#hes doing his best



AN: The author’s note on AO3 explains a bit more, but to say it here, this fanfic was on the verge of being abandoned by me. But at my girlfriend’s insistence that people doask about it, and the response to the meme the other day kind of showing that, I will complete the fanfic. Thank you all for your patience! Read, reblog, like it here, or comment and kudos on AO3.

Title: The Ripple Effect

Characters: Odessa and co, Hordak, Entrapta, feat. others

Rating: T



Aurora sits on her chair, adorning her forehead with a small silver circlet. Staring at her reflection, making note of any curl out of place, magenta eyes brighten at the look of perfection in the mirror. Her brown skin has a radiant glow and her clothes, tight-fitted and colorful, outline her curves. The earrings she received from Minette adorn her ears, a favorite of hers now. She has always been aware that her beauty enabled her to receive, and achieve, the benefit of others. But she doesn’t do it to manipulate anyone, as it is not in her nature to deceive.

She has appearances to keep. Plain and simple. Even if her parents tell her otherwise, she is a princess—the Princess of Bright Moon. The kingdom is living a time of prosperity and peace. It is up to her to ensure that it continues to remain that way. What else is a princess supposed to be, but a servant to her people?

A knock at her door beckons her attention. She calls, “Come in!”

Marlena and Clawdeen, her friends since childhood, step into the room. Clawdeen immediately rushes over to her, “Oh! I didn’t know you were getting ready right now.”

“I’ve been up since sunrise,” Aurora explains, pushing away from her vanity, but remaining seated.

“I could’ve been called sooner to help you,” Clawdeen replies. “But you look like you’re ready for the day.”

Clawdeen, her chosen lady-in-waiting, crosses over to her, tucking away loose strands and flyaways. Her nails don’t ever scrape her head, filed down to avoid snags on apparel and people.

Marlena is her chosen lady-in-waiting too, but she dislikes the title, and had demanded to be a ‘bodyguard’ instead. A more physical individual than her sister, Marlena keeps her body fit and sharp. There is no danger to be found, but it eases her companion’s tense nature.

Having ladies-in-waiting is an old custom from archaic times in Bright Moon. The last one to have them was her grandmother, Angella, before she opted to remove them. Her mother told her that she felt it was a loss, since she would’ve liked to have more friends when she was younger. Glimmer reinstated the tradition once Aurora was born, and from there, allowed her to choose her playmates.

Aurora rises to her feet, “What do we have on the schedule today?”

Clawdeen adjusts Aurora’s cape, smoothing out imaginary wrinkles, “Your archery lessons will begin soon, followed by political science. Afterward, you shadow your counselors to a few meetings, and afterward, you join your mother for magic practice. Then you finish your day with singing lessons.”

“Excellent!” She loves singing.

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TheArkham game series is just hours upon hours of Batman declaring that he’s “ending this now” and then not, in fact, ending it then.

hydroflorix:loving the way time and context has turned dracula into a comedyhydroflorix:loving the way time and context has turned dracula into a comedy


loving the way time and context has turned dracula into a comedy

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shoutout to the greek myth adaptations that gave orpheus a guitar. like some of them even explicitly say “orpheus had a lyre” and then orpheus comes out and he’s just. holding a guitar


[Yami Bakura voice] Well, jeez, kid, when you said “I want to go bowling” I thought you’d LIKE that I put all your friends souls in the pins and made it so every strike rings out with the pained, writhing screams of the damned, and whoever loses dies instantly. I really thought you’d get a kick out of it! I guess I’ll have to try a little harder next time to impress my most gracious host. You’re really not having fun? ………Damn. Okay, okay, stop screaming. We’re still cool though, right? Remember when you got that F so I put your teacher in a coma? That was hysterical. Wai-wha–you didn’t know that was me? You’re mad about that? Oh, c’mon. Lighten up. All I ever do is try to help and you never appreciate me, just complain about how I’m “hurting people” and “ruining your life.” No one likes a whiner, Ryou.


Dungeon Meshi - BMI


shepard: alright we need to get to the conduit quickly and smoothly!!

the mako:
