#rose granger weasley



For Sale by Owner:
Rose Weasley-Granger’s Virginity

Pairing: Rose/Draco, past Rose/Scorpius, current Scorpius/Albus
Fest:Fuck. His. Dad.
Avg Reading Time: 2 hrs, 40 min
Genre: Cracky smut, Family fluff, Fainting couch drama
Fun Tags: The Horniest POV, First time sex, Enthusiastic sex, Weasley cousin shenanigans, Sex auction, Sex-positive grandma, Accidental Voyeurism, Non-pairing proposal and wedding, Rare Magical Pet Acquisition, Big family feels, Wedding shenanigans, Sex lore you didn’t know you wanted
Squick Tags: Age difference, Maternal disapproval, Intended pregnancies


I’m a twenty-four year-old academic prodigy, but I’d trade my diplomas for a good, hard fuck. Since that’s not a real thing I can do, I guess I’ll pack up my dildo collection and go to the States for this doctoral program. If I can raise the money for tuition.
Virginity: the original NFT. Non-Fuckable Token.
Assuming someone will pay for it.
Someone did. Handsomely. And repeatedly. And then I stole his cat.

“It was that good?” Albus is close to squealing with excitement.
I take a deep breath. “Promise you won’t tell?”
“Cross my heart.”
He settles in to wait for the story of how I, Rosalind Jean Weasley-Granger sold my virginity for a small kingdom.
I take a deep breath and prepare to weave a filthy tale.

Read on AO3

This story is HILARIOUS! If you’ve enjoyed sassy Rose in my Draco/Rose fic, Incandescence, then please go read this fic! It’s funny, it’s sassy, it’s sweet, it’s sexy, it’s so many things all at once and all of it exceptionally well-written.


“Albus. Al. I’m — my name is Albus…”

“Hi Scorpius. I mean, I’m Scorpius. You’re Albus. I’m Scorpius. And you must be…”

Rose’s face is growing colder by the minute. “Rose.”

The girls dressed up pretty for Rose’s birthday✨

I hc January 18th to be Rose’s bday, so I drew Talia, Dominique, her and Lily to go with the 5th chapter of MMYP and her fancy birthday celebration!

This is your very last chance to sign up to contribute to the advent calendar. Sign ups close in two hours, at 23:59 GMT.

If you still want to take part, send us an ask saying whether you want to write a fic or make some art, along with any dates you can’t do. We’d love for everyone to take part, and you don’t need to have a popular blog or even have published anything before to sign up.

There are only 48 hours left to sign up! Please send us an ask before midnight GMT on Wednesday if you’d like to contribute art or a fic, or if you’re willing to help beta. We’d love to have you involved. If you have any questions or hesitations just get in touch!

Also, if you have any prompts or pairings you’d like to see, please send them in. Remember to make them Valentine’s Day themed and HPCC related. The more creative the better.

We look forward to hearing from you soon!

I’ve done this job for centuriesOn every student’s head I’ve sat Of thoughts I take inventoriesF

I’ve done this job for centuries
On every student’s head I’ve sat
Of thoughts I take inventories
For I’m the famous Sorting Hat

I’ve sorted high, I’ve sorted low,
I’ve done my job through thick and thin
So put me on and you will know
Which House you should be in…
Rose Granger-Weasley.



Post link


640 words, G rated

Albus and Scorpius are happy to be back at Hogwarts for their sixth year. It looks like it’s going to be a good one. 


Albus and Scorpius walked hand in hand toward the empty compartment at the back of the Hogwarts Express. Their sixth year at Hogwarts would soon be starting, and they were both happy as ever. After they stored their luggage in the overhead compartment, Albus snuggled against Scorpius as they talked about their holidays. They hadn’t seen each other in two weeks, which seemed like a lifetime to them.

Not five minutes had passed after the train’s departure when the compartment door slid open and in the doorway stood none other than Rose Granger-Weasley.

“There you are!” she exclaimed.

Albus looked at Rose, who was grinning, and then turned to Scorpius who was smiling back at her. Albus remembered how awkward things had been when Rose and Scorpius were dating, however brief their relationship was. Albus had just realised that he had more than just platonic feelings for his best mate who was apparently in love with his cousin. After weeks of asking, Rose finally agreed to go out with Scorpius, but their three dates didn’t go too well, and it ended with Scorpius finally realising whom he had feelings for and having to explain the situation to Rose..

“What are you doing here?  Didn’t you say you wanted to catch up with your Gryffindor friends?” Albus asked with a hint of desperation in his voice.

Rose shook her head and sat down. “The compartment was full. And anyway, I wanted to spend some time with my favourite cousin!” she said, ruffling Albus’ hair.

Albus pushed her hand away and looked at her disbelievingly before asking: “Mum told you to stay with us in case we decided to run off again, didn’t she?”

Rose’s smile faded a bit. “Yes, maybe… But that doesn’t mean I don’t want to spend time with you and Scorpius!”

Rose then warily looked at Scorpius and asked “And how’re you doing, Scorp?”

Scorpius sat up, clearing his throat. “I’m fine, thanks for asking. What about you?”

“I’m great! Most of the girls in Gryffindor keep on asking me about you two lovebirds and I’m starting to get sick of the attention. No one even mentioned my new haircut!” She laughed and winked at Albus and Scorpius.

The three of them started talking about school and wondering what spells they would learn in Defence Against the Dark Arts, and what crazy predictions their Divination teacher would make about her students. After a while, Scorpius opened a big packet full of Pepper Imps his father had provided for him and the trio happily ate the sweets as steam was coming out of their ears and noses. After a while, they had run out of topics to talk about, so they looked out of the window, admiring the scenery. Rose shared the set of cauldron cakes she had bought from the trolley (the Trolley Witch still didn’t trust Scorpius and Albus) before going to get changed into her school robes.

She walked out of the compartment saying, “I’ll leave you two lovebirds alone. You’re welcome.”

Relieved that his cousin had finally left, Albus kissed his boyfriend.

“Now tell me again how much you missed me,” Albus whispered.

Scorpius chuckled and whispered back, "so much I thought I couldn’t go on much longer. If I hadn’t been able to send you letters I think I might have died.” Scorpius pretended to faint dramatically before letting Albus hug him.

Ten minutes later they got changed into their Slytherin robes and sat down to watch the scenery outside of the window. The sun was setting over the fields, and there was a beautiful view of the Hogwarts castle on the horizon. Scorpius leaned against Albus’ shoulder, holding his hand. This was going to be a good year and neither of them could wait for it to start.


1k words, G rated

When Rose can’t find a compartment, she ends up in Albus’s and Scorpius’s, leading to the three of them mending their relationship and becoming friends. 


It was September First, and Albus Potter was very excited to get back to school. He had a few reasons for being excited, the first one being his best friend, the second one being the fact that he wouldn’t have to talk to his family as much, and the third one being that he wanted to have something to occupy his thoughts again.

Summer for him had been quite rough. First, his family (and all his cousins) went on a trip to America for two months, making it a bit harder for him to exchange letters with Scorpius, and he had to hang out with Rose a lot, even though they weren’t on the best terms.

But school was starting, so at least Albus now had something to look forward too. 

As soon as he got on the platform, he hugged his parents goodbye, and with a promise to write, he rushed on to the train, looking for an empty compartment so that Scorpius could come and find him when he was out of the Prefect meeting.

He soon found a compartment, dragged his trunk in, put it up on a shelf, and sat down and opened a book. The train started moving not long after, and after a little while longer, Scorpius appeared at the door.

“There you are, Albus! I feel like I haven’t seen you in months!” He said excitedly.

“That’s because you haven’t, Scorpius.”

“Oh.”  Scorpius smiled.

He dragged his trunk into the compartment, put it up on one of the shelves and sat down. The pair engaged in a lively conversation, before they were interrupted by Rose.

“Sorry to bother you two, but all the other compartments are full. Would you mind if it sat here?” She asked, looking a bit awkward.

Albus instantly wanted to say no, but before he could, Scorpius replied.

“Of course! We don’t mind, right Albus?”

“It’s fine,” Albus said, reluctantly.

