten a little carried away.”

Peggy took a seat and examined her options. You wondered if that would be, technically her first meal since the 40’s.

“They are all tempting, but I might start with this one.” Her eyes were fixated on a burrito as if it was the Holy Grail. Yeah, that was surely the first time she ate in seventy years. She dove in, so focused on her meal that you didn’t dare to interrupt. Meanwhile, you took the other stool and picked a calzone, eating it while you watched Carter.

You were still trying to wrap your head around the fact that she was really here, and it was surprising that you hadn’t completely freaked out so far, but the prospect of the rest of the day started to worry you. The Captain would certainly have a lot of questions and, if there were inquiries that Fury left for you to answer, they probably pertained more to her personal life than to great historical events.

If the registers about her were right, it wouldn’t be long before the real conversation started. Peggy Carter was too smart to have such a debate in the middle of the street, but she wasn’t known for stalling. As soon as she finished her meal, in the privacy of your (now shared) kitchen, you would have to provide about seven decades of answers.

Before you could try to prepare yourself, she was done with her second burrito. You almost suggested dessert, but the look she gave you left no room for pauses. Carter turned on her stool to face you directly, her posture becoming straighter and her eyes never leaving yours. She was the perfect image of Captain Carter, the hero, the legend who defeated all odds. Still, when she spoke, there was softness in her voice.

“The meal was lovely and so is the apartment. I can’t thank you enough for you kindness, Agent L/N, but I must ask a few things more of you. If you have studied about my life, you must know what happened to Steve Rogers after I was gone.”

You should be ready for that. Of course her first personal concern would be about Rogers. His story with Carter went down in history as a tragic tale of love, bravery and loss. To his last days, Rogers had made it his mission to honor her legacy, but that wasn’t all that he did. How do you tell a person that the love of her life went on to live a decades long, fulfilling relationship with someone else, even though, from her perspective, they were together the day before?

“Please, call me Y/N. And you can ask anything, Captain. I will tell you everything I can.” You took a deep breath, going through the words in your head in search of the best way to let her know. It was best to keep nothing out. Carter deserved that. “Steve Rogers continued to serve as the Hydra Stomper until the war had ended and all known Hydra operations had been eliminated. After that, he stepped out of the suit so that Howard Stark could continue his research with the Tesseract. I believe neither of them ever gave up on bringing you back, but, in many ways, they also moved on to build new lives.”

You made a small pause, in case she wanted to say something, but Carter only gave you a nod, encouraging you to continue. It was impossible to look away from her eyes, or to keep anything hidden when she stared at you with such intensity. Even in silence, sitting still, she emanated a power that kept you talking.

“A few years after the war, Rogers and Stark started an intelligence agency to keep the world safe from threats we could barely understand. They named it S.H.I.E.L.D., because of you. That is the agency I work for, directed by Nick Fury.” There was something poetic in the way that same agency ended up being the reason Peggy Carter was back, but it wasn’t your place to point that out. “Rogers never stopped fighting, even without the suit. He was a legendary agent, working along with James Barnes until they retired. They were also together for the rest of their lives.”

That was the piece of information you feared would break Carter’s heart, but she had a bright smile after hearing that.

“That suits them. All of them.” The joy in her voice sounded so sincere, and you couldn’t help but ask.

“Were you and Rogers… Together? It is said so in the official files, but…” In your studies, you sometimes wondered if their relationship was just a myth, maybe a publicity stunt to humanize the fallen super soldier. It was your job to question the data, but you had never paid that possibility much attention until now.

Instead of being offended by your invasion of her privacy, Carter laughed so lightly and freely that you felt your cheeks getting warm.

“Oh, darling, Steve Rogers had a heart too big to have only one soul mate. He was the love of my life, yes, and I was the love of his, but not the only one. A love so beautiful and dedicated is supposed to be shared. Of course I’m sad I didn’t get to share the rest of his life with him, but I’m relieved to know that he and Bucky had each other. And that’s not to say I’m a being of such virtue that I’m above jealousy. I felt jealous of Steve alright, many times, but I could never be jealous of him with Buck. They fit well together and they were good for each other. They were real, just as Steve and I were. Steve deserved to be loved through a lifetime. I’m grateful that he was.”

Carter’s eyes shined with tears, but she didn’t allow any to fall. Maybe she would let herself grief for the lost possibilities later, but for now she was handling such an emotional journey with more elegance than you thought possible. It didn’t seem to be an act at all. On the contrary, what touched you the most was the honesty in her words. That selflessness of being genuinely happy to hear of how her soul mate lived on without her, in love with someone else, told you more about Peggy Carter than any history book ever had. And that’s how she reacted right after being thrown into the next century, coming directly from a war and landing in a world she didn’t recognize.

“I don’t think history ever made you justice, Captain. The general public thinks of you as a hero, but they’re so far from knowing the person behind the suit… You know, it’s very nice to meet you.” You couldn’t help but sharing a bit of what was on your mind. To that moment, your hero was turning out to be even better than your daydreams, and it was only fair to let her know so.

At that, she gave you a big smile and your heart skipped a beat. You would have a hard time sharing an apartment with this woman.

“You are far too kind to me. To be honest, they never showed much interest on me, suit or not, until I went against official orders and started throwing tanks around and fighting the battles that needed to be fought. I am more concerned about what I am able to achieve, regardless of how they will see me. And there’s no need to call me Captain, Y/N. Heavens, we live and work together now and you’re my guide to modern life. Peggy is fine. And it’s nice to meet you too.” She took the initiative to get a slice of chocolate cake, already making herself at home. You had the feeling that her adaptation to this world wouldn’t be too difficult, all things considered. Peggy Carter would take whatever she was given and make more of it than anyone imagined possible.

“As you wish, Peggy. Speaking of that, there’s a lot I think you’ll like to see about life now. What else are you curious about?” You took your own slice of cake, trying to feel at ease in this conversation. You couldn’t be on high alert whenever Carter was around if she was going to be around all the time, but that was easier said than done. Your responsibilities here were enormous and, to be frank, you were determined to be your best self and impress her, even if just a bit. Maybe telling her about the wonders of nowadays technology would do the trick.

“I am curious about everything. I can’t wait to know all about the development of science, or what I missed in seven decades of sociopolitical turmoil, but there’s one more person I’d love to hear about before we get to that. You mentioned Howard moving on with his life, didn’t you? What exactly was that little menace up to while I was gone?”

Now, that was a rich topic of conversation.

“Well, Stark continued his research with the Tesseract and with many other projects, sometimes along with the US government, and he built a billionaire empire. Weapons, all sorts of technology, wild parties. The man had everything. He has a son, Tony, who inherited the tech, the money and the brains, but with a stronger inclination to heroism. You see, Tony Stark built himself a supersuit, partially inspired by his father’s Hydra Stomper, but with a larger variety of uses. It’s said that Steve Rogers was a sort of mentor to him, but I couldn’t get Stark to talk a lot about it when I interviewed him.”

