#dr2 ibuki

Total Dangan Island Contestant No. 15: Ibuki MiodaBio: The most hyperactive/upbeat in the group. She

Total Dangan Island
Contestant No. 15: Ibuki Mioda

Bio: The most hyperactive/upbeat in the group. She specializes costume-making, music, and having enhanced hearing, thus gives her great advantages over challenges related to entertainment and eavesdropping/spying on other competitors with ease. She is generally very energetic and out of control to a point where others sometimes sees her as a liability or a hindrance, but in actuality she keeps moral high and ease tension with her presence. Although she drags anyone around with her crazy antics and bizarre behavior, she’ll display wisdom and empathy to those in need.

Goal: Use the prize to help startup her new band and prove to her ex-band members, “Black Cherry”, that she can still be a musician that can be proud of the music she wants to plays rather the ones that are requested or pressured.

Coming up next: The big bad Baby Gangsta himself!

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