#drawing them feels like an invocation and i love it

Just some sticky note thoughts abt the Hallowoods[Image ID: six sticky note doodles in red sharpieDo

Just some sticky note thoughts abt the Hallowoods

[Image ID: six sticky note doodles in red sharpie
Doodle one: the word “demonic” with a sigil resembling a very stylized demon. abstract swirls of fire surround the image.
Doodle two: the word “divine” with a sigil composed of an eye in circle and a triangle underneath.The edges of the post-it are framed with triangles and lines
Doodle three: A light haired person staring directly at the viewer with a slightly worried expression. their face is in dramatic shadow.
Doodle Four: A dark haired person in profile staring out over shadowed pines and the sun
Doodle five: Nikignik, one hundred eyes in the dark. Just…one hundred eyes in the dark. Count them if you like, they’re all there.
Doodle six: Diggory Graves, a shadowy figure in a spiked jacket with spiky hair and spiky boots. they stand silhouetted against the treeline, and a swirl of enegry leaps above their head.
End ID]

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