You couldn’t tell which part made Peggy more excited. She nodded along as you listed Howard Stark’s achievements, as if it was all expected, and her eyes got wider when you told her about his son. When you mentioned Rogers, she almost jumped in her seat. She was already invested, but dropping that name sealed the deal.

“Fury gave me this.” She took two business cards out of her pocket. “It has his telephone number and Barton’s too. Could I use your telephone to call him? I would like to meet this Tony Stark, and I bet Fury would be able to reach him.” 

Giving Director Fury a call from your cellphone felt strange, but how could you deny Peggy that? If the Director gave her the number, he wanted her to be able to reach him, right? 

Instead of dialing yourself, you showed Carter how to use the phone. She looked like a kid on Christmas whenever she was given access to new technology. You would make sure she got a cellphone of her own soon so you could show her everything the device could do. 

She called Fury and you waited as they talked for less than two minutes. Peggy handed you the phone when she was done, with a smile that said she got what she wanted.

“So, what did the Director say?” You asked, anxious to know the outcome of the call.

“We’re meeting Tony Stark tomorrow at 2pm in his tower. Was it him who named it Stark tower or is that Howard’s doing?” She narrowed her eyes a bit, still smiling.

“The tower was built by Tony, so I think we can’t blame Howard for that one.” You joked. “Are you meeting Fury at S.H.I.E.L.D. before you two go to Stark’s?”

“Oh, Fury is not going. He booked the meeting for you and me, if you would like to accompany me.” Peggy sounded hesitant, as if she had just considered that you might not want to join her on that plan. 

“You’re asking me if I wish to be there when Captain Carter meets Tony Stark? Please, if I didn’t get the chance to be a part of that exchange, I would beg you for a detailed retelling as soon as you got home.” 

Your reply made Peggy laugh once more, and you were getting used to that sound very quickly.

Pairing:Peggy Carter x fem!Reader

Summary: Reader is a S.H.I.E.L.D. agent and historian who specializes in the life and legacy of Captain Carter. After Nick Fury uses the Tesseract to bring Peggy back, the Director of S.H.I.E.L.D. contacts the reader to help her navigate life in the XXI century.

Warnings and notes: This series takes place after the last scene of What If… episode one, including spoilers to that episode. Reader uses she/her pronouns.

Word count:750

Series Masterlist

Meeting Nick Fury was a big deal. In different circumstances, you would be solely focused on giving the Director a good first impression. At this moment, however, you barely acknowledged the man behind the desk, giving him a small nod while your eyes were fixated on her. She stood in front of Fury’s desk, her back turned to the door. You had seen enough photographs and portraits to recognize that silhouette, but it was still difficult to associate it to a living, breathing person.

“Director, Captain. I found Agent L/N.” Barton announced, causing Carter to turn around to see both of you.

She seemed a bit suspicious, but there was curiosity in her eyes. That was one of your favorite parts of every recounting of Captain Carter’s personality. She was a badass, for sure, but she was also brilliant and eager for discovery.

“I understand you are the local specialist on me, Agent?” And she also had a sense of humor. Carter offered you her hand, which you were a bit too eager to shake.

“It is an honor, Captain. If there is anything I can help with, I’m at your service.” You tried to imagine the level of absurdity the woman was facing. You didn’t know how long it had been since she landed in a new age to find out that everyone she knew was long gone. Even if Carter was as amazing as history believed, this couldn’t be easy to handle.

“Well, thank you, L/N. I will be holding you to that for sure.” She let go of your hand and turned around. “Fury has been walking me through the basics of what happened since my departure, but there is a lot to fill in.”

With that, you had the clarity of mind to turn your attention to the man.

“Director Fury. I hope my work can be of assistance, sir.” He stood up to shake your hand, while you did your best to look composed, even if you were visibly shaken and unsure of what your role there would be.

“It will, Agent. Captain Carter was brought back to Earth early this morning. I sent Barton to get you as soon as we arrived here. Nobody else at S.H.I.E.L.D. is as well equipped to answer some of her questions, so this will be your full time job for a while.” You nodded, purposefully ignoring your internal panic as Fury brushed past the comment. “The Captain and I were just discussing her living situation. There’s a few S.H.I.E.L.D. houses available, but the ones nearby are not what I would call ready to move in. Barton, can you handle that?”

Before you could fully register what your brain was about to offer, you intervened.

“My apartment is just a block away and I have a vacant room, if that would work?” You weren’t sure if the suggestion was addressed to Fury or to Carter, but they exchanged a look and shrugged, almost in unison. Had those two really met that same morning? They already seemed capable of holding entire conversations without saying a word.

“That sounds practical enough to me, as long as I won’t be imposing, Agent. Fury assigned you as my guide of sorts, anyway, so that could save us both some precious time.” She smiled, and you held your breath for a moment. What had you just done? Peggy Carter was now your roommate. And you full time job, according to Nick freaking Fury. And it was only noon.

“It will be my please, Captain.” You managed to reply, hoping someone else in the room would tell you what to do next. There wasn’t much of a protocol that you could follow, but Fury came to your rescue.

“I have some fires to put out for the rest of the day, so I will leave you two to arrange this on your own. Barton, you stay with me. And Agent L/N, not a word of this gets out until I want it to get out. Not to a friend, not to a colleague, not to your cat, if you have one.”

“Understood, sir. I won’t disappoint you.” At least, you hoped so.

“Either way, I won’t allow her to. Save your energy for those fires, Director. We will handle this.” Carter sounded playful, as if she was talking to old friends, and you could almost feel your legs go weak even before Fury responded.

“Alright, Agent. Cap’s all yours.”

And with that, you were dismissed.

-In Every Multiverse I Will Always Be Yours-

Request - I know this is very weird but could I request a fic where captain Carter gets sucked into a different multiverse. In her multiverse, Y/n died due to the war but in Y/n’s reality, Peggy Carter died due to old age (because Y/n is an immortal being). Y/n is like Diana, whos a god that became an avenger and after that phase in her life started freshafter bringing back her friends.

A/n - It’s my very first time writing for Captain Carter but I hope you enjoy it. If you do then please like or even better reblog (It helps a lot). Also angst so… AND PLEASE DO NOT SPOIL MOM FOR ME!! I HAVEN’T WATCHED IT YET!! DO NOT STEAL MY BOARD!! I MADE IT MYSELF SO NO STEALING!!

Tags - @dj-bynum3718​ @ginger12202@sarahp-stan@multifandomfix@hehehehannahthings@evilcr0ne@nyx-aira@satxnsupreme@peggycarter-steverogers@xxromanoffxx@billiedeanspearls

TAG LIST:Prompt List :Guidelines/Who I write for :Peggy Carter mastelist

The Year of 2016 (Civil War)

“Till death do us part, my love” You spoke, hand resting on the casket of the woman, whom you loved since childhood. It was the end of the ceremony before the burial.

You wanted a proper goodbye before she was carried away and put into the earth, on which she once walked. Tears stained the cheeks she caressed and kissed, your lips leaving a final goodbye on the wood that separated you both.

