#dream smp x yn


Pairing: Sapnap x reader

Pronouns: they/them

Genre: fluff <3

Word count: 0.3k

Warnings: non i don’t think <3 lemme know if there is any

Authors note: this is just a really quick drabble based on a tiktokt i saw! i don’t remember the @ but if i find it i’ll add it :D

Gentle moonlight tracing soft lines across the floorboards.

Peaceful silence besides from the creatures that live in the starlight and the light murmur of those awake to see the moon

Delicate blankets resting peacefully on exposed skin.

Nighttime is something you have always cherished. Even now, eyes gently skimming over your lovers face, taking in every detail.

His soft lips which were slightly parted in sleep. The delicate rise and fall of his chest. 

Slipping your feet out from under the covers, gently placing them on the cold floor, you made your way to the kitchen.

Hunger had decided too attack at a random time of the night, and oddly specific cravings took place in your mind. 

The subtle pitter-patter of your feet making there way to the kitchen filling the silence that was two am.

Making your way over to the fridge, your eyes scoured the shelves looking for anything too fill your need, stopping on the leftover box of pizza from the night before. 


Standing in front of the microwave, a slight shiver passing through your body ever now and then, you watched as the red letters ticked away, the glow being the only light beside the muted streetlights and pale moonlight from outside the windows.

You can feel yourself gently zoning out, the spinning plate of pizza seemingly mesmerizing until a strong pair of arms wrapped around your stomach.

“hey sap”

“you left me all alone :(” He pouted

“i was hungry” 

“Well it was cold without you :(” 

You giggled warmly at your boyfriends tired complaints, his face moving to rest in your neck. His lips gently tracing along your shoulder, leaving gentle kisses on your neck.


Feeling content with food in your stomach stood up, dragging along your pouty boyfriend (who had not stopped clinging to you the whole time, even after repeatedly telling him too go back to bed and that you would be there soon).

Flopping back down into the warmth of your bed you opened your arms to Sapnap, whose pout instantly became a smile as he laid on your chest, nuzzling his face into your should

“goodnight, you big baby”


and just like that his breath evened out and his body relaxed against yours, your heart filling with an overwhelming love.




Thank you for reading !! I’m actually really proud of this one <3

If you have any requests please send them in :D


Pairing:Modern!Technoblade x Gn!Reader

Rating: Teen

Warnings: Mentions of tears, mentions of anger, minor anxiety, allusions to sex and tenseness (?) overall in the first half of the work

Synopsis: In which Techno forgets about a date he had planned for the two of you. When he comes to pick you up out of the pouring rain, the air between you two is left tense- almost in a suffocating manner. He knows he can’t trust his words to help him out of this hole that he’s dug himself, but perhaps his actions can do something to heal these wounds. 

Word Count: 3.9k

Author’s Note: This work is dedicated to @dreamwvrld​ as an entry to her 1 year event! I know I’ve told her this before, but I’m so f*cking honored to be a mutual of hers and everything that she does inspires me so much and just- gods. If you don’t already, please please pleasego give her works a read and give her a follow, as she absolutely deserves it an so much more. 

There’s a certain type of beauty that comes with silence. For many, it’s found in time spent alone, that solitude acting as a breath of fresh air in a way. For others, they may find it in a comforting silence shared between two or more people. The usage of words isn’t exactly necessary in being able to fully enjoy the company of others, and that’s precisely what’s so wonderful about it.

Though, in this case, silence is suffocating.


Technoblade sits with his back set straight against the driver’s seat of his car, sweat acting as an adhesive to keep him stuck in place as his fingers curl around the steering wheel in a grip that leaves his knuckles a lighter shade. Normally, for him, silence while driving is something that he enjoys, being able to block the worries of the day out as he keeps his eyes trained on the road ahead of him.

Today, however, this silence leaves the air thick and tense, almost like smog.

You have your body pressed up against the opposite side of the car, arms curled around your legs in a, what you would call, fetal-like position. It’s slightly uncomfortable and entirely awkward, but it’s the only solace you can find in a situation such as this.

The road ahead stretches on for miles and miles, streets left near-empty with only a handful of people to be seen out this late.

Now that you think of it, you should be one of those people out on the sidewalk right now. You should be curled into Techno’s side as you walk down the avenues, genuine smiles etched on to your faces as you enjoy one another’s company.

But again, given the current situation, that seems like nothing more than a pipe dream.

Techno drums his fingers against the steering wheel as a poor attempt to fill the silence. It’s hypnotic when you take the time to zero-in on it. It’s like- the hooves of horses galloping onto a track, going faster and faster and faster until one crosses the finish line.

