#draw this


@ humikoko (on Instagram) made a draw this in your style, so I was not only contractually but morally obligated to participate. So here we are! Hehe

Did @ larapickle ‘s draw this in your style #drawshewolf ! Wanted to give it a bit of a more fierce look to both of them and I like how it came out..


SO ARE YOU BORED? ART BLOCKED? SOME OTHER THING I CANT THINK OF BUT FEEL LIKE I SHOULD CAUSE RULE OF THREES? Well do I have a thing for you!!! Yeah made a dtiys thing in case y’all wanted to try something! So if you want to participate, try redrawing this and posting it with the hashtag #vsdtiys2020 !

Someone should draw Ryuk reading Twilight Saga, book 1, saying: “I don’t get it, there are no apples in this.”