“Till death do us part” You finished, heart-shattering as you watch past shield agents carry her casket away.

Steve’s arms wrapped around you and pull you into a bear brother hug, a hug you would forever love him for. His chest swallowed your sobs as he too tried his best to hide his great sadness.


The Year Of 1945

“Y/n!” Peggy called, hoping you wouldn’t be one of the bodies found under the mess of dead soldiers. “Captain!” Bucky yelled out to her, his face saying it all.

“No, no-” An ugly sob fell from her lips, her shield falling from her grip as she shutters towards your lifeless and badly beaten body. Her tears fall like rain, her hold onto your unalive body growing with every inch of her heart.

The whole team stood around her, with their sadness being felt by every living thing there.

“AHHHHHHH!” Peggy shrieks, her screams being heard from miles away, Steve’s skinny hand resting on her shoulder.


“Carter! Come on! You’re going to miss the show” Howard hollers, throwing his goggles on with a childless grin on his face. “I’m supposed to be on patrol” The Burnett reminds the man child.

“Would you rather be ‘patrolling’ or watching the biggest breakthrough of the century?” He smiles, his grin causing Peggy to roll her eyes.

“Alright but only a tiny bit” Peggy gives in, her hands on her hips as she watches Howard click, and press the buttons.

“That’s the spirit!” He yells, trying to get the big rounded machine to work.

Howard rubs his hands together as he hovers closer to a lever, a massive animated grin dancing on his lips with a dash of crazy in his eyes. “This is going to be good!” He pulls the lever with a smile but falls disappointed when the machine stops creating noise and shuts down.

“WHAT!?” The dark-haired man shouts, his face getting redder by the second. “It’s alright. There is always next time” Peggy pats him on the shoulder.

“YOU PIECE OF JUNK!!” He kicks the large machine before storming out of his lab.

Peggy couldn’t contain her fit of laughter once she caught sight of his red baby face. “H-Ho-BAHAHA!! I-YOUR FACE!!” The full-grown woman collapsed to her knees, her face growing redder as every giggle she produced fell from her lips.

Light overshadowed her as the sound of the machine starting up again caught her attention, causing her laughter to fall silent. The English lady turned her head around as the machine created a portal behind her. Her expression showed worry.

“HOWARD!!” Peggy shouts, her feet finding a way up before feeling them elevate from the lab floor before letting out a final yelp and losing sight of the old fashion laboratory.

“BLOODY HELL!!” The British captain curses, her words echoing in an atmosphere of black with colours carrying her somewhere.

“IF I DIE HOWARD I WILL HAUNT YOU FOREVER!!” She screams, landing in a different lab. A modern lab.

Dusty and broken equipment welcomed the British supersoldier. Peggy looked around her new abanded environment while inhaling dust particles, causing her to cough.

“What the-” Her words fell short when she felt glass shatter under her foot. Backing her foot off she picked an old picture up and dusted it off before taking a good look at the familiar face.

“Y/n?” Peggy tilted her head, her eyes speaking for themselves as she takes in the people you were with. A young redhead had her arm around your waist while causing you to laugh when everyone else was standing there being serious for the team photo.

You couldn’t help but laugh at the new recruit’s dry joke so, of course, you ruined the team photo. Your smile lines showing with your loveable laughter flowing through Peggy’s mind as she remembers the times she made you laugh and holler.

She smiled and dismissed the red misty finger woman as all she saw was you in your Amazonian battle armour. Amour? What? You looked more like a god than the SSR agent she met many years before the war. This can’t be right, can it?

This is weird Peggy thought to herself. She looks at the back to read “To the girl in armour (2015) - WM”. 2015!! HOW YOU’RE DEAD!?

Peggy began to look around, rummaging through whatever her hands could find with your face on it, newspapers, old pictures, books, etc. Then she pauses. “Margaret Elizabeth Carter passed away in her sleep?” Peggy’s jaw drops.

Her eyes then come across a new article. “Is captain America really trying to look after Peggy’s girl or does he plan on stealing the poor widowed wife?” Carter read with a curious tone, her jaw clenching at the stupid words.

“Captain America? Really? Steve isn’t Captain America, he’s just Steve” She spoke to herself, scrunching and tossing the worthless piece of paper in the bin.

“Where are you, my love?”


You sat at your desk reading and indulging in ancient greek history with books scattered all over your desk with loose papers here and there. You loved how the mortals wrote the gods, especially Athena or who you really knew as Thena. She was a dear friend of yours whose actions were written perfectly but her physical features were kinda wack.

You laugh at how annoyed she was to read that her hair was brown. She was annoyed while you were amused by her reaction. The books written about you, 'the goddess created by the female deities (Including Thena)’ were written almost perfectly beside the parts where you slept with Thor.

You couldn’t stand his ego let alone his presence. Your reaction to this made you laugh and almost throw hands with Thena when she read the ancient text to you and didn’t stop teasing you about it.

“A bit of little readying are we?” Maria’s voice enters your office, her smile playing on her lips.

“Aren’t you supposed to knock before making your presence known?” You annoyingly remind the young brunette.

“Nah… Anyways what you doing?” She throws herself on top of your desk, legs crossed with her usual 'I’m bored’ smile.

“I’m not going to entertain you if that is what you are after,” You say, eyes falling back to your book. “Oh and get your behind off my papers and books, please,” You ask, eyes giving no mind to your friend who shifts a few of your things over so she could sit on your desk.

You make an annoying huffing sound before sucking on your teeth with an unamused look in your eyes. “What is it I can do for you today, Miss Hill?” You ask, placing your book down and throwing her a tight smile.

“Oh finally. I thought you were going to ignore me but anyways… Do you remember the old lab you set up once you began operating with the avengers?” Maria asks, her eyes telling you something is up.

“Yes, why do you as?”

“The system you put in place picked up human life last night and I might have taken a peek at the cameras. You wouldn’t believe what I found” Your annoying friend says, pulling out a computer from her bag and placing it in her lap so you could the camera feed.

“Hmm” You hum, moving your chair closer to the screen facing you. “Who is that?” You ask, your nose scrunching up as you look up at Maria who matches your facial expression.

“No idea but she looks almost like-”

“Peggy” You finish her sentence.

“I was gonna say a female version of Cap but hey your guess is usually better than mine” She shrugged, closing the computer causing you to blink a bit at the sudden closing of the device.

You sat there stunned and kinda scared. What if she is seen by the public? What if she gets herself hurt or even worst killed?

“She’ll come to me I know it but Peggy would need a bit of guidance” You mutter, pushing Maria off your desk and grabbing your own laptop out.

“BROOKE!” You call for your assistant. “Yes, Ms Carter?” The tall blonde rushes into your office. “Did you finish sending out the invites for the historian fundraiser?” You ask, eyes glued to your screen as you type away.

“Of course I did. I sent them out right after closing early last week. I also finished up placing orders for the food and decorations that you picked, they will be arriving tomorrow for the event” She spoke, her eyes wandering and taking in the 'organised’ mess in your office.