That doesn’t happen.

His eyes cast toward you every few seconds. He’s aware he’s doing it. You’re aware he’s doing it. But, somehow, he doesn’t know that you know. Funny, no?

He’s… exhausted. He’s spent the past 14 hours- 6am to 8pm- hunched over a desk, work piling higher and higher above the limits of his patience while higher-ups breathe hot air down his neck, lecturing and nit-picking him at every chance they get.

Remember T, I need this on my desk by Thursday morning.” “C’mon, is this really all you have to show?” “Chop chop, porkchop! I need these papers sent to our asap!

He just wants to go home and sleep with you, his partner, the two of you huddled beneath the blankets and feeding off one another’s warmth. If given the opportunity, he’d sleep with you like that for a week and then some.

But the guilt of leaving you out in the rain for hours on end after he’d promised you dinner that night hangs over his head heavily, the whispers in his head laughing at him and scolding him and telling him “they’re going to leave you because of this. And you deserve it.

He hates it, but he knows that there’s nothing he can do to change what he’s done and he hates it. He just wants to say something, maybe for you to say something if not him to fill this awkward and tense silence that’s been simmering since you stepped into the car a little under 10 minutes ago.

Well, it’s not even the fact that you haven’t looked at him. Saying that implies that it just hasn’t happened yet, that you haven’t turned your head to take a good look at him yet. No- since you slammed the door behind you and huddled into your current position, you’ve refused to cast your eyes anywhere near him. You’ve actively decided to not look at him.

And truthfully, it breaks both of your hearts, not just his.

He can’t see it as your face is directed away from him, but tears prick at your eyes, leaving them a dull reddish-white shade as they accumulate. He had promised to dedicate tonight to you. Promised that nothing else would get in the way and stop this night from happening, and yet that is exactly what had happened.

He’d been so… distant lately. With the way his hours were lined up, he barely even got to see you awake anymore. You’d be lucky if you got to see him for half a second on his way out or when he’d periodically press a kiss to your forehead before knocking out beside you in bed. He barely had any time with you anymore and you’d begun to hate it.

You’ve never had a problem with it before.

Truthfully, you hadn’t. It was something Techno had always loved about you, even before going into his current profession. You’ve always been patient with him, understanding when things came up out of the blue and he’d have to cancel, but he’d always reschedule for sometime soon and make it up to you.

You still had that mentality, of course, but now it was being tested.

He had cleared everything off of his board for tonight, doing everything in his power to set aside the night for you both. And even then, it wasn’t enough.

Technoblade was not a man that broke promises. He dealt with them seriously, and there was not one moment in your relationships where he‘d broken a promise. Well, until now. And that’s what hurt you so much about this whole situation- that, even after having made it a point all throughout your relationship that promises were final, he still fell short.

It broke you.

Techno isn’t a stupid man. Yes, he may make stupid decisions, but that doesn’t inherently make him stupid. He knows he let you down and he knows how angry you are about this whole thing and he knows that you’re making it a point not to show that anger because he knows and you know that doing that would only make everything worse.

It’s this frustratingly repetitive cycle that he finds himself in that he hates so much. He doesn’t know what to do to fix everything because he feels as though he’s walking on thin ice, the wrong step leading him to plunge into the icy currents below.

F*ck, he hates this so much.

The car slows, the dull click click click of the blinker resonating in the silent car as the vehicle turns into a parking lot. It’s only then that you decide to actually look away from the passenger’s side window for the first time since getting in the car.

It’s a plaza. There are several markets and shops dispersed around the area, dull red and blue ‘OPEN’ signs flashing on and off in store windows. You can count on your hands the number of cars in the lot- all space far away from each other to subtly let you know that nobody is shopping at the same stores.

It’s when Techno pulls into a parking space in front of a small bakery that you actually speak up. Your voice is hoarse, tone soft and low as you speak to him for what you realize to be the first time that day.

“Techno? Why are we stopping here? I thought we were going straight home?”

You hate how pathetic you sound, voice small as you speak to the man. He responds quickly after a few beats of silence.

“I need to pick something up real quick. I’ll only be a few. I promise.”

Oh, the irony.

In a fluid motion, Techno takes the keys out of the ignition, the car drumming down into silence as the engine slows to a stop. The heater, of which had been on the entire ride, stops as well, all the heat from the car settling into the stale air you had become familiar with.

He- Techno, is quiet. Eerily so, though not in a way where it seems like he’s about to chew you out, but the exact opposite. No, instead, this silence makes him feel like a child about to be scolded by their parents for doing something they shouldn’t have.