Albus knew that Scorpius was only being nice, he had found out before summer break that Scorpius’s so called crush on Rose had fled as mysteriously as it came.

“Are you sure?” Rose asked. “I don’t want to intrude on anything.”

“Just sit down,” Albus told her.


A few awkward moments of silence passed before Scorpius broke it.

“So Albus, Rose, how was your summers?”

Albus and Rose both try to speak at the same time, eager to have something to break the silence. Albus motioned for Rose to go ahead.

Noticing something was obviously wrong, Scorpius was quite concerned. He let Rose ramble on, though, not wanting to interrupt.

Just then, a knock sounded on the door.

“Anything from the trolley dears?” the Trolley Witch called, opening the door just a bit.

Albus and Scorpius exchanged a look and yelled “No!” in unison, sliding the door closed quickly.

Rose laughed. “What was that all about?”

Albus instantly became hostile again, retreating back into his corner of the compartment. Scorpius decided that Albus needed a talking to, so he apologised to Rose and dragged him out.

“Why did you do that?” Albus asked, as soon as they left the compartment.

“Because you’re being rude, and you should probably stop before Rose storms out in anger and leaves you in a bad mood.”

Albus sighed. “You can’t expect me to be nice to her, Scorp. She’s hated us since first year!”

Scorpius shook his head. “Two points;”

Albus smiled. “You always have two points, don’t you?”

“First, it’s sixth year, which means that that is a good five years, so she certainly can’t still hate us. Second, it’s quite obvious that she’s trying,” Scorpius reasoned. “So maybe you should try too.”

“Why are you being so nice? She hated you too!”

“You just said hated past-tense, therefore proving the fact that she doesn’t hate us anymore.” Scorpius replied. “And as much as I love your company, Albus, I would like to make more friends before we graduate and never interact with anyone else. Plus, she’s your cousin. Give her a chance.”

“Fine, I’ll be nice.” Albus said grudgingly, before heading back into the compartment.

A few hours passed without any problems, but there was not much progress with Albus’s and Rose’s relationship either. Scorpius kept on trying to start conversations, but it was quite obvious that it was getting nowhere. He finally gave up and left the compartment, mumbling something about using the loo, hoping that Albus and Rose would take this chance to sort out their problems.

After Scorpius had been gone for a couple of minutes, Rose spoke up.

“Hey Albus, do you hate me or something?”

Albus looked up from the book he had pulled out and sighed. “No, not really.”

“Then why were you ignoring me?” She asked quietly.

“Well, maybe because you have been really rude to Scorp and I since first year?” Albus replied.

Rose’s face fell. “Oh.”

“And you know, it hurts quite a bit when your cousin starts teasing you because you aren’t like the rest of our family.”

“I’m sorry, Albus,” she said softly. “I didn’t realise how mean I was being.”

Albus sighed again. “It’s fine, just please be nicer?”

Rose smiled. “Of course! If I could, I’d go back and slap myself.”

Albus laughed. “Time traveling is never a good idea, Rose. Fourth year proved that.”

She went over and sat next to Albus. “You think we can still be friends?”

He leaned over and hugged her. “Of course.”

Scorpius, who had been standing outside the entire time, came in almost as soon and they stopped hugging, giving off such a wide smile, Albus couldn’t get mad at him for spying,

The rest of the train ride was much more enjoyable than the first part, for the mood in the compartment had lifted by tenfold. And by the time the ride to Hogwarts had ended, Albus and Scorpius were very, very happy to call Rose their friend.


884 Words, G Rated

Just a short fic from Rose’s POV on getting ready for Hogwarts.


Her eyes fluttered open.

The clock on the nightstand next to her blinked, 3:37… 3:38.

She sighed and tossed to the other side of the bed. The moonlight streamed through her bedroom window.  She spied her family owl in a nearby tree, probably conducting his nightly hunt. He suddenly swooped down, and out of Rose’s view.