“Good girl. I need you to assist Miss Hill to the exit and I’ll take a long read at the 'safety guide’. Don’t forget that if she has not placed an appointment she can’t come into my office” You remind the young blonde as Maria gives you 'a look’.

“What? Did you call?”

“No… But-”

“So you now leave with a tiny reminder to call or book an appointment” You grin, waving her goodbye as she gives you 'the evils’.

“Where are you, Captain?”


Peggy was walking freely throughout New York with a few people staring at her as if they are looking at a ghost. Some people even began taking photos and videos of the lost Captain.

“Is that Peggy Carter?” One woman whispers, pointing at her.

A little girl stops Peggy in her tracks. “Are you real?” She asks, with a lolly pop in her mouth. “I’m as real as the cavities you’re going to get if you continue eating that sugar on a stick” She spoke like a true parent.

“Mmm” The little girl mumbles, throwing the candy in the bin. “At a girl” Peggy smiles, holding up a thumb with a giggle following.

“Carter! Carter! Can you tell us how you came back from the dead but most importantly when did you become the new Captain America without falcon knowing about it?” A young female reporter asks her, a mic in her face with a Camera man filming.

“Ma'am this is the British flag and I’m not American. I’m Captain Carter, not Captain America” She states, poking the mic and camera.

“Uh haha, right. Trying to give the United kingdom some credit, are we?” She forces a laugh, a fake smile plastered on her face.

“I think you mean is the symbol of new leadership for women and all women alike, while representing the crown and what it stands for,” She says, looking the woman dead in the eyes.

“Umm yes of course! But how did you crawl your way out of the grave with youth written all over you?” The redhead asks, pushing the mic closer to the poor newbie.

“I was never in the grave, to begin with?” Peggy sounded as if she was questioning more than she was saying.

The reporter began to laugh. “You Peggy Carter were never known by your humour but you are very very funny,” She said through tears.

“Umm thank you? May ask whose Falcon?”

“I am and by the way, it’s Captain America. How many people have to get that wrong?” Sam lands behind the lost and curious Captain, with a bit of sass dripping through his speech.

“OH MY GOD, IT’S THE FALCON! QUICK JHON GET A CLOSE-UP!!” The woman spoke, excitement spreading across her face.

“Come on, Peg I have someone waiting for you. She isn’t in a very patient mood” Your dear friend holds out his hand for her to take.

Peggy just stares at him. She remembers him from the photo she found but he isn’t Captain America from the newspapers. Did Steve retire? Or is he dead?

Peggy took his hand but instantly regrets it when he uses his wings to take off. “Give a lady a heads up first, CAP!” Peggy crocks, with a bit of laugh creeping through her smile.

“I thought the wings were enough of warning. Anyways I gotta get to a certain woman fast enough or she won’t be happy with me” The middle-aged man spoke with a smile.


Clearly, Sam Wilson wasn’t fast enough after all it’s the night of the event and you’re pacing back and forth in your clean modern office with guests showing up real soon. Bucky nurses his drink, watching you with Maria beside him.

“This is the very first fundraiser after bringing back the others and losing Natasha and Tony. I can’t believe that this is how it all fails” You mutter, a glass of wine in hand.

“This is going to be live and Wanda isn’t even HERE!! She hasn’t answered my calls or my letters!! Last time I heard she was in slaving a whole town? Wha-what?” You look at the stunned pair, throwing back your drink.

“I think someone needs to stop drinking” Maria comes up to you and take your glass from you.

A gentle knock at the door causes you to whip your head around so fast you swear you could hear the death violins play. “Oh that boy is going to get a good beating,” You say, your eyes glued to the door while Bucky cracks it open a bit.

“Bucky?” A familiar accent crawls from the door. You push Bucky out of the way. Your eyes widen at the woman in front of you in a British version of the Captain America suit.

You knew she wasn’t 'your’ Peggy Carter but you felt your heart swell as you gaze into the familiar pair of eyes looking right at you with the same expression.

Peggy’s mouth fell open. There you stood in a Scarlett red silk, hugging, long, and cleavage showing dress. You haven’t aged a day, your eyes sparkling with knowledge and adventure. You might have not aged or grown physically but it’s all in the eyes, the very eyes that still send butterflies in her stomach.

You’re hers even if you are a different version of the Y/n Carter she mourns for and still clings to. Sam motions Peggy inside as he gets the others out of your large office.

“Captain… You’re not in the right realty, are you?” You blurt out, eyes laying heavily on the book, dr Strange gave you so you could practise magic to pass the time.

“What?” The familiar love of your life stares at you with hurt in her eyes, catching Peggy off guard.

“Look at what you wear, Captain. My Peggy wasn’t given the serum, in fact, it was Steve Rogers or known as Captain America who was given such a gift” You spoke with memories flowing in like an unwanted river while fiddling with your ring.

Before you knew it, you were allowing gentle tiny sniffles out with a tear falling down your cheek. “Hey, don’t cry” A gentle voice spoke to you, with a warm loving hand wiping away your runaway tear.

“Don’t!” You almost shout, waving her hand away as if you need to. “Please don’t. You’re not mine… So please stop acting as if you are” You swallow thickly.

You turn your back from her to breathe and collect yourself. “I-I made a call to a friend who can return you back to your multiverse but it will take a while. He’s a bit busy at the given moment, something about snow indoors or something like that” You finish, feeling arms wrap themselves around you with a wet face meeting your once dry neck.

Peggy wept inside the crock of your neck, her grip on you growing with a need for you in her life. “Captain-”

“Stop calling me that… It’s Peggy, Peg, my love, my dear, darling, honey or if you’re mad at me it will be-”

“Margaret Elizabeth Carter” You pulled the last of her words out her mouth with a sigh. “I’m not yours and you are not mine. I bet the other version of myself is waiting for you” You blink a few tears away.

“But you’re not… you’re gone in my world” Her words caused your eyes to widen.

She continued to sob as you turn around and hold her in your arms while falling to the ground. “Shhh… It’s okay” You soothe the aching woman in your arms. You understood her pain more than anyone else.

“There, there, my dear. I’ve got you. See I’m not going anywhere not from a long shot” Your voice caressed the ears of the English flower while your touch gave her stormy heart clear skies.

For a while, all you did was hush and kiss the top of her head. You didn’t want to let her go no matter how much her world needed her or how much more yours needed 'the Amazonian Deity’.

You move a loose strain of hair behind your quiet lover’s ear and greeted her finding eyes with a gentle smile. Peggy mirrored your smile before inching closer to the lips of the woman whom she loves.

“No, Peggy. As much as I want to kiss you I can’t. I won’t be able to let you go if I do” You whisper, eyes reflecting your shattering heart.