It’s not far off, actually.

His eyes are trained on the view ahead of him- the bakery, watching the workers in the store slump over the counter in exhaustion as they count the minutes tick by and calculate how much longer it’ll be until they’re allowed to leave. It’s only in this silence that you actually cast your gaze to him, taking every inch of him in and storing it in the back of your mind for later.

His hair is a mess, long pink strands tied up into a messy bun that barely even does its job of keeping his hair out of his face. His wide, square glasses are left askew on his face, falling off the edge of his nose but hanging on at just the right angle so that they don’t fall. His eyes- his eyes are so dull and full of sorrow, you almost break into sobs then and there.

There’s so much emotion behind those brilliantly red eyes, the hundreds of different shades of the colour swirling into a mix that leaves you gasping for air.

Even so, you still want to yell and kick and scream and pull your hair out from its roots and ask him “why?”Why would he make a promise such as this- a promise in general if he couldn’t even keep his word to it?

You hate him and you love him all the same for it, but f*ck is this whole thing messing with your head.

Your focus then shifts from his face, down the length of his arms, to his hands. The drumming of his fingers against the steering wheel had stopped a short while ago, instead his hands turn to hold the object in a vice grip. One of which looks as though if he were to apply any more pressure to it, the steel would bend and break underneath him.

Your fingers twitch. You want to offer him comfort; you want to let him know you aren’t entirely mad at him- but, still; you are mad at him in a way, so wouldn’t that action contradict itself?

Your eyes travel back up to his face, but the difference this time, as opposed to the last, is that he meets your gaze. His entire body freezes and stiffens the second he meets your line of sight, breath catching in the back of his throat as his mind scrabble to figure out what he needs to do next as to not f*ck anything up further.

So, his solution in this scenario is to leave. His hands abruptly part in front of the wheel, almost in a way that resembles someone being burnt by a hot object. His sweaty palms leave a certain shine on the wheel, and it’s then that you can obviously see the dents his grip has left.

You almost don’t catch it, but he mumbles something under his breath, something along the lines of “you can keep the keys in the ignition if you want.”

Something like that.

He’s quick to open the door after those words leave his mouth, stepping out head-first with the crisp air biting his exposed face. He’s not entirely out yet, though, as only his first left and upper body have exited the car.

Now you have a choice to make, and you hope to all the gods that may listen that you’re making the right one.

“Wait, give me a second and I’ll be right behind you. Grab the keys.”

You aren’t surprised that he listens to your words, healing his movements as you open your own car door and exit the vehicle, arms continuing to curl around yourself, though this time the reason for doing so is because of the cold.

Techno notes that, already shedding the muddled brown cardigan he had been wearing moments before as he snatches the keys from the ignition. The car door shuts behind him with a slam, keys in one hand and sweater in the other.

He meets up with you around the hood of the car, passing you the sweater with pleading eyes, hoping that you’ll take it without argument. You do, and both you and him are grateful for that for your own reasons that don’t need entertaining at this time.

As the two of you cross the short distance from Techno’s car to the store’s front, his lips part in awe. He… he never expected you to come along with him. He thought you would have stayed in the car if anything, maybe turning on the heater and radio in wait for him, or possibly screaming into the void about how utterly stupid he is.

Or, hell- maybe you’d drive off and leave him where he stood.

But no, instead, you’re walking inside the bakery with him, your strides matching his as the two of you go up and down each aisle, inspecting the different loaves of bread and treats that the establishment offers.

Techno has a quaint brown basket in his hold at this point in time, one which he grabbed by the door the second he walked in. That minor aspect was something he rather enjoyed about the store, the small, stupid detail bringing a smile to his face- yours too, it seemed.

Even with this soft, barely noticeable grin on his face, you notice the way his hands are curled tightly around the handle once more. It’s an anxiety thing, that much you can tell. But you notice, of course you do, so as an attempt to ease the anxieties of the man you love, you softly curl your palm around the back of his.

It’s an attempt not only to soothe him, but to also try and ease this tension that’s been forming between the two of you.

Are you stupid for trying to comfort him after he ditched you and made you look like an idiot? Absolutely. But would you rather have him anxious and worried that he’s in worse than he thinks he is as opposed to him calm and ready to talk through it with a level head? Absolutely not.

He noticeably relaxes from your little gesture, his shoulders slumping a little as he casts his gaze at you. His eyes hold a silent “thank you” within them, and all you can do to respond is nod. He gets the message, bringing your hand atop of his up to his lips as he presses a gentle kiss to the back of it.

He’s got you wrapped around his finger even if he doesn’t know it.

