
phoenix1966sbottom:Big Bang 2021 Honorable MentionsSo this is going to be the list for this year’s 2


Big Bang 2021 Honorable Mentions

So this is going to be the list for this year’s 2021 Big Bang entries that had no explicit sex or mostly bottom!Sam/Jared or equal switching and I’ll label them accordingly! I’ll be updating and reblogging this at the end of each day, give or take. No postings on weekends. Please consider leaving a comment if you read any of these stories, as it is the only payment the author ever receives and the same for the artist and their work. And, as always, head the warnings where the story is posted.

June 14th - Nothing that fits the criteria

June 15th - Green Eyes and Binding Ties by disneymagics on LiveJournal. Jared/Jensen. J2 AU.  With brilliant green wings and eyes, Jensen is a member of the fae.  Unlike his brethren, Jensen is drawn to humans and longs to live among them.  His human friend Jared, agrees to spend one week showing him what it means to be human.  The ensuing adventure is one of discovery for them both.  They face hardships and some inner truths along the way, and emerge on the other side all the stronger for it. (no penetrative sex).

June 16th - Nothing that fits the criteria

June 17th - Nothing that fits the criteria

June 21st - In the Mud In the Maze by gaialux on Ao3. Sam/Dean. Wincest.  Dean is gone. That much Sam knows is true. Now he must muddle through the maze of life without his brother, his other half. Except, he starts seeing things. Flickers. Dean comes to save Sam when he’s on the brink of death and now Sam will do anything to make his brother appear again. (Sam tops a stranger while pretending he’s Dean, otherwise it’s bottom!Sam)

June 22nd - No post

June 23rd - No post

June 24th- Nothing that fits the criteria

June 25th - No post

June 28th - Quartet for a Haunting by tsuki-no-bara on LiveJournal. J2 AU.  There’s an abandoned theater in Jared’s neighborhood that’s perfect for him and his friends to take over for their own productions. (Jared makes movies. Misha writes plays. Everyone else has ideas.) Or it would be perfect if it didn’t have a possessive squatter, a mystery who calls himself Ross and sleeps on a mattress on the stage surrounded by his own drawings and musical compositions, under a cloud of tiny Christmas lights conjured with the little magical ability that most people have. Jared thinks he’s making progress in convincing Ross to let him and his friends use the theater, until he learns something entirely unexpected – Ross isn’t a squatter. He’s a ghost. So Jared conceives of a plan to end the haunting, despite his increasing attraction to the ghost he’s trying to send home. But he’ll see his plan through, even though he knows the only possible resolution to this ghost story means he’s going to end up alone. (no penetrative sex onscreen, minor Jared/Matt off screen)

June 29th - Nothing that fits the criteria

June 30th - Just Be Still With Me by roxymissrose on LiveJournal. Sam/Dean. Wincest.  Sam’s been a vampire ever since Dean turned him for company. It’s been a decade of insanity—murder, torture, blood, gore, sex and violence. The Winchesters have become feral monsters, almost more ghoul than vampire. Trapped together and broken, Dean ultimately commits an ugly murder that drives Sam away. Hitting rock bottom, Sam decides to seek enlightenment, Dean follows–maybe Sam is what he needs to tame the rabid rats in his brain. They’re helped by someone who offers them a shot at a new way of living–a chance to become Winchesters once again. (switching)

July 1st - Heart of the Matter by TammyRenH on Ao3. Jared/Jensen. J2 AU.  Jared and Jensen became a (secret) couple during the first season of Supernatural, the show itself ended at the end of the third season. In the five years since, Jensen’s career has soared but Jared’s been dealing with rejection after rejection. The J’s have a nice house, good friends, Sadie, a good life. Jared is ready for more, to come out as a couple but Jensen isn’t. When Jared accidentally lets their secret slip, the fall out is catastrophic for both of them. Can Jensen find a way to forgive, Jared a way to trust, the two of them a way back to each other? (switching)

July 2nd - Nothing that fits the criteria

July 5th - A Final Dream of Bells by dimeliora on Ao3. Sam/Dean. Wincest AU.  Set after World War I, Sam and Dean Winchester are living in England in after the war, both recovering from their own injuries. They have become famous for hunting frauds that pretend to be mediums and fake hauntings. Their newest case takes place at an all boy’s school in the middle of nowhere. (All bottom!Sam except for one scene) My art for this can be found on LiveJournal here.

July 6th - Nothing that fits the criteria

July 7th - Nothing that fits the criteria

July 8th - Nothing that fits the criteria

July 9th - Nothing that fits the criteria

July 12th - We all need a second chance by Lia1996 on Ao3. Jared/Jensen. J2 AU.  Jared is a young reporter working for a magazine in Texas, and has a reputation of hating the rich and wealthy. But one day he is asked by his boss to go on a tour with Jensen Ackles, the rockstar, and be the tour’s official reporter. Which means six months of touring around the USA with Jensen. Jared is reluctant at first because be doesn’t think he can take that much fake Hollywood glamour, but since his goal is to be an important photographer and have his own gallery someday, he accepts it. Of course, things start rocky between the two men, but as time goes on Jared starts to learn there is much more to Jensen Ackles than he first assumed. Can they overcome their differences and become friends, or maybe more? (I’m trusting the tags for switching. I don’t have time to vet this today).

July 13th - Nothing that fits the criteria

July 14th - In the Morning Light Let My Roots Take Flight by zubenschamali on Ao3. Jared/Jensen. J2 AU. Jensen’s a dragon who takes his role as the protector of the Valley of Arnl very seriously. But after a long and difficult winter, plus a stray wyvern trying to hone in on his territory, he’s starting to become desperate. When he foolishly puts himself in harm’s way, it’s the last person he would expect who comes to his rescue. Now he owes that person a favor—a big one.Jared’s a wyvern who lost his sister to a miscreant lord who likes to hunt and capture dragonfolk for fun. He hasn’t dared to try and rescue her on his own, but with a little help from a dragon and a fae queen, he might be able to pull it off. Now all he has to do is pretend to be the opposite of who he really is and hope he can fool Lord Pellegrino. Oh, and deal with a bridge troll named Chad along the way. (no penetrative sex, almost gen)

July 15th - Nothing that fits the criteria

July 16th - Nothing that fits the criteria

July 19th - Nothing that fits the criteria

July 20th - Nothing that fits the criteria

July 21st - Nothing that fits the criteria

Post link
phoenix1966sbottom:Big Bang 2021It’s that time of year again!I’ll be updating and reblogging this at


Big Bang 2021

It’s that time of year again!

I’ll be updating and reblogging this at the end of each day, give or take. No postings on weekends. I will also be updating the Honorable Mentions post, which will have switching, ambiguous sex and no penetrative sex stories with Sam/Jared. Please consider leaving a comment if you read any of these stories, as it is the only payment the author ever receives and the same for the artist and their work. And, as always, head the warnings where the story is posted.

June 14th - Nothing that fits the criteria

June 15th - Nothing that fits the criteria

June 16th - Nothing that fits the criteria

June 17th - SOS Red by wastetheyears on Ao3. Jared/Jensen. J2 AU.  Summary: When people begin to inexplicably return from the dead, Jensen is overjoyed to count his dead fiance among the living. As bodies begin piling up in their wake, however, the focus shifts from joy to fear and Jensen has to wonder: is it really Jared that came back? Or is it something far more sinister?

June 21st - Nothing that fits the criteria

June 22nd - No post

June 23rd - No post

June 24th - Nothing that fits the criteria

June 25th - No post

June 28th - Nothing that fits the criteria

June 29th - The Prince and the Raven by meus_venator on Ao3. Jared/Jensen. J2 AU. Summary:  In a kingdom of fireshapers, young prince Jared stands on the cusp of coming into his powers. At fourteen he watches helplessly as his father King Jothbert suddenly sickens and, after a long illness, dies. Omundson, ruler of a neighboring kingdom, is appointed Regent. He sends Jared away on the pretext of boarding school. But, instead of school, he imprisons Jared in a remote and desolate castle until a timely ‘accident’ can be arranged so that Omundson can take over the kingdom completely. (warning for bottom!Jared purists: in one very brief conversation, there is implied future mpreg!Jensen)

June 30th - Nothing that fits the criteria

July 1st - Nothing that fits the criteria

July 2nd - Nothing that fits the criteria

July 5th - Nothing that fits the criteria

July 6th - Nothing that fits the criteria

July 7th - Nothing that fits the criteria

July 8th - Nothing that fits the criteria

July 9th - Nothing that fits the criteria

July 12th - Nothing that fits the criteria

July 13th - Nothing that fits the criteria

July 14th - Nothing that fits the criteria

July 15th - Nothing that fits the criteria

July 16th - Nothing that fits the criteria

July 19th - The Sound of Silence by lullys on Ao3. Jared/Jensen. J2 AU.  Life isn’t easy when you don’t have one of your senses. But being deaf for years, Jensen has learned how to communicate with the world in other ways, and he has a pretty decent life. When Jensen loses his job, he takes on a position of American Sign Language teacher at the college he studies at, but there’s one problem. One of his students doesn’t seem too interested in what he has to teach, and Jensen wishes that Jared dude would just quit his class since he gets on Jensen’s nerves. But eventually he will realize that there may be more to Jared than what meets the eye. And that Jensen himself may also have things to learn in return. (warning-brief mentions of topping in het relationships)

July 20th - Nothing that fits the criteria

July 21st - Nothing that fits the criteria

Post link
Big Bang 2021It’s that time of year again!I’ll be updating and reblogging this at the end of each da

Big Bang 2021

It’s that time of year again!