*。 How The MCU Women Will React To Someone Having A crush On They’re S/O *。

*。TAG LIST:Prompt List :Guidelines/Who I write for :

*。Master list

*。Tags@djbynum3718@ginger12202@sarahpstan@hehehehannahthis @evilcr0ne@peggycarter-steverogers@nyx-aira @multifandomfix

*。Peggy Carter master listNatasha Romanoff master listDottie Underwood master listThena master listGamora master list




*。Peggy Carter

*。 Natasha Romanoff

*。Dottie Underwood


Gamora was fuming. The said person who has a very noticeable crush on you will never take the hint that you are hers and she is yours, well not at first.

It began as some sort of little annoying itch, an itch that she will compress. The itch grew over time, mainly because hedoes not get any of the hints that you and even her are laying flat on the ground for him to clearly see.

“He is staring” Gamora annoyingly huffs, eyes narrowing on your hand as you gently squeeze her thigh.

“He can only stare, baby. He can’t touch, just stare” You reply, a smile lingering on your face.

You always found ways to calm her down but this day was not going to be easy and you knew it. By the time Gamora and you were packing up and moving towards the ship, he came. A smile on his face and anger on Gamora’s.

“Oh no,” You mutter under your breath, trying to quickly move you and your boiling partner to the ship before he could stir some trouble.

You were so close until Gamora turned her whole self around.

Her eyes filled with burning rage as she balled up one of her fists and threw one good punch. He was out for sure as Gamora made her way back to you, taking your hand into hers and walking back to the ship.

“I think he got the message now, huh?” Rocket cracks up laughing, rolling over with tears streaming down his fluffy face.

You just smiled. You can’t always hold Gamora accountable after gold was never your colour.


Thena was amused. She found it funny to always see a man or even a woman fall head over heels for her lover who she has loved for many years and will continue to love. It was always young men and easily flustered women.

You were the Goddess of love. You will always have a hold on any mortal who was stupid enough to fall for a simple smile, so like always Thena found herself laughing with her usual amused grin.

“He is only 17 and he is really trying to work a woman who will always come back to me” Thena comments, her smile only growing as you get what you want for free for the second time today.

“Having fun?” The blonde Goddess asks once you sit beside her.

“You have your fun out on the field while I have mine” Your voice filled with entertainment, a gentle kiss meeting Thena’s rosy lips.

“You’re the Goddess of war. Your my dream at the end of every day and you know it” You mutter against Thena’s smiling lips.

“That I do know. You also know that I love seeing your victim’s faces when they realise that your heart already belongs to someone else. But the question is, have you gotten what you wanted?” The green eyed woman asks while pulling you into her lap.

“You are all I want” You answer, one of your hands finding their way in her hair before tugging enough to angle her head to look you in the eyes.

Thena bit her lip, your lips trailing kisses up her neck, her eyes looking to the side to watch the young boy’s smile disappear as he catches sight of what he sees.

“Love, leave a love bite, please. I would like to make my message very very clear” Thena says, her untamed hands squeezing your ass with a wicked giggle leaving her throat.

Peggy Carter

Peggy didn’t notice at first but then flowers and even chocolates began to show up at your shared bunk room door. You thought they were from her until you woke up one morning to find her still laid in your arms with gifts left at your door.

You were flattered of course but crept out. You knew Peggy will be annoyed to find that some soldier boy has a tiny crush on her number one girl but you were very surprised at the way she took it.

“Okay,” She replied, her concentration stuck on applying her lipstick.

“Okay?” You rose an eyebrow, arms crossed with confusion plastered all over your morning face.

You didn’t get a response but felt as if the feeling was “okay” so you went on with your day as usual until you found Peggy staring flames at Howard Stark himself.

You couldn’t help but laugh. You really thought she didn’t mind it but yet Peggy’s eye twitched as Howard threw you a cheeky little wink.

“Howard, how are you?” You ask, arms wide enough for him to embrace you.

“Better now that you’re here” He replies, taking your hug and immediately backing away as Peggy slowly approaches from behind you.

Howard as usual begins ranting about his grand plan while Peggy wraps an arm around your waist, her hand gently finding yours.

“I guess that okay was really some sort of cover on how you truly felt” You whisper, a grin growing by the second

“Maybe” The brown-haired woman answers while looking around before sneaking a big fat snog, making sure Howard notices.

“Woah! ladies maybe get a room that isn’t the meeting room” Howard almost yells, covering his eyes like a child.

Peggy saw no end to the show, her hand squeezed your ass with a moan feeding her mouth. Your hands latch onto Peggy’s shoulders as you dominate the kiss and finally see an end.

You suck in a deep breath as you rest your head on your lover’s shoulder while Peggy throws Howard a warning look.

“God damn it, Peggy! Y/n told me you two were a thing this morning while also asking me to stop sending her gifts! Geez, I need a glass or even a bottle of whisky after seeing that!” Howard yells, scurrying away on the mission to find himself a drink.

Peggy looked down at you and your laughing frame.

“I was going to tell you but I had no idea that you were going to - uh pull a Carter” You laugh, lipstick long gone.

“Come. Howard has gone to nurse his drink and I want to nurse my whole bottle of a woman before the meeting room is filled with working men” You whisper into the British flowers ear while leading her into a dark corner by her tie.

Natasha Romanoff

Natasha, she is a bit like Peggy but more into marking what is hers. Like a wolf marking its territory but without the whole urine thing and more into love bites but to her they were her way of saying minewithout any words being needed.

Wanda Maximoff was getting a little too comfortable with your open kindness that she began to develop a little tiny crush on the alphas luna. Maybe it was time to remind the little girl that what is hersstayshers.

Natasha began by clearing her throat while you and Wanda were looking for a movie to watch in Wanda’s room.

One look in her eyes and you knew it was the moment to feed the hungry redhead.

“You might want to turn the volume up. Have a nice night Wand’s” You say with a preppy smile while waltzing out of her room damn well knowing that no matter how high the volume goes Wanda and the whole ass compound will hear you going round after round.

“What is mine stays mine” The dominating redhead whispers into your ear with one hard thrust inside you, drawing out yet another massive moan.

Round 7 and Natasha has only left one hicky but is planning more as you beg her for more.

“MOMMY! PLEASE ONE MORE! GOD, PLEASE DRAW OUT ONE MORE!” You screaming, back against the wall, legs wrapped around the ring leader’s waist.

“Baby no need to beg. Mommy is keeping you up all damn night until your whole neck chest and even tits are covered with my damn warnings” Natasha growls into your ear, thrusting growing stronger with her warnings painting themselves over your heated skin.

“God I love you!” You yell, capturing her lips, dominating the kiss as she knocks orgasms after orgasms out of your body.

The following day Natasha made sure to walk out of the room with a sports bra on and most importantly had you leave the room with a lazy bottom-up with her artwork for everyone especially Wanda to see. Everyone got to see the claw marks you left on her skin while also having a full visual of her territory marks.

Dottie Underwood

Uhh yeah, Dottie is flat out crazy. Dottie is like a Yandere but on drugs. They are really rare moments but Dottie seems to always allow her inner voices to overcome her until all she sees is red.

Murder is what I’m trying to highlight. If Dottie can Dottie will.

Poor ending for your fellow agent but he should have heard the angels calling him when he dared to buy you flowers and leave them at your doorstep every single night. Dottie waited at the door instead of going to bed to look outside of the peephole.