A soft, breathy laugh passes through your lips at the affection, your eyes breaking away from him and instead toward the baked goods around you as you both walk up and down the mini-aisles within the confines of the store. Soft jazz plays over the speakers, perhaps Billie Holiday , and it only romanticizes the scene further.

Techno’s not necessarily looking for anything in particular while he’s here. He planned to just come in and buy you something sweet and hopefully that would somehow resolve his issues. But, watching your eyes linger on every item within the store, small oohs and aahs sounding from you every few seconds, he realizes that was a sh*tty plan to begin with.

As the two of you near the front of the store, a glass barrier displaying all the freshly cooked sweets under the countertops, you stop in your tracks and watch as one worker places a freshly baked batch of cinnamon rolls onto a rack.

Your sudden halt brings Techno to a stop beside you, his eyes moving their way up to your face, and then soon after following your gaze to the treat that was making the bakery smell sweeter than it already had.

It’s in that moment that Techno knows exactly what he’s getting.

Techno isn’t standing entirely beside you, per se, but rather a little bit behind you as your body has turned toward the cinnamon rolls ahead. So, with his hand at the dip of your back, he pressed you to move closer to the cash register, his head finding a home next to yours as he meets the eyes of the cash register.

The transaction moves quickly, the worker quickly putting four or so cinnamon rolls into a small box for the two of you to take. Though you are in no way focused on that part of anything. No, rather your attention lingers on the way his warm breaths fans down the side of your neck, leaving goosebumps in their wake. You focus on the way his body presses into your back, the heat of him seeping through your clothes in a way that makes you shiver.

It’s only when he squeezes his hand around your own, tugging you softly towards the exit that you’re snapped out of this trance he’s put you in.

D*mn him.

But you get the notion quickly, following behind him as the smell of the cinnamon rolls follows you out the door and through the parking lot. There’s a silence between you two, but this time it’s in no way as awkward as it had been merely 15 minutes ago.

As you’re getting into the car, shutting the door softly behind you, you notice that Techno doesn’t open his trunk or stick the treats in the back seat of his car. Instead, he steps into the car head-first with the treats following after, placing the thin cardboard box onto this lap as he settles in, shutting the door behind him.

You watch as he opens up the box carefully, taking one roll out and hiding it to you. There are no napkins available, so the sticky coating of the treat travels from his hand to yours as you accept it, taking a bite the second the treat is in your grasp.

He follows your actions soon after, taking one for himself and taking a bite out of it. It’s the first thing he’s had to eat all day, so he tries his best not to eat like a starved man (even if that’s exactly what he does the second the flavours hit his tongue).

The two of you eat in a comfortable silence, the cinnamony-sweet taste from the rolls settling and melting on to your tongues. It’s… gods, there aren’t words in the English language that can fully depict how good the treat tastes on his tongue right now.

Though, however good it may be, there’ll always be one taste that stands above the rest as his favorite,

The muddled silence shared between the two of you speaks a thousand words. The soft chewing, the sounds of dough tearing away from each other, the rustling of clothes against the seat- all of it.

Techno’s no good with his words, both of you know that. It’s not a bad thing, of course, as he expressed his feelings and emotions in other ways, but the fact is still important to note upon. Nonetheless, him going out of his way to buy you a treat as a sh*tty way to make up for forgetting about tonight is… well, a horrible way to make up for the situation. Though with Technoblade? You understand that these actions of his express the way he feels better than words ever could.

Between bites, though, he does make the effort to apologize to you verbally. He can’t meet your eyes while doing so, and while others might take that action as a way to say that he doesn’t actually mean his words, you as his partner know that it’s the only way he can put together his thoughts in a coherent manner as to stop them from crumbling beneath him.

Even if he never meets your gaze during his little speech, you keep your eyes entirely focused on him, your sticky fingers as a result of the icing dripping down them long forgotten and stored in the back of your mind for later reference.

It’s only when his mouth closes for good that he actually turns his head, deep red eyes meeting yours. Though you could never understand it, there’s this way his breath audibly catches when he meets your eyes. They’re so full of… emotion, in a way that he can only describe as a love-struck gaze that makes his heart skip a few beats, a dopey smile forming on his lips.

Every part about you, every little thing that makes up who you are - he can see all the love and understanding and compassion that follows them when you look at him. The way your smile reaches your eyes, the way the colors in your eyes mix in a way he’s never seen before, pupils blown wide and visible to him. Just-every single thing about you leaves him at a loss for words.

He loves it.

