#drawing a blank


I do not truly believe that sexism or racism is present in media. I think that both sexes and most races are portrayed fairly in media. I have sat here for a good amount of time now trying to think of anything and I am truly drawing a blank.

 Drawing a ____! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sU75gP3TkW0Had a TON of fun drawing Andi from Avalo Drawing a ____! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sU75gP3TkW0Had a TON of fun drawing Andi from Avalo

Drawing a ____! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sU75gP3TkW0

Had a TON of fun drawing Andi from Avalon Roselin’s Stellar Eclipse series. The design calls back a lot on my love for the character design in Disney’s Gargoyles (And was an inspiration for the author as well! lol) and I also experimented with the fashion as well! It’s got loosely inspired Irish clothing with a bit of my own fantasy fashion flare. I thought it turned out to be quiet the cute outfit for this character! :3

The second picture features characters Azzie and Naesa, two cousins having a moment out by the lake. 

“That`s better,” Naesa sighed, leaning back on her hands. “ I wish I had swimming aids, but this will do until I can get some.”

“Does it…” Azzie caught himself being rude, but he couldn’t leave his thought half-spoken with her peering at him. “Does it feel weird?”

“It did at first,” Naesa said, rubbing the place where her shins used to connect to her knees. “I’m mostly used to it now.” She tilted her head back, looking as comfortable as Azzie had ever seen her. “I wish it hadn’t happened, but I’m alive and that’s what matters. So what if a few things are different? I can deal with it.”

“That’s really brave,” Azzie said, and he hoped he wasn’t trying too hard *not* to stare.

Naesa shrugged. “Not really. I mean, it’s not that far off from you, right? You can’t always talk like other people, so you find other ways to communicate.” She patted her prosthetics. “I’ve still got legs, they’re just a little different.”

~Stellar Eclipse: Dark Lightning, page 44

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