#dr pete moss



Three panel image: top panel features Jerry Seinfeld awash in a red glow, with the caption "Kramer, what's going on in there?" Middle panel features an illustration of four silhouetted characters, one tall and lithe and smoking a cigarette on a blue background, one short and wearing a long coat and fedora on a red background, one with long shoulder length hair and a duffle bag over one shoulder on a purple background, and one large and wearing a tattered long coat while holding a syringe in one hand on a green background. Bottom panel features Kramer from Seinfeld, awash in a purple glow, responding to Jerry with the caption "See You Space Cowboy actual play podcast".ALT

Tonight at 6 p.m. EST: [link] Come see if we make it off Mars, or at least manage to not get assassinated! (unlikely)

(Badass new character art by @violetfoxsketches!)

Oh hey I drew that.
