#double d doodles


“…he catches a glimpse of her on his commute, the angle just right on the monorail’s grimy windows to lock eyes with her reflection from across the rail car. Like always, it’s only for a moment, and Claude almost misses it when the train stops and the crush of commuters carries him out to the platform in their dash for home.

Quick doodle that needed to happen of @verdantstarsReincarnation AU Byleth

dont mind me. just hangin out. fixating on claudeleth. the usual

tired: romantically calls you ‘bro’

wired: romantically calls you ‘teach’

Been rewatching avatar with the fiancé lately

fiancé is making a game & I get to playtest, enjoy a time lapse of my mc warm-up doodle straight from le sketchbook

I’m three episodes away from finishing drrr and *will smith pose* these two make me feel

I’d let him hit me w a vending machine if u know what I mean
