

Hi! I wanted to call attention to a book, website and organization called DRAWDOWN. Basically they have made the most comprehensive plan for solving global warming ever created which is impressive, uplifting, and very very cool

Here is what is stated on their website:

“We did not make or devise the plan—the plan exists and is being implemented worldwide. It has been difficult to envision this possibility because the focus is overwhelmingly on the impacts of climate change. We gathered a qualified and diverse group of researchers from around the world to identify, research, and model the 100 most substantive, existing solutions to address climate change.”

                                                                         - https://www.drawdown.org/

I am currently reading the book and its incredibly accessible and informative.This is a fantastic book for people who are new to the climate change game and want to learn about current projects and research! Its a bit of an expensive purchase so consider the library or buying it on a kindle or nook to save money and paper.

Here is the complete list of solutions listed on the organization’s website:


Please please look into this, I promise you will walk away feeling a lot more hopeful and optimistic than before