She only smirked when she caught a glimpse of the middle-aged man’s face. She kept a mental note in her head and when the time was right she was going to wipe him out.

Peggy called for her aid so she went undercover with Jarvis. But things turned sour and she was kicking ass left and right while you sit back hoping she was going to come out alive.

Dottie was about to take her leave when she caught a tiny glimpse of the man who left those annoying little gifts at your door and only took her chance.

“Well, there you are” Dottie began, her grin only growing as the stupid agent began to fight her.

“I now can say this is self-defence” The dark-haired woman comments, throwing her legs around his neck and snapping it within seconds.

Your beloved smiles at her work before finally taking her leave but not without snagging a rose from a vase.

“For you” She hands you the rose with a smile.


Dites “Je T'aime” En Multiple (Series)

Non-Dark Masterlist

No under 18s thank you

Summary:Trans.Say “I Love You” In Multiples. The heart is a fickle beast, with clandestine love-goals and a strange habit of falling in love with people you shouldn’t. It’s easily swayed by lust and fragile like crystal glass. This story, much like the heart, revolves around three destined souls, heart pounding sex, and a taboo lifestyle. Inspired by Comme Trois Lapins Qui Baisent, this story will explore swingers parties, polyamorous relationships, and all the sexy things that make your heart skip a beat.

Pairing: AU Steve Rogers x Reader x Peggy Carter - Also starring Reader x Carol Danvers x Bucky Barnes x Sam Wilson x Natasha Romanoff. (More To Be Included)

Warnings:AU,Polyamorous, Married Doms Steve Rogers & Peggy Carter, Sub Reader, SOFT DOM, Threesome, Smut, Swingers, Group Sex, Exhibitionism, Restraints, Kink, Partner Sharing, More Praise Kink than you can throw a stick at. (More To Be Added)

Am I using French titles to make this mostly porn without plot series classier? Absolutely.

Any suggestions are highly, highly welcomed.

Comme Trois Lapins Qui Baisent

On the crystal blue waters of the Croatian coastline, the bunny pad gets put to good use.

Parfois, Vous Avez Besoin D'un Public

In which the reader learns how much of a director Peggy is when she invites Bucky into your bed. Stucky x Reader

Parfois, Vous Avez Juste Besoin D'ajouter De La Vanille

Coming Soon: The first time our reader sleeps with her married couple and learns the true meaning of letting go of her insecurities.

Montre Moi Que Tu M’as Manqué

Coming Soon: They say distance makes the heart grow fonder. Our gorgeous reader learns the important reason of why she has to wait for her loves to make her come. i.e. sharing is caring.

Baise-Moi, Remplis-Moi

Coming Soon: In which, Peggy and Steve teach our reader that the best things come in pairs. Or, two cocks are better than one.

Invitation Pour Un

Coming Soon: Since her timid introduction into Peggy and Steve’s swingers lifestyle there has been one man that our reader has been drawn to. And finally, Sam Wilson is ready to show her the ropes and why he is the hottest choice. For @sweater-daddiesdumbdork

Steve Rogers, Mauvais Garçon

Coming Soon: In which we explore the complicated dynamics of Steve and Peggy. Or, the time Steve did a bad and he gets punished by being forced to watch you get taken apart by Nat and Carol while Peggy teases him. For @dreamlessinparis

Tag List Is Open

Dites “Je T'aime” En Multiple: parfois, vous avez besoin d'un public

Non-Dark Masterlist

Dites “Je'Taime” En Multiple Series Masterlist

No under 18s thank you

Summary: In which the reader learns how much of a director Peggy is when she invites Bucky into your bed. Part of the Dites “Je'Taime” En Multiple Series

Pairing: AU Steve Rogers x Reader x Peggy Carter x Bucky Barnes

Warnings: Polyamorous, Married Doms Steve Rogers & Peggy Carter, Sub Reader, SOFT DOM, Threesome M/F/M, Smut, Swingers, Praise Kink, Orgasms, Double-Penetration, Oral Sex, Female Masturbation

Word Count: 3k+

Notes: You do not have to read this series in any particular orderYou can choose not to read an instalment. it’s basically just porn. Thank you to @caffiend-queen who is the beta of my world. Honestly, without her honesty and hand holding I’d be more of a chaotic mess than I am!

They’ve been sharing knowing glances all evening. It started over the fire pit as everyone tucked into pre-dinner s’mores, wrapped in warm woollen blankets to keep the chilly night air at bay. Throughout the evening, you had caught mere glimpses of shared smirks between the trio. You’d only noticed by chance, seeking out your blonde lover for some warmth and comfort. In the warm light of the lake house kitchen, he and Bucky had been deep in conversation as Peggy watched them closely from her spot on the sofa.

You should have known they were up to something. 

But then, what else would you expect on a vacation with your lovers and your swinger friends.

It all became crystal clear when Peggy pulled you into a salaciously heady kiss as you rinsed your cup in the kitchen sink, her fingers carding through your hair as she ground her thigh against your crotch. Ordinarily, the kiss wouldn’t have alluded to anything other than a steamy night wedged between your lovers. No, it was the heated grey gaze from across the room, strawberry lips licked as the brunette bombshell encouraged you to look his way that gave it away. 

“Bucky wants to play, my love. Do you want him to join us tonight?”

And that is how you find yourself sandwiched between the two hot and very muscular bodies of your lover and his best friend. Bucky is no timid mouse; not in the least bit shy turning you into a steaming puddle of hot lava in front of the loves of your life as he dominates the kiss. Chest to chest, his hands grip your neck tenderly as you latch onto his voluminous locks. Behind you, Steve licks a tactile path along your spine, his thick hands cupping your ass. 

Bucky chuckles menacingly as you gasp into the heated kiss and Steve takes great delight in your response as he drags his long, hard cock through your folds. 

Across the room, Peggy smirks as she watches the scene play out before her, exactly how she wanted. With her fingers buried deep in her pussy and pinching her nipples with her other hand, she watches intently as you kneel on the bed, caught between the two men. 

Yes, she’s had this fantasy many a time, watching you shyly navigate your way through the complex dynamics of this strange and wonderful friendship group. In particular, the chemistry you have with Steve, your lover, and his best friend Bucky when you are together. The faint tug of your lips in your teeth as the brunette teases you in tandem with your blonde partner at parties. The submissive way you bite back a snarky retort as Bucky not so subtly flirts with you, his hand lingering on the curve of your back. 

Not only does Peggy want this but you’ve also voiced your yearning for this prurient moment. 

Breaking the sexual ice at the group’s sex parties hasn’t come easy. It took months for you to work up the courage to even allow your own lovers to make you come undone in front of your friends, let alone have another man or woman touch you. However, in the sanctuary of the married couple’s Brooklyn townhouse, now your home, you were not so sheepish in confessing your fantasies involving their friends, much to the delight of your dearest.

