


The Fairy Queen: My future handmaiden must be brave, strong, intelligent, successful and organized.

Kendra: *prays not to be turned into dandelion fluff* 

The Fairy Queen: That one. I want that one.

Stained Glass Relics / Children of Shadow and Light.

@certain-death-awaits ’ drawing prompt 6- Create a bookmark. If these are folded in the center I believe they’re sized to make 2x7” double-sided bookmarks

When your human friend finds you in magic jail for the 3rd time

(my prediction for where Bracken will be found in the last Dragonwatchbook)

Legend of the Dragonslayer

“Long ago, before the world had been properly mapped, King Titus feared for the kingdom he ruled. His beloved realm of Selona enjoyed modest prosperity but was hemmed in on all sides by terrible dangers…”


(Kendra returning the crown to the Fairy Queen. Click image to see better resolution)

Just finished reading Dragonwatch~ Champion of the Titan Games last night. Figured this wouldn’t be too much of a spoiler to draw this since it’s only like 4 pages in & what they were headed to do at the end of the previous book.


Fablehaven is one of my favorite fantasy book series (I recently reread it & the recent/continuing Fablehaven adventure series Dragonwatch in like a week). Raxtus was always a favorite character for me (I mean who wouldn’t love a friendly dragon like him?), and I like to imagine his scales give a little brief rainbow shimmer when he’s going to use his camouflage.

bestest villain aka emo unicorn wallpapers/lockscreensbestest villain aka emo unicorn wallpapers/lockscreensbestest villain aka emo unicorn wallpapers/lockscreensbestest villain aka emo unicorn wallpapers/lockscreensbestest villain aka emo unicorn wallpapers/lockscreensbestest villain aka emo unicorn wallpapers/lockscreens

bestest villain aka emo unicorn wallpapers/lockscreens

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I’m currently reading the third book of Dragonwatch by Brandon Mull and i wish someone someday makes an animated series out of this story. It good be amazing.