You take Techno’s face in your hands, sticking fingers pressing up against his cheeks as you take hold of him and guide his lips to yours. The kiss is so sweet, so soft and full of love that he can’t help but slump against your hold, fingers finding themselves at your waist as he ever so slowly drags you impossibly closer to him.

F*ck, the two of you would stay like this forever if you could, your lips pressed against each other in kisses that leave you both light-headed and dizzy.

But alas, air is something that the body can only go so long without. So, as your lips part from Techno’s, a small string of saliva connecting the two of you, he presses his forehead into yours with a guttural humm following after it.

He loves you; he loves you; he loves you; he loves you. Gods above, the things he would do for you- to you, if you so asked. He’s wrapped around your finger and gods, he’d be a fool to ever try to leave that.

So, as your softly whisper against his skin, telling him that you’re grateful he made an effort to make it up to you, but you still are quite a bit upset about the whole thing- you tell him that you’re willing to put the situation behind the both of you so long as he made it up the right way in the future.

He knows that he has work to put in to better himself and your relationship, but as he presses tender and fervent kisses against your lips and skin, he takes a deep breath to give you a proclamation that leaves a lovesick grin plastered onto your face with your mind in a haze that make you euphoric:

“I know that I have work to do, I know that I need to get better at- well, a lot of things. But thank you, thank you, thank you for forgiving me this once. I promise to you, darling, that I’ll take a thousand years and then some to make it up to you if that’s what it takes. My heart is yours, and in your care it shall stay.”

Pairing:Dream / Clay x gn!reader

Summary: [Dream SMP!AU] Talking to animals is easy, especially when you can actually understand them. But talking to Dream? That’s a whole other challenge unto itself.

Word Count: 4.5k

A/N: inspired by dream being a disney princess with like 85 dolphins during the 4v1 manhunt finale :D i hope you all enjoy! i had fun writing this <3


Balancing the bag in your arms carefully, you peeked over the top to see the animal pen drawing nearer and nearer. Your eyes lit up at the sight, and you picked up the pace a fraction or two as you made your way over. Already, you could see the pigs sniffing at the air, their snouts turned toward you expectantly.

“Good morning, guys!” you greeted, coming to a stop just outside the pen. Heaving the bag into one of your arms, you used the other to reach inside. “I brought some snacks for you all.”

The pig closest to you—Darwin, you remembered vaguely—snorted at you. To anyone else, they would have heard just that: a simple snort. But the tone that reached your ears was anything but simple.

“Finally! We’ve been starving!”

Giving him a lopsided smile, you pulled out a carrot from your bag, reaching down to let him bite on. “Don’t you guys have all this grass to eat?”

As Darwin snapped his mouth shut around the carrot, he managed to warble out, “Yes, but quality over quantity, and grass gets boring after eating it for basically ever.”

You gave him a deadpan look, shoving another carrot towards another pig—this one was Rita. “That doesn’t negate the fact that I literally fed you guys yesterday,” you pointed out with a blank stare.

From the back of the pen, you watched as one of the cows rose up to rest its front legs on the side of the wood, grunting out at you. “That was yesterday,” said Pedro, “and this is today.” He let his jaw fall open and waiting. “Now, feed me.”

You giggled, dumping the rest of the carrots in front of the pigs to let them fight amongst themselves. “So demanding,” you joked as you stepped to the side.

Moving over toward the cows, you held out a few carefully tied bundles of wheat, shaking them in front of them. “I hope you guys will settle for wheat.”

Pedro didn’t even look up, his eyes still glued to the wheat you were holding up. “Do you even have to ask?”

With a laugh, you set it on the ground in front of him, watching with amusement as the horde moved in to engulf the pile of wheat entirely. Just a moment later, you felt a nudge at the back of your arm, and you turned to see a pair of horses eyeing you expectantly. You grinned at the sight, turning the bag upside down in your arms.

“And for you two,” you hummed, watching gravity naturally empty the bag onto their feeding tray, “I’ve got some apples.”

The white speckled horse standing to your left—appropriately named Snowflake—let out an appreciative whinny, ducking her head down to devour an apple. “Bless your soul, [Y/N],” she sighed in bliss. “Bless you.”

Smiling, you folded the paper bag onto itself and slipped it back into your pocket, leaning against the wooden fence with a hum. “Just try not to throw me off anytime soon,” you said with a teasing look, “and I’ll bring you as many as you’d like.”

“Are you talking to the horses?”

You jumped at the sound of a new voice—at the sound of hisvoice.Oh my god.

Of all the people you thought would possibly stumble upon you like this, he was definitely the last person who came to mind.