Tonight isn’t your first time exploring your sexual desires with a member of the tight-knit group, outside of your taboo relationship with the long-time married couple. For months you have explored many kinks and scenes you had thought were nothing but a filthy, debauched dream. 

Rope-play with the deliciously dominant Sam Wilson that resulted in the most jaw-dropping orgasm of your entire life. Multiple occasions playing voyeur to Steve or Peggy dominating a variety of friends. Being eaten out by Nat on the kitchen counter as a particularly raucous birthday party carried on around you. 

This is not entirely what you had envisioned your life being. Failed relationships and many a broken heart, it had never crossed your mind that it was even possible to fall in love with not one but two outstanding, kind, and transformative humans. And then the added bonus of fun, casual sex with friends? They didn’t even discuss this in Cosmo!

However, tonight is your first night to experience the well-spoken magic that is Bucky Barnes. And despite Peggy clearly holding the reins of this particular ride, he has thus far not disappointed. You haven’t even felt his fingers deep inside you yet but you’re already well and truly under his magic sex spell. 

“How are you feeling my love?” Peggy purrs, drawing your attention over to her. 

Legs spread wide, one foot planted on the chair she sits on (thank you Pilates), she slowly fucks herself with her fingers. Her arousal is evident as her fingers glisten in the warm light of the room. She can only chuckle as you hum a response, your attention wavering between her and the uncompromising dance of fingers and tongue on your frazzled skin.

“Please… Peg… Mistress… Please… I need…” You’re a hot, quivery mess, drowning on the precipice of that fuzzy, safe sub terrain you’ve been gently guided to over the course of… well, you’re not entirely sure. It feels like an age since your clothes were tenderly removed with unapologetically starved kisses. 

“Oh sweetheart, I know. I suppose we should put you out of your misery but I do so enjoy watching you on the brink,” the brunette goddess teases. “You have been such a good girl for your Sir and Bucky. I could let Bucky put his tongue in your pussy but…” Your destitute whimper is met with a chorus of chuckles. “Well, you have been on your best behaviour. Spread your legs sweetheart. Buck, be a dear and get on your back and eat the poor girl out.”

Before you can say, well shit, he complies and has situated himself underneath you, his tongue teases your folds nearly causing you to topple over. Thankfully, Steve is quick to press his chest against your back, wrapping his arms around your chest to hold you steady. He’s an anchor to the chaos that is your new normal, always there to catch you as you fall or collapse in an emotionally charged heap. 

The tongue exploring your folds is warm and expert in its effort - extreme precision taken in just stopping short of that sweet bundle of nerves starved for attention.  The bastard isn’t going to make this easy on you. 

You must be whimpering, your attention torn from the very talented lapping as Steve gently hushes you, his hand tenderly cupping your cheek and pressing his lips to yours, tilting your head back. “It’s okay, sweetheart,” he purrs against your mouth, “just focus on breathing.”

It’s all one big, overwhelming whirlpool of emotions and really fucking good caressing as Steve cups your breasts, teasing your nipples and Bucky fucks you with his tongue. You don’t think you’ll ever entirely get used to sleeping with people outside of your relationship. Over time you’ve learnt to quiet the little judgmental voice in your head by losing yourself in the heat of their touch, your saviours, Peggy and Steve. The voice is a little more difficult to hush with each new individual invited to your bed, but your lovers know your cues better than yourself and are always so quick to bring you back into focus. 

“Look at Peggy, love,” Steve whispers against the curve of your ear, guiding you back to the moment and away from the dark thoughts. You obey, locking eyes with the gorgeous brunette, her skin glowing in the light as she edges herself.

“Does that feel nice, sweetheart?” Peggy says, her voice ragged as she comes down from the near high. “Do you like the feel of Bucky’s tongue buried deep in your pretty pussy?”

 A breathy, whimpery ‘yes mistress’ escapes your mouth without so much as a care, your fingers gripping tightly onto the thick forearms encircling your chest. 

“Do you think you can focus long enough to take your Sir’s cock in your mouth or do you need help, my sweet?” The glinting in your lover’s brown eyes is pure evil; she’s not even subtle in her delight over your frazzled state. She chuckles as she watches you flummox, unable to summon the words to beg. “Get her on all fours, gentlemen. Buck, fuck her mouth gently and Steve, make sure our girl is ready for a good shagging, I think she’s earnt it this week.”

And what a week it has been. A last minute invitation to vacation in the Catskills had turned into a week-long fuck and love-making fest. Between being utterly ravaged against a balsam fir during a hike by Carol as everyone carried on ahead without you, to then being fucked by both Steve and Carol under the waterfall on the first day alone, your body was exhausted from the physical holiday. That morning alone, Peggy had made you miss brunch by slowly taking you apart at the seams between the sheets. 

Needless to say, you have been a good girl. Willing and open to trying whatever was thrown at you. You deserve this. 

Situated on all fours as directed, Bucky kisses you languidly as Steve positions himself behind you, the blonde’s tongue quick to get to work on the soaked juncture of your spread thighs. You moan against the soft, hot tongue exploring yours, his fingers gently cupping your jaw. It’s comforting to feel the heat of his skin on yours, your overstimulated brain struggling to focus as Steve nips at your clit with his teeth. 

“You’re doing so well, sweetheart,” the brunette sighs against your lips and you can’t help but exhale a held breath happily. “Rest your forearms on my thighs and let me do the work.”

You obey; allowing your arms to relax against the thick muscle of his athletic upper legs, his feet settle under his rock-hard ass. He smells clean like fresh linen, a delicious contrast to Steve’s earthy, woody scent that you’ve grown to crave. 

Lifting his thighs slightly, Bucky places his hands on yours in a silent directive to keep your position. Once he’s satisfied you are comfortable, he takes his thick member into his hand and guides it past your parted lips.  His movements are slow and methodical, his eyes monitoring you closely as he rocks his hips back and forward. 

The position is awkward, yes, but there is something disarmingly comforting in being sandwiched once again between the two unfairly sexy men, your back arched and completely at their mercy. They work in tandem, pulling your attention to and fro - between the deliberate dragging of flesh against your walls and mouth, and the beautiful sight of Peggy fucking herself with a thick dildo. 

They keep you teetering on the ledge of that soft, pliable sub-space you’ve been desperate to descend into. The trio takes turns in drawing you away from the plummet with soft, dominant tones, hell-bent on keeping you in the present.  

By the time Steve has coaxed three fingers into your very needy pussy, Peggy has come twice, squirting all over what is probably a very expensive alpaca rug and vintage leather chair. Your skin is over-heated from the consistent push and pull from the brink of orgasm and emptiness. You know better than to come without permission, and with a mouth full of very thick cock, you’re in no position to beg. 

“You look so scrumptious like that, my love,” Peggy purrs, encouraging the wet toy deeper into her pussy. “I love seeing you stuffed silly with cock and fingers, fighting the urge to come. I think it’s time Bucky showed you how talented he is with that delicious cock of his.”