Her mind started to race: owl… quills… parchment… assignments… books… teachers… Hogwarts…

She sighed again and turned to stare up at her ceiling, where her mum placed plastic glow-in-the-dark stars to create constellations. Despite her dad growing up in a very non-Muggle house, the Granger-Weasley household leaned more to Hermione’s Muggle side. There weren’t enchanted irons or knitting needles.  That even meant that Ron needed to take the Muggle driving test. Hermione wanted to show her children that both the Wizarding and the Muggle worlds could co-exist; that both were equal.

Rose looked at the constellations. “Orion,” she whispered. “Cassiopeia.”

A squeak in the floorboard outside her door startled her and she suddenly turned towards the sound.

It was silent again.

She let out the breath that she apparently was holding in. She shook her head, as if to clear her mind.

Why am I so nervous? she thought to herself.

She was finally going to Hogwarts. This had been her dream ever since she could remember. Some of her first memories were of others talking about the Battle of Hogwarts and her parents, her aunt, and uncle. How brave they were. How they were heroes. Even now, after so many years, a random witch or wizard would come up to her parents and shake their hands, giving their deep appreciation.

How can I live up to that? 

She turned and looked at her clock. 3:45.

She sat up and picked up a pencil and pad of paper from the nightstand. She looked at the pencil, and chuckled softly. She recalled when her mum gave her the box of pencils, pens, and markers two years ago.

“You’ll be using quills at Hogwarts but here in the Muggle world, these are what you need.” Hermione picked up the pencil. “The sharp end is what you write with; the rubber end is how you erase what you wrote.”

Ron walked in the room with Hugo sitting on his shoulders. “Your granddad was fascinated with all of that. Remember that quill pen we had for the guest book at our wedding? He took it apart halfway through the reception.”

Hermione smiled. “And then George bought an entire set in different colors for your dad’s birthday.”

“Mum couldn’t visit Bill, Fleur and the kids quick enough.” Ron chuckled. “Just so dad could ramble about those damn things all by himself.”

Hugo loudly yelled out “Damn!” which made Hermione give Ron a look to which he grinned, sheepishly.

Rose giggled both back then and in her darkened room as she recalled Hugo’s first curse word. I’m going to miss that little squirt. She and Hugo said their goodbyes the day before as he was visiting Grandma and Grandpa Granger for the weekend to give her parents some much needed alone time.

The clock finally hit 4:00.

Putting the pencil to the notepad, Rose started to write out “How to Succeed…” then she erased it quickly.

She started again “Ten ways to…”


“Making sure…”


She tapped the pad with the end of the pencil. Her eyes glanced around the room. In the dark, she could still make out her signed Holyhead Harpies poster, the overflowing bookcase, a box of tricks from Weaselys’ Wizard Wheezes, her truck packed for the upcoming journey… her eyes stopped at the family portrait on the wall next to her window.  There was no movement as it was a Muggle photo. Everyone was still, just like they were when the photo was taken. Rose had specifically asked for the photo like that.

Taken a year ago, she and Hugo sat on the center of their couch with their parents flanked on either side of them. Her mother’s hair still seemed wild yet put-together. Her father had subconsciously covered his arms, blocking view to his scars. Hugo gave a toothless grin as his two front teeth had fallen out the day before. And then there was Rose. She had styled her hair the same way as her mother. Her clothes were the same colour as well. Even how she sat up on the couch. Just like Hermione.

While still looking at the photo, she wrote something on the notepad.

“What My Parents Did At Hogwarts”

She looked down and continued her list. Remembering all the details on how her parents met. And how they met Harry. And what to do at Sorting. And which classes Hermione took each year. And how Ron tried out for Quidditch.

This was her checklist. She was going to accomplish everything her parents did and more.

She yawned, and then glanced at her clock. 4:19

She put the notepad and pencil back on the nightstand and settled back into bed. Maybe I could get some sleep now.

She turned over and looked out the window again. “And at least I won’t have to worry about dark magic and Voldemort like they did…” She chuckled as she closed her eyes. 


1.4k words, G rated

After the feast on their first day at Hogwarts, Rose and Albus are shown their respective common rooms, the places they’ll live in for the better part of their seven years at Hogwarts. However, they never thought they’d be separated in different houses…

I apologize in advance for the angst.

Thanks to the amazing @dreaminofsnow for betaing.