Whirling around, you felt your hands curl up into fists at your side, your heart leaping into your throat as you laid eyes on the man standing before you. His mask had been tucked off to the side of his head, leaving his freckled face free and open to the bright sunshine above.

“O-Oh, I, um, erm…” you stammered, your tongue stumbling all over itself. “Hi, Dream! I-I was just, uh—”

You could hear Snowflake snicker behind you, and your cheeks burned with embarrassment as you finally managed to sputter, “What are you doing here?”

The smile he flashed you was more dazzling than the sun, and you resisted the urge to sigh dreamily. “Oh, just taking a morning stroll.” His emerald eyes flashed. “You didn’t answer my question, though.” He gestured to the animal pen behind you. “Were you really just talking to them, or have I gone crazy?”

You felt your mouth go dry, your mind absolutely scrambling for words to form a coherent sentence. Behind you, you caught a glimpse of Darwin pressing his snout forward between the gaps of the fence.

“Is this the guy you like? What’s so special about him?” He tilted his head, then dug at the ground with a triumphant puff. “He’s got nothing on me.”

Before you could stop yourself, you turned, shooting a glare at him. “Sh-Shut up!”

Just a step ahead of you, Dream gasped, his eyes brightening with fascination. “You are talking to the animals!” He shuffled closer toward you. “Can you really understand them?”

Your breath caught in your lungs at his proximity, and you fidgeted as you spoke. “I, um, yeah.” When there was a beat of silence, you wilted under his gaze. “Sorry, I must sound cuckoo.”

His lips were parted in awe, and he shook his head at you. “No, no, I’m just so intrigued. Why did you never tell me?”

You lowered your gaze to your hands, fiddling with your thumbs. “I guess I… just didn’t want anyone to think I seemed crazy, or something.” Your voice grew quiet. “You probably don’t even believe me.”

Just then, you felt a hand settle on the curve of your shoulder. You nearly jumped right out of your skin, and you looked up to see Dream’s face just a few inches from yours. You wanted to melt into the floor.

He’s so close.

“I believe you,” he said softly, honestly lacing his every syllable. “You wouldn’t lie to me. That’s not like you.” His lips twitched up into a small smile, and you felt him squeeze your shoulder ever so gently. “Am I the only one who knows?”

You swallowed, then nodded your head, half-feeling like it would fall right off if you shook it too hard. “Y-Yeah,” you breathed, unable to tear your eyes away from his. “I didn’t really mean to keep it a secret—I guess it just sort of happened. I don’t really remember how this happened, either. I think I was just born with it? I’ve always been able to understand them.”

A part of you wanted to berate yourself for rambling, but you didn’t get the chance to think about it for a second longer before Dream was suddenly grabbing both of your shoulders, practically pressing himself up to you. Your face was aflame in a burst of dizzying affection and bashful warmth, his hot breath fanning over your cheeks obliviously.

Too close!

“That—that’s so cool!” he said, his eyes scanning your face with wonder. A moment later, he stepped back, releasing your shoulders. You missed his touch immediately, and you wanted to lean back into his warmth.

“We have to talk to every animal, now,” he sighed, almost bouncing up and down where he stood with excitement. You couldn’t stop the smile from stretching across your face at the sight. Suddenly he turned, cocking his head at you with a pensive, almost shy look.

“Well, I mean, you can talk to them all if you want, but is it okay if I tag along? I’m just…” He shook his head to himself again, his smile never once faltering. “You’re just so amazing.”

Your heartbeat was practically rattling your rib cage at this point—who gave him the right to be so… so nice?Sopretty?Soperfect? Fumbling to respond, you sent him the best smile you could muster up.

“S-Sure! I don’t think they’d mind.” You glanced over at the animal pen. “Would you guys?”

Rita cocked her head, then let out a snort of approval. “Sure, he’s okay. Besides, you’ve got the hots for him, right?” Something in her beady little eyes gleamed with mischief. “Show off a little, yeah?”

You gaped at her, your brain short-circuiting on the spot. Rita!you internally chided.

At your side, Dream blinked at you curiously. “Well,” he said, “what’d they say?”

Squeaking, you flipped around to look at him, feeling your insides flutter with butterflies as your heart melted.

“Yes,” you breathed, “you can tag along.”

The sheer brightness of his smile made you wonder if maybe it would be better if you had said no.


“Hey there, little guy.”

The puppy in Dream’s arms—his name was Cole—was panting like he had just run three miles, rolling over into his warm touch. His tongue flicked over his wet, black nose as he barked once, twice at you.

“Oh! He’s so tall! And he’s good at giving ear scratches.” Whimpering, he nuzzled into Dream’s eager touch. “Oooh, yes. That’s the spot.” Lifting his head, he turned to look at you and barked once, his pale, glimmering eyes flickering with joy. “[Y/N], bring him around more often. This guy rocks.”

