



She undid her hair

during exile,

swearing to never tie them she had sought revenge.

Again until

Her anger-burnt,

blood-stained locks,

once her beauty,


the poetry of her hunger.

for blood,

for vengeance,

the self

that a man gambled away.

the body that,

men skinned for sport

while a court rich in cowards


with their mouths sewn shut.

She has now been reborn as a tree-temple:

they worship her hair now, these fossil-rivers of locks.

Someone decorates her hair

with a rose every day.

an island-calm gift of pink,

as if to plead for her to be angry no more.

No one likes an angry woman, least of all an angry goddess.

But anger is her ornament

and talisman and breath

and that organ without she cannot live.

She will eat the rose over the night, swallowing the heart and spitting out the petals.


Tagging some tumblrinas


how many rapes jokes does it take
to be funny?
he knows the answer is none.
no one had to tell Amnon
the sin in taking Tamar,
nor was Duryodhana confused
when he patted his thigh
mocking Draupadi,
nor Dusshasana dumb
when attempting to disrobe her.
yet you chant
men need to understand,
to read and watch
our unending torment
to understand evil.

-he knows, Kelsey Ray Banerjee