I’ll be updating and reblogging this at the end of each day, give or take. No postings on weekends. I will also be updating the Honorable Mentions post, which will have switching, ambiguous sex and no penetrative sex stories with Sam/Jared. Please consider leaving a comment if you read any of these stories, as it is the only payment the author ever receives and the same for the artist and their work. And, as always, head the warnings where the story is posted.

June 14th - Nothing that fits the criteria

June 15th - Nothing that fits the criteria

June 16th - Nothing that fits the criteria

June 17th - SOS Red by wastetheyears on Ao3. Jared/Jensen. J2 AU.  Summary: When people begin to inexplicably return from the dead, Jensen is overjoyed to count his dead fiance among the living. As bodies begin piling up in their wake, however, the focus shifts from joy to fear and Jensen has to wonder: is it really Jared that came back? Or is it something far more sinister?

June 21st - Nothing that fits the criteria

June 22nd - No post

June 23rd - No post

June 24th - Nothing that fits the criteria

June 25th - No post

June 28th - Nothing that fits the criteria

June 29th - The Prince and the Raven by meus_venator on Ao3. Jared/Jensen. J2 AU. Summary:  In a kingdom of fireshapers, young prince Jared stands on the cusp of coming into his powers. At fourteen he watches helplessly as his father King Jothbert suddenly sickens and, after a long illness, dies. Omundson, ruler of a neighboring kingdom, is appointed Regent. He sends Jared away on the pretext of boarding school. But, instead of school, he imprisons Jared in a remote and desolate castle until a timely ‘accident’ can be arranged so that Omundson can take over the kingdom completely. (warning for bottom!Jared purists: in one very brief conversation, there is implied future mpreg!Jensen)

June 30th - Nothing that fits the criteria

July 1st - Nothing that fits the criteria

July 2nd - Nothing that fits the criteria

July 5th - Nothing that fits the criteria

July 6th - Nothing that fits the criteria

July 7th - Nothing that fits the criteria

July 8th - Nothing that fits the criteria

July 9th - Nothing that fits the criteria

July 12th - Nothing that fits the criteria

July 13th - Nothing that fits the criteria

July 14th - Nothing that fits the criteria

July 15th - Nothing that fits the criteria

July 16th - Nothing that fits the criteria

July 19th - The Sound of Silence by lullys on Ao3. Jared/Jensen. J2 AU.  Life isn’t easy when you don’t have one of your senses. But being deaf for years, Jensen has learned how to communicate with the world in other ways, and he has a pretty decent life. When Jensen loses his job, he takes on a position of American Sign Language teacher at the college he studies at, but there’s one problem. One of his students doesn’t seem too interested in what he has to teach, and Jensen wishes that Jared dude would just quit his class since he gets on Jensen’s nerves. But eventually he will realize that there may be more to Jared than what meets the eye. And that Jensen himself may also have things to learn in return. (warning-brief mentions of topping in het relationships)

July 20th - Nothing that fits the criteria

July 21st - Nothing that fits the criteria

Post link
Big Bang 2021 Honorable MentionsSo this is going to be the list for this year’s 2021 Big Bang entrie

Big Bang 2021 Honorable Mentions

So this is going to be the list for this year’s 2021 Big Bang entries that had no explicit sex or mostly bottom!Sam/Jared or equal switching and I’ll label them accordingly! I’ll be updating and reblogging this at the end of each day, give or take. No postings on weekends. Please consider leaving a comment if you read any of these stories, as it is the only payment the author ever receives and the same for the artist and their work. And, as always, head the warnings where the story is posted.

June 14th - Nothing that fits the criteria

June 15th - Green Eyes and Binding Ties by disneymagics on LiveJournal. Jared/Jensen. J2 AU.  With brilliant green wings and eyes, Jensen is a member of the fae.  Unlike his brethren, Jensen is drawn to humans and longs to live among them.  His human friend Jared, agrees to spend one week showing him what it means to be human.  The ensuing adventure is one of discovery for them both.  They face hardships and some inner truths along the way, and emerge on the other side all the stronger for it. (no penetrative sex).