You giggled, brushing some stray dirt off the front of your pants. “I’ll try my best.”

Dream glanced over at you, his eyes lingering on your mouth before dragging over your face. “What’d he just say?”

Bending down, you reached a hand out to poke at Cole’s cheek, not missing the way he yapped at your touch. “He says that I should bring you around more often because you’re good at giving scratches.”

“Don’t forget about the part where I said he rocks!” Cole suddenly yelped, his tail wagging aggressively against Dream’s thigh. “Because he does.”

Your face flushed at that, and you turned your gaze to the grass beneath your feet. “And also that you, um—you rock.”

A smile tugged at Dream’s lips, and he let out a chuckle that seemed all too boyish for a man of his stature. “Aw, really?” he crooned, scratching the pup a little more. “That’s too kind.”

You snuck a peek at him, feeling your heart sing a sweet melody in your chest. “Well,” you murmured, “it is what he said.”

You watched with awe as his features softened into something so tender, so warm that it made your lungs expand just to make room for the affection blooming in your chest. To think it had been well over a few months since Dream had discovered your little power, and he was still as kind as ever. Every morning, he would join you on your way to feed the animals, and from time to time, he would ask you to accompany him while chatting with them.

You, of course, could never say no to him, so here you were, all this time later and still absolutely head over heels for him.

“Thank you, buddy,” he hummed, giving Cole one last ruffle behind his ears before getting to his feet. “We’re gonna go now, but I’ll come back soon.”

Getting back onto his four paws, Cole shook out his fur once, then barked at him with a wag. “Bye! You’re the best!” He turned to look at you. “And give him a kiss for me, [Y/N].”

Your jaw dropped open, and you almost tripped over your foot as you straightened. “I-I most certainly will not!” you shouted.

Dream blinked at you, confusion furrowing his brow. “Huh?”

You squeaked, turning away from him with a dismissive wave. “He—he just says bye back!” you said, praying he would ignore the crack in your voice.

Instead, he cocked a brow at you, looking all the more intrigued. “And what about the thing you won’t do?”

You tore your gaze away from him, dragging a line in the dirt with the sole of your shoe. “I-It’s nothing,” you fibbed. “Ignore him.”

He gave you an amused look, then chuckled, trailing after you. “Okay, okay,” he relented. “Where to next?”

You paused, tapping at your chin with a thoughtful expression. “Mm, have you ever talked to a fox?” you said after a moment.

He grinned. “I mean, I’ve personally never talked to any animals, but no.”

You laughed at his half-joke, waving over your shoulder for him to follow you. “Well, I know one you might like. C’mon!”

As you began striding forward, making your way down the wood plank path, you paused when you didn’t hear footsteps following you. Turning, you looked behind you only to freeze at the sight of Dream’s eyes glued to you, his gaze gleaming with a mixture of awe and wonder.

“You know,” he said, suddenly sounding breathless, “I really appreciate that you’re doing this for me. You didn’t have to, you know?”

Your heart picked up a beat inside you, and you swallowed the rhythm threatening to burst out of your chest. “I wanted to,” you said honestly. “I’m just glad that…” You smiled. “That you’re having fun.”

You didn’t catch the way his cheeks flushed a royal, rosy hue, his eyes still focused on the tender look on your face. With his lips curling up into a fond smile, he took a step closer toward you.

“See, that’s what I love about you. You’re so genuinely kind, and you never even hesitate about it. It’s almost like second-nature to you.”

Reaching over, he gently bumped his arm into yours, and you felt a spark rush into your skin at the gesture. “Have some more pride in yourself, okay?” he chided, grinning at you. “It’s people like you who make this world a brighter place.”

You opened your mouth, then closed it, not trusting yourself to speak. “I—“

Your tongue felt like jelly in your mouth, and you did your best to say a word coherently.

“I—okay.” You could swear you were trembling from head-to-toe. “I’ll try my best.”

He flashed you another one of those blinding grins of his, then breezed past you, resting his hands on his hips.

“Good. That’s a start. Now,” he said, glancing back at you with the sun framing his face, “where were you taking me, again?”

Pushing down the fizzy feeling rising up in your chest, you rushed after him, pointing at a forest in the distance. Although you had a destination in mind, you knew that deep down, you wouldn’t mind going anywhere, so long as it was with him.


“You know, you should totally just confess to Dream.”

