


For Sale by Owner:
Rose Weasley-Granger’s Virginity

Pairing: Rose/Draco, past Rose/Scorpius, current Scorpius/Albus
Fest:Fuck. His. Dad.
Avg Reading Time: 2 hrs, 40 min
Genre: Cracky smut, Family fluff, Fainting couch drama
Fun Tags: The Horniest POV, First time sex, Enthusiastic sex, Weasley cousin shenanigans, Sex auction, Sex-positive grandma, Accidental Voyeurism, Non-pairing proposal and wedding, Rare Magical Pet Acquisition, Big family feels, Wedding shenanigans, Sex lore you didn’t know you wanted
Squick Tags: Age difference, Maternal disapproval, Intended pregnancies


I’m a twenty-four year-old academic prodigy, but I’d trade my diplomas for a good, hard fuck. Since that’s not a real thing I can do, I guess I’ll pack up my dildo collection and go to the States for this doctoral program. If I can raise the money for tuition.
Virginity: the original NFT. Non-Fuckable Token.
Assuming someone will pay for it.
Someone did. Handsomely. And repeatedly. And then I stole his cat.

“It was that good?” Albus is close to squealing with excitement.
I take a deep breath. “Promise you won’t tell?”
“Cross my heart.”
He settles in to wait for the story of how I, Rosalind Jean Weasley-Granger sold my virginity for a small kingdom.
I take a deep breath and prepare to weave a filthy tale.

Read on AO3

This story is HILARIOUS! If you’ve enjoyed sassy Rose in my Draco/Rose fic, Incandescence, then please go read this fic! It’s funny, it’s sassy, it’s sweet, it’s sexy, it’s so many things all at once and all of it exceptionally well-written.

Plant of the Day

Friday 29 April 2022

The handsome square stems of Lamium orvala (balm-leaved red deadnettle, balm-leaved archangel, dragon flower, Hungary deadnettle) carry pairs of dark, pointed, strongly-veined leaves, beneath each pair is a whorl of pink flowers. This herbaceous perennial fits in with a range of other spring flowering plants, here associated with Myosotis sylvatica (forget-me-not) and Paeonia dauricasubsp.mlokosewitschii (Molly the witch).

Jill Raggett
