#dragon age series

shadovvheart:Brosca’s favourite thing in the overworld: flowers


Brosca’s favourite thing in the overworld: flowers

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The Elder considered for a long time before declaring that they must replace what Abelas had taken from the spirit. So he sent the hunters to dig up a rowan sapling, and bring it, living, to the camp.

There the elder ordered the sapling planted, and appealed to the spirit for forgiveness.

There was a terrible sound then, as if the whole forest were crying out in protest. Darkness fell upon the camp, though it was just past midday. And when the darkness passed, a rowan grove, every tree bearing the frozen face of a terrified elf, stood where the camp had been. From then on, it was forbidden in every clan to cut living trees in the Brecilian Forest. The spirits know nothing of forgiveness.

— “The Rowan Grove: A Dalish Tale,” from Ferelden: Folklore and History, by Sister Petrine, Chantry scholar


Instead of giant spiders how about giant toads or frogs for a change?

Credit: Image provided by Confessor


One of the greatest things about Origins was that there were the visible ‘Persuade’ and 'Intimidate’ options. I sometimes liked to Roleplay Characters, who forced their way past higher powers and those higher powers should not imagine to act against the Character. I would love to see this brought back in the newest game. Both the options to Persuade and Intimidate and when they are crucial point in a debate, you should be able to visibly land strikes verbally against the person opposite from you. Letting Characters hear you and your opinion leave a mark. I missed that with Characters like Vivienne and it can be useful for every companion, depending on opinions.


I don’t know why, but something tells me that Leliana will turn out to be the worst divine choice in DA4, her endings are just way too perfect and we all know that Bioware doesnt let us have anything perfect for long


I wish people didn’t mischaracterize the Dalish so poorly and remove the bad things they have done. No amount of popular fanon or novella thinkpieces is going to remove the canon status of Dalish elves leaving their magical young in the woods or many clans hating non-Dalish elves for virtue of being essentially not being Dalish … and that’s okay.

The canonical oppression of the Elvhen does not mean their group is divorced from meaningful critique on shitty things, nor does it mean that oppression is somehow deserved in-canon and these decisions are just the “evil BioWare writing team” who want to be dicks to fictional elves.

In a game that tries desperately to cling to grey morality, it means that both sides are going to do questionable and morally debatable things to give a nuanced choice - this is grey morality, like, the literal definition. It was the right move to make from a game standpoint, even if it is a bit of a barbaric decision, because it doesn’t just paint the Dalish elves as “pure” who can never do wrong or perform poor actions and gives players a choice on their personalfeelings


I know this is an unpopular opinion but I’ve never felt comfortable
with “Fenders’ as well as the romanticizing of Cassandra and Varric.
It just skeeves me out to see so many ship couples that dislike each
other. Now I know people have the right to ship who they want to
ship but its just too abusive for me. I do appreciate that dialogue
between Varric and Dorian about these type of ships though,
because its a valid point.

  • Dorian: Varric, are you and Cassandra… ?
  • Varric: What? No! Why would you even ask that?
  • Dorian: Truly? Bizarre.
  • Cassandra: I’m right here!
  • Dorian: See? She’s right there. What are you waiting for?
  • Varric: Just because two people dislike each other doesn’t mean they’re about to kiss, Sparkler.
  • Dorian: Not according to your books.
  • Varric: Don’t mistake me for that hack who wrote Hard in Hightown II. I can spell.