#dragon zuko



The Wild Claims You|EforExplicit | 3/12

Summary:A wolf wanders into the dragon’s den. For @zutarasmutweek.

Zuko blinks again. Perhaps his sight has been damaged for good.

Only apparently it hasn’t, because she is still there, in the exact same spot he’d left the four-legged creaturejust hours ago. She lays naked on her back, an expanse of rich umber skin and thick, untamed mahogany tresses. There is a rippling shiver in her limbs, likely from the sharp morning chill. Her nose twitches, and in the next second long curling lashes start to flutter.

The woman wakes up with a heaving gasp; wrenches her body upright and wraps trembling arms around her chest. Smears of dried crimson litter her all over, scratches and bites covered in ruddy patches of dirt. Dark blood matts the roots of her locks along her temple. Her stare, wide and wild, is lightning-strike blue.

