

eek! it’s hidingdog

image description: a mostly black & white drawing of a dog in a dog house. The dog has lifted the small wooden house off the ground with its spindly, distorted legs. The dark opening of the house only reveals the googly eyes of the dog & its snout sticking out. It crouches slightly & radiates red squiggly lines. In front of it on a patch of green grass is a crow, bent down, with yellow triangles radiating from it. End ID.

image description: a drawing of a person sitting on a subway seat, to the side of a tan background. There are 3 orange seats in a row, with metal rails leading from the arms to the ceiling. The person in the chair has tan skin, long brown hair, & wears a purple shirt, green pants, & blue shoes. She has her arms crossed & her head down. Behind her is a black window, & on the ceiling is a row of small yellow lights casting a yellow glow. End ID.

image description: a greyscale drawing of a horse in motion. It has two heads, four front legs, and three back legs blending together. It lacks a mane, but has a dark tail swishing behind it; Altogether it looks a bit like two horses running side by side. The bottom of the drawing is speckled, like dust being kicked up. End ID.