June 16th - Nothing that fits the criteria

June 17th - Nothing that fits the criteria

June 21st - In the Mud In the Maze by gaialux on Ao3. Sam/Dean. Wincest.  Dean is gone. That much Sam knows is true. Now he must muddle through the maze of life without his brother, his other half. Except, he starts seeing things. Flickers. Dean comes to save Sam when he’s on the brink of death and now Sam will do anything to make his brother appear again. (Sam tops a stranger while pretending he’s Dean, otherwise it’s bottom!Sam)

June 22nd - No post

June 23rd - No post

June 24th- Nothing that fits the criteria

June 25th - No post

June 28th - Quartet for a Haunting by tsuki-no-bara on LiveJournal. J2 AU.  There’s an abandoned theater in Jared’s neighborhood that’s perfect for him and his friends to take over for their own productions. (Jared makes movies. Misha writes plays. Everyone else has ideas.) Or it would be perfect if it didn’t have a possessive squatter, a mystery who calls himself Ross and sleeps on a mattress on the stage surrounded by his own drawings and musical compositions, under a cloud of tiny Christmas lights conjured with the little magical ability that most people have. Jared thinks he’s making progress in convincing Ross to let him and his friends use the theater, until he learns something entirely unexpected – Ross isn’t a squatter. He’s a ghost. So Jared conceives of a plan to end the haunting, despite his increasing attraction to the ghost he’s trying to send home. But he’ll see his plan through, even though he knows the only possible resolution to this ghost story means he’s going to end up alone. (no penetrative sex onscreen, minor Jared/Matt off screen)

June 29th - Nothing that fits the criteria

June 30th - Just Be Still With Me by roxymissrose on LiveJournal. Sam/Dean. Wincest.  Sam’s been a vampire ever since Dean turned him for company. It’s been a decade of insanity—murder, torture, blood, gore, sex and violence. The Winchesters have become feral monsters, almost more ghoul than vampire. Trapped together and broken, Dean ultimately commits an ugly murder that drives Sam away. Hitting rock bottom, Sam decides to seek enlightenment, Dean follows–maybe Sam is what he needs to tame the rabid rats in his brain. They’re helped by someone who offers them a shot at a new way of living–a chance to become Winchesters once again. (switching)

July 1st - Heart of the Matter by TammyRenH on Ao3. Jared/Jensen. J2 AU.  Jared and Jensen became a (secret) couple during the first season of Supernatural, the show itself ended at the end of the third season. In the five years since, Jensen’s career has soared but Jared’s been dealing with rejection after rejection. The J’s have a nice house, good friends, Sadie, a good life. Jared is ready for more, to come out as a couple but Jensen isn’t. When Jared accidentally lets their secret slip, the fall out is catastrophic for both of them. Can Jensen find a way to forgive, Jared a way to trust, the two of them a way back to each other? (switching)

July 2nd - Nothing that fits the criteria

July 5th - A Final Dream of Bells by dimeliora on Ao3. Sam/Dean. Wincest AU.  Set after World War I, Sam and Dean Winchester are living in England in after the war, both recovering from their own injuries. They have become famous for hunting frauds that pretend to be mediums and fake hauntings. Their newest case takes place at an all boy’s school in the middle of nowhere. (All bottom!Sam except for one scene) My art for this can be found on LiveJournal here.

July 6th - Nothing that fits the criteria

July 7th - Nothing that fits the criteria

July 8th - Nothing that fits the criteria

July 9th - Nothing that fits the criteria

July 12th - We all need a second chance by Lia1996 on Ao3. Jared/Jensen. J2 AU.  Jared is a young reporter working for a magazine in Texas, and has a reputation of hating the rich and wealthy. But one day he is asked by his boss to go on a tour with Jensen Ackles, the rockstar, and be the tour’s official reporter. Which means six months of touring around the USA with Jensen. Jared is reluctant at first because be doesn’t think he can take that much fake Hollywood glamour, but since his goal is to be an important photographer and have his own gallery someday, he accepts it. Of course, things start rocky between the two men, but as time goes on Jared starts to learn there is much more to Jensen Ackles than he first assumed. Can they overcome their differences and become friends, or maybe more? (I’m trusting the tags for switching. I don’t have time to vet this today).

July 13th - Nothing that fits the criteria

July 14th - In the Morning Light Let My Roots Take Flight by zubenschamali on Ao3. Jared/Jensen. J2 AU. Jensen’s a dragon who takes his role as the protector of the Valley of Arnl very seriously. But after a long and difficult winter, plus a stray wyvern trying to hone in on his territory, he’s starting to become desperate. When he foolishly puts himself in harm’s way, it’s the last person he would expect who comes to his rescue. Now he owes that person a favor—a big one.Jared’s a wyvern who lost his sister to a miscreant lord who likes to hunt and capture dragonfolk for fun. He hasn’t dared to try and rescue her on his own, but with a little help from a dragon and a fae queen, he might be able to pull it off. Now all he has to do is pretend to be the opposite of who he really is and hope he can fool Lord Pellegrino. Oh, and deal with a bridge troll named Chad along the way. (no penetrative sex, almost gen)

July 15th - Nothing that fits the criteria

July 16th - Nothing that fits the criteria

July 19th - Nothing that fits the criteria

July 20th - Nothing that fits the criteria

July 21st - Nothing that fits the criteria

Post link