#dream poetry


I had a dream that I was talking to god in a greenhouse.

I walked around for awhile until I came to a stairwell that lead to what looked like the Garden of Eden, only darker. I started making my descent when a voice boomed overhead.

“You may ask me one question.”

I stalled for a second. My belief in god wavered over the last 5 years. The only spirituality I felt came from my own existence. Still, I wondered. I continued stepping.

“Who is my soulmate? Is that easy enough for you?”

I smiled like a jackass and looked towards the garden, hoping I’d see the face of the person who was meant for me. Suddenly everything in the room went dark. The flowers in bloom wilted and the steps started to disappear underneath me. The handrails I was grasping onto coiled like snakes and wrapped around me with a vengeance. I was lifted up towards the only light left in the room, a sunroof. The rails wrapped around my neck and I started to cry. The voice returned, but it sounded angry.

“That was the wrong question. You don’t have one.”

I woke with a start and realized that I had been crying. As I calmed myself down, I looked at my hands and feet. The realization started to flow through me like water.

I am meant for me, no one else. Maybe not even god.

the dream I had on Wednesday // hnl 2020

“I want his love. To be worthy of his love. His infinite touch gliding over my body sinking through my skin to touch my soul and melt me into a thousand stars that shine just for him…”

Written by @inafuturewithyou yasemin.c copyright ©

“And there we were, another dimension manifest as pure orbs of light. We circled eachother like the planets, our embrace emanating in hues of pink and trusting blues whilst the Northern Lights would look up at us in jealousy. When I wake up from these dreams I am reminded that loving you is a soul experience in a human body and for that youare my sweet melancholy.”

@inafuturewithyou yasemin. C ©

The point? What is the point? I keep asking over and over again until one day it just clicks. There is no point, just what I make of it.”

Written by @inafuturewithyou Yasemin. C ©

how many rapes jokes does it take
to be funny?
he knows the answer is none.
no one had to tell Amnon
the sin in taking Tamar,
nor was Duryodhana confused
when he patted his thigh
mocking Draupadi,
nor Dusshasana dumb
when attempting to disrobe her.
yet you chant
men need to understand,
to read and watch
our unending torment
to understand evil.

-he knows, Kelsey Ray Banerjee