“There she is! Our newest Gryffindor Weasley!”

Even though Rose recognized that voice instantly, she turned her head to see who had spoken very loudly, upon her entrance in the Gryffindor common room. Unsurprisingly, she found her cousin Fred, who was exuberantly waving at her from a nearby couch. Rose covertly waved back and was made to follow the prefect who was leading her group of first years. However, Fred’s exclamation had attracted the attention of the other Weasley cousins.

“Rose!” Dominique greeted with a smile. “Welcome to our wonderful common room.”

“Hi, Rosie!” James grinned at her from his spot besides Fred on the couch.

Molly looked up from her book to chime in. “You’re going to love it here, Rose.”

“Yeah, we have the coolest common room in the castle!” boasted Fred.

“You only say that because you’ve never been to the other ones, Fred…”

“Well the way the other students talk about theirs, I don’t need to see them to know they sound bloody boring.”

“Hey Rose, did you know that Gryffindor is the only house with an ice cream maker in their common room?”

Rose was surprised by James’ declaration. Now that was a fact she hadn’t discovered in her readings about the school. “Really?”

“No, but it’s on our list of things to sneak in here. Fred and I have a plan.”

Molly rolled her eyes. “Oh, not this again. You already tried that three times last year…”

“Ah, but this year our plan is brilliant. Been working on it all summer.”

Amongst her cousins’ banter, Rose heard the Prefect shepherding the first years away. “This way to your dorms…”

James stood and put his arm around Rose, preventing her from following the other first years. “Hey Rosie, come on, we have to show you around.”

As her cousins gave her an impromptu tour of the Gryffindor common room, she took in as much as she could of her surroundings. The reds that decorated the space were vibrant, and the pieces of furniture were all different shades of burgundy and earth-tone browns, which filled the room with an atmosphere of energy and warmth. Yet Rose found that this warmth didn’t quite reach her as she trailed behind her enthusiastic tour guides. Only after her cousins made sure that she knew all the private nooks, comfiest furniture, and useful secrets about the Gryffindor common room was Rose able to take her leave from them.

She climbed up the stairs to the girl’s dorms – or, at least she hoped she was climbing the right stairs, since her prefect guide was long gone – and timidly searched for the first year girls’ dorm. Finally, she heard a vaguely familiar voice filtering through a door that stood ajar.

“Kellie! Red looks really good on you. You were truly destined to be a Gryffindor.” Rose recognized the speaker to be Paulina – or was it Paula? – as she entered the dorm. The girl she was speaking to, Kellie, was beaming as she modelled her new Gryffindor scarf and tie. A third girl – Ashley? Amy? Audrey? – noticed Rose’s entrance and waved hello. The other girls stopped their chatter and turned towards the doorway to stare curiously at the newcomer.

Rose politely waved back and hurriedly made her way to the only remaining four poster bed in the dorm, taking notice of her new Gryffindor uniform that had been placed on top of her trunk. She climbed in and closed the hangings halfway, not wanting to seem anti-social but thankful for the slight privacy they granted her. She had already met her dorm mates on the train, after all, and there would be plenty of time to get to know them better in the next seven years they would spend living together.

Truthfully, Rose had met a lot of people on the train, having spent the journey hopping from compartment to compartment in the hopes she would meet her future best friends. But no one she met had seemed terribly interesting. Of course, she had met many nice and friendly first years, but she hadn’t felt a connection to anyone. It hadn’t helped that every time she had passed Albus and Scorpius’s compartment she had found them in the midst of excited chatter or raucous laughter.

Rose sighed as she thought of Albus. She had always thought she would start her life at Hogwarts with the boy she had grown up with. Even though she was surrounded by her friendly dorm mates and sharing a common room with most of her family, Rose felt alone.

Albus quietly exited the Slytherin common room, repeatedly mumbling the password he had been given under his breath. He looked nervously around as he stepped out through the passage way, half expecting one of the upperclassmen to stop him. Yet, no one prevented his exit so he assumed he was still allowed to come and go at this time. He and Scorpius had just finished unpacking their trunks and organising their new living space. They had chosen side-by-side beds – of course – a pair of four-posters sitting below a large circular window and positioned slightly closer together than the other beds. He had taken his leave from his new friend, however, because he now felt the need to talk to a specific person.