Your breath hitched in your throat, and you shot Pedro a glare from where you were sitting on a wood block next to the pen. Already, you could feel your heart start to run rampant at the mere mention of his name. Setting down your handful of wheat, you scoffed.

“What? Are you kidding me? No way!”

Darwin flopped over onto his stomach, digging his snout against the ground as he let out a long, drawn out snort. “You totally should. Watching this is just painful. We all think so.”

You grumbled, digging your heels into the ground as your lungs squeezed a fraction tighter. “Well, you don’t have to watch if it’s so terrible.”

Snowflake leaned her head down to whinny next to you. “He follows you everywhere. It’s impossible to not watch.”

Huffing, you crossed your arms over your chest and turned away, shifting back on the wooden block. “I’m still not doing it.”

“He’s cute,” Rita said.

Your ears burned. “I know that.”

“You like him,” Pedro added.

You curled your hands into tight fists. “I know that, too.”

Darwin rolled over in the pen. “Dare I say you might even love hi—”


Immediately, the animal pen fell silent, and you were burying your face in your hands, the crack of your shout still echoing through the air. Your blood was absolutely rushing through your ears now, and all you could focus on was the shaky, uneven breaths escaping your mouth.

“I know, I know, I know,” you choked out, your head spinning with an overwhelming cyclone of emotions. “But even then, I’m not gonna tell Dream!”

“You’re not gonna tell me what?”

Your eyes shot open, and you flung your head up to see Dream standing over you just a step behind your seat, his upside down face greeting you with an inquisitive look. Before you knew it, you were gasping and leaning backwards, losing your balance.

“Oh my g—ahh!

In a whirl, you toppled backwards, your legs kicking out in front of you, but suddenly, a pair of hands settled on your arms. Gently nudging you forward once more, you inhaled sharply as electricity ran along your body as you came to a steady stop, sitting upright with Dream’s soft touch holding you in place.

“Woah, there,” he breathed over you, his eyes landing on your panicked ones. “You okay?”

Your gaze darted across his face, only briefly landing on his lips for a moment before shooting to the sky above his head. “Yeah, it’s…” You swallowed thickly. “It’s nothing at all!”

He raised a brow, his hands still firm against your arms. “I wouldn’t exactly call that nothing.” Letting go of you for a second, he walked around you until he was at your side, crouching down to be level with your face. “What’s up?” he asked gently.

Being eye-to-eye with him like this was too much for your head, and you could feel your feet jittering in your shoes. “I, uh, I—I just wanted to tell you that… that your hair always looks really soft!” Your voice came out in a hurried, messy rush, but you nodded like you meant it, anyways. “Th-That’s all!”

Just behind the oak fence, Rita bellowed with laughter—or whatever a pig’s laughter sounded like. “You are such a liar!” she snorted, leaning against the wood with gleaming eyes. “The biggest liar!”

At her side, you caught a glimpse of Snowflake’s snicker, and you glowered at them. “Guys! Stop that!”

Dream’s bewilderment only grew. “What’s with that reaction?” he muttered. Then, his eyes widened. “Don’t tell me… are you lying to me?”

You stiffened, refusing to meet his gaze. “N-No.”

He shoved his face closer to you, his nose only a few inches away from your cheek. “No?” he responded cheekily.

You did your best not to squirm. “N—Not at all!”

“Just tell him how you feel!” Darwin whined, acting as loud and abrasive as he was wont to be.

Pedro nodded, chewing on a mouthful of wheat. “Don’t be such a coward!” After a slight pause, he chuckled. “Get it? Cow-ard?”

You groaned again and felt your face practically burst into flames. “Lay off me, guys!”

Beside you, Dream was quiet, an almost solemn look settling on his features. “[Y/N],” he murmured, speaking your name like it was the most precious thing in the world, “you know you can tell me anything, right?”

You peeked over at him, letting your gaze meet for a brief, fleeting moment. His eyes really did look like emeralds. Gulping, you held his stare.

“Yeah,” you whispered.

His mouth twitched the slightest bit at that. Rising to his feet, he stretched his hand out toward you.

“Here,” he said, “come with me.” After a second, he glanced over his shoulder at the pen and added, “And please, can you all just leave us alone for a bit? Pretty please?”

Snowflake blinked at him once, then gave him a disparaging whinny.“Fine.”

His eyes immediately darted to hours, and you translated for him with lightning speed. “They agreed.”

He grinned, gesturing to his hand once more. “Perfect. Let’s go.”

With a timid touch, you let your hand slip into his as he tugged you to his feet, still not used to the soft hold of his fingers around your skin. You expected him to let go of you, but to your surprise, he simply held on as he led you away from the pen and toward a small alcove in