Your brain fizzles and floats as the brunette slowly draws his thick member from your heated mouth, kissing you soundly as Steve scissors your needy cunt. Barely cognizant, you’re gently urged to lay on your back, your head resting on a mountain of artisanal pillows. Lost in the haze of your overwrought senses, it’s hard to tell which handsome man is kissing you as hands trail over your highly sensitive skin. 

You’re only semi-aware as Bucky positions himself over you, caging you into the stupidly soft sheets, his thick cock teasing the juncture of your thighs. Beside you, Steve cups your cheek and places soft, soothing kisses to your cheeks as the thick cock drags along your walls, sucking the air from your chest. 

The sing-song of praise in your ear threatens to throw you into the subby abyss, but you’re pulled back into the here and now by the pillowy lips against yours, Bucky pressing his tongue into your mouth. A cacophony of “fucks” and “pleases” fall from your lips at warp speed as he skillfully juts against the clandestine jewel deep within you. 

“See, I told you it didn’t take much to get her singing,” Peggy slyly remarks from the corner of the room, the toy making the most obscene noises as it was thrust in and out of her sopping cunt. “How about you make her sing loud for us all. I want to hear our baby come.”

You can’t control the wail that escapes as the brunette suddenly shifts, still buried deep inside you as he kneels, tucking his calves under his ass and holding your hips up. The angle is sinful. With Bucky’s cock pushing down into you, Steve grasps your flailing arms as the pointed tip grazes purposefully against your g-spot now. Holding your wrists above your head in one hand, the blonde lays beside you, grasping your chin as Bucky holds still. 

“Do you need to stop?” You shake your head, barely able to make eye contact with Steve. You’re so close, so desperate, so… “Use your words, my love.”

“Please may I come?” Your voice is so raspy, so gone it hurts to even utter the words. Your chest is seized as you hover on the precipice of what you know is going to be a mind blowing orgasm.

“Such a good pet,” Peggy purrs. “Make our girl see stars, Bucky.”

And you do. Your whole body quivers and shakes as he fucks you, his hands tightly gripping your thighs. Steve keeps you in place, your orgasm ripping through the seams holding you together. 

White noise fills the room as your moving lips are met by plump ones, Steve consoling you as Bucky fucks you through your high. You gasp for air as you come back to reality, the blonde watching you closely, monitoring your every move. Both he and Peggy need you to be aware to continue and not float in that sub-cloud. They couldn’t bear to live with themselves if something happened…

“Fuck please.”

It’s all Bucky needs to continue, slowly rocking his hips as Steve encourages you to sit up, his chest firmly against your back as he places his legs either side of you. 

“You’re doing so well, sweetheart,” Peggy praises you lovingly and softly, the toy seated deep in her pussy as she toys with her clit. “You look so fucking beautiful when you come.”

You come alive under her adulation, suddenly gripping onto Steve’s biceps as he teases your sensitive clit with his fingers without warning. The flurry of obscenities that rush from your lips makes the trio chuckle, your walls instinctively clamping around the thick cock buried deep inside you. 

“That’s it, sweetheart,” Peggy hums, her eyes fixated on the slick cock driving through your folds, “show Bucky how much you appreciate him fucking you.”

It’s like she switched the lights on and the room has gone from pitch black to the brightest light. The orgasm takes you by surprise, Steve having to once again wrap his arms around you to hold you in place as you come with such intensity you swear to god you nearly lose consciousness. You’re pulled in tight between the two scorching bodies, both whispering sweet praises as you clamp tightly onto the thick cock and quake. 

Neither moves as your mind buzzes in the high, your fingers nearly breaking Steve’s skin as you hold on for dear life. 

You become more self-aware as you feel a thumb softly wipe a stray tear from your cheek and you’re met with the passionate grey gaze of the man before you. 

“Welcome back, sweetheart,” Bucky chuckles, the crinkles of his eyes warming you instantly. “You are incredible.” His kiss is tender as he caresses your cheek, still buried deep inside you. “Are you ready for more or should we stop?”

Your kiss takes him by surprise as you lean forward and cup his face. “Please don’t stop.”

The warm, fuzzy smile on his face turns lewd, and suddenly his arms are wrapped tightly around you and you are pulled up onto his lap, his cock jutting against your g-spot. 

Behind you, Steve chuckles and you can just make out the sound of his hand wrapped around his slick cock as he kneels. 

“Are you ready to take both, my love?” You turn your attention to the seductive voice to see Peggy rising up and down a thicker dildo, sitting rigid on the seat beneath her. “I know you’ve been dying to be stuffed full this holiday.”

A shuddery breath cascades from your lips, quickly met with plump cherry lips as you feel the head of Steve’s cock tease your puckered hole. Yes, fuck yes you have. Ever since that night you had watched both Steve and Bucky take poor Darcy apart on the pool table you had not been able to get the beautiful sight out of your mind. Her beautiful pussy clenching their cocks, she had come five times before they finally put her out of her misery and filled her up with their come. 

You beg and plead for Steve to enter you, still pleasantly stretched from your lunchtime tryst in the jacuzzi with your blonde and brunette lovers. Glancing at tonight’s director, Peggy offers the thick blonde a smirk, the only permission he needed. 

With care, he slowly enters you, his cock brushing alongside Bucky’s as you wail in delight, both men singing your praises as you stretch to accommodate the thick girth. This is fucking heaven on earth, their heat calming your languishing nerves as the slight sting recedes. Pillowy lips paint your skin before thick hands encourage you to move. 

This is the first time you have been with two men at once and by god you want this to happen again. And again. 

The room is alive with the sound of your thoroughly wet pussy gliding over the two cocks, Peggy raucously fucking her toy and directing your every move, mixed with a symphony of debauched cries and whimpers. Gripping onto Bucky’s voluminous locks, you ride both men, sharing heated kisses with each. They shower you with praise and feverish touches, taking turns to caress and tease your breasts. 

Steve is the first to come, his hands gripping you down onto his pulsating cock as he fills you, his lips claiming yours. For a moment, everything is still. You enjoy the full sensation of both cocks deep inside you and the faint trickle of come as both men watch you closely. The calm is short-lived, for as soon as Steve has pulled out, Peggy has encouraged Bucky to fuck you hard and you find yourself once again on your back and being railed vigorously. 

The brunette goddess, who has now come for the seventh and final time, orders you to sit up and watch Bucky fill you up. You come hard, the light blinding as the brunette hits all the right spots, his hands bracing your hips tightly. You feel him come, warm and heavy inside you, as his breath stutters but his cock never lets up. Fucking you through your orgasms, his lips furiously claim yours, swallowing your wanton cries. 

It takes some time to return back to the now, your mind fuzzy and satiated as both men lower you to the bed and draw you into their embrace. Peggy saunters over to the bed, situating herself over your well-fucked body, gifting each man a hungry kiss before pressing heady ones to your lips. 

When you do come to, Peggy’s head is resting on your stomach, Steve languidly playing with her hair as Bucky caresses your cheek. It’s just so serene and perfect.

Your voice breaks the comfortable silence. “So when are we doing that again and can you join in this time, Peg?”

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