Of all the ways he imagined this day would go, he had never thought he’d spend his first day at Hogwarts separated from Rose. He wondered how he was going to get into the Gryffindor common room to talk to her. Maybe he could just knock and hope that one of his cousins would answer the door and let him in? Hopefully he wouldn’t have to see into his brother, since he had spent the entirety of the feast avoiding the curious glances his Gryffindor sibling had thrown his way. Surely James had plenty to say about Albus’s sorting, and he wanted to hear none of it. But as he started to make his way out of the dungeons he found that he didn’t have to dread facing his brother right away, because Rose was there, heading towards him. He smiled and waved timidly at his cousin.

They met in the middle of the corridor leading to the dungeons.

After a few moments spent looking at each other, Albus broke their uneasy silence. “Hi.”

“Hi,” Rose replied curtly.

Albus proceeded, unsure of what to say. “Did you enjoy the feast?”

“Yes. Although someone seemed to be missing from our house table.”

“I don’t know what happened at the Sorting Rose, I didn’t think I wanted…” Albus trailed off, not knowing how to explain to Rose how he had felt when the Sorting Hat had announced that he was a Slytherin.

“There must be some mistake then. You’re a Potter-Weasley. Why aren’t you in Gryffindor?”

“We talked about being Sorted in other houses than Gryffindor, Rose. We knew it could happen. And your mum and my dad always taught us that all the houses had different qualities. Not better, not worse, just different.”

“Yes, but we never thought we would be separated by the Sorting.” Rose cast her gaze down at the stone floor as she spoke, as if unwilling to look at her cousin.

“It doesn’t mean we can’t be friends…”

“But you’re in Slytherin, Albus!”

Albus took a deep breath. When he next spoke he tried to keep his voice calm, wanting Rose to understand that Slytherin house wasn’t like they had feared. Wanting her to understand that deep down, he knew the sorting hat was right, that he was a Slytherin.

“I like it so far, actually. The Slytherin common room is really cool. I wish I could show it to you. I think you would like it. The different greens everywhere are really soothing. I didn’t think I would like green this much. Scorpius says it matches my eyes…”

“You and Scorpius seem to be getting along well then.”

Albus was startled by Rose’s interruption. “It’s like you hoped,” he finally replied. “We found our real friends on the train.” His words had come out fiercer than he intended, but something about Rose’s tone had irked him.

“Yes, I think we did.” And with that she turned and walked away from the dungeons, as Albus watched her lone figure disappear from view. She didn’t look back.

This is your very last chance to sign up to contribute to our back to Hogwarts celebration. Sign ups close in two hours, at 23:59 BST.

If you still want to take part, send us an ask saying whether you want to write a fic or make some art, along with any dates you can’t do. We’d love for everyone to take part, and you don’t need to have a popular blog or even have published anything before to sign up.

There are just 36 hours left to sign up! Please send us an ask before midnight BST on Monday if you’d like to contribute art or a fic, or if you’re willing to help beta. We’d love to have you involved. If you have any questions or hesitations just get in touch!

Also, if you have any prompts or pairings you’d like to see, please send them in. Remember to make them back to Hogwarts themed and HPCC related. The more creative the better.

We look forward to hearing from you soon!

Thanks to everyone who’s signed up so far! We’re really excited to have you all taking part. If you’re thinking about signing up or aren’t sure, you still have a few days! Send us an ask with any questions and we’ll be happy to answer, or if you want to get involved let us know whether you want to write a fic or submit some art (fic writers, don’t forget to mention whether you’ll need a beta or not), by midnight BST on Monday the 21st of August. Also, if you’d like to help with betaing fics please drop us an ask. This event really is the more the merrier so get involved!

If you don’t want to submit any fic or art, maybe you’d like to help inspire our writers and artists by sending in prompts? All back to Hogwarts themed ideas are welcome, and if there’s a particular pairing you’d love to see let us know that too.

Much love to you all, and thanks for your enthusiasm so far.

The team behind the HPCC Advent Calendar and HPCC Valentine are back (finally) to celebrate Albus, Scorpius, and Rose’s first day at Hogwarts! Let’s send the kids off to school with a bang.

What’s this?

Between the 1st and 4th of September there will be daily postings of fic and art, all back to Hogwarts themed, and from the HPCC fandom!

How do I get involved?

We’re looking for artists, edit-makers, writers, etc. who want to create an offering for our Nineteen Years Later celebration. You’ll create a fanwork, which can be anything you like, as long as it’s back to Hogwarts themed and uses HPCC characters.
If you want to get involved, drop us an ask before midnight GMT on Monday the 21st of August. Tell us whether you want to submit a piece of art or a fanfic, and if you want to write a fic let us know if you’ll need a beta. After that… get creating!
We are also looking for people to beta-read fics, so drop us an ask if that’s something you’d like to help with, and we’ll be in touch with more details after August 21st.

But I’m not an artist or a writer…

We’re also looking for prompts! Send an ask with a back to Hogwarts themed idea, and we’ll pass them on to any artists or writers looking for inspiration.
And, of course, on the 1st of September come back here ready to like, reblog, comment, and enjoy the fun!

You haven’t answered all my questions…

Feel free to drop us an ask or a message, and we’ll do our best to answer. Chances are other people are wondering the same thing.

We hope to hear from you soon, and we’re looking forward to all the wonderful Nineteen Years Later feels to come! <3

Rose: If you took a shot everytime you did something stupid, how drunk would you be?

Victoire: Possibly a bit…

Teddy: *spits out drink* Come on Vic, you’d be sober.

Victoire: Ahh, ba-


Hugo: A little tipsy.

Molly: I certainly wouldn’t be able to drive.

Lucy: Past my ‘emotional drunk’ stage and nearing ‘runaway pickpocket’.

Molly: Wait, you’ve had alcohol before?


Lily: Pretty sure I’d be dancing on tables.

Fred: Remember that time I sprained my wrist in a makeshift Quidditch match at 3am?

Roxanne: *high fives Fred* That was sick.

Fred, Roxanne, Louis: About that level.

Fred, Roxanne, Louis:JINX!

Fred, Roxanne, Louis: Double ji-

Dominique: Merlin’s Beard, blackout drunk at least.

James: Totally wasted.













Scorpius: Haha, same. *fist bumps Albus*

Rose: I read earlier that 1 in 10 people identify as LGBT+.

Hugo: Well, since there are 12 of us Weasley grandchildren, that would mean at least one of us is gay?

Lucy: I guess so.

James: Huh, I wonder who it will be?

Fred: Maybe’s it’s just Dominique - some past stats only say 1 in 20.

Dominique: That’s more down to stigma around it - those stats also don’t count young people, and since young people are increasingly more open, it looks like the number of LGBT+ people is increasing.

Louis: And she wonders why she’s the president of the GSA.

Dominique: I’ve told you about fifty times now, we renamed it ‘SAGA’ so it’s more inclusive.

Louis: Like the fact that we’re wizards and witches has nothing to do with it?

Lucy: Well, I like the new name, Dominique.

Molly: *pensively* Lily hangs out with that Ravenclaw girl an awful lot.


Rose: -Daisy? That’s her cous-

Molly: I know! I meant Estelle, the Ravenclaw Seeker.

Louis: Bloody good one for her age too! We were in drills the other day and she caught the Snitch by grasping it with her feet! I could never catch that well, being a Beater is so much easie-

Fred: *changing the subject* I mean, we can’t assume anything - they’re only second years, and they could just be really good friends for all we know.

Rose: Yeah, they probably bond over Quidditch and Gobstones - nothing hot and heavy happening there.

Roxanne: Even so, Lily’s always been a bit of a tomboy, she’s never expressed any interest in dating boys before; just saying that I wouldn’t be shocked if she were the gay one.

Scorpius: Personally, I hope it’s Albus.









Scorpius: He’s cute.

Hugo: Well, I guess we already know who ‘the gay Malfoy’ is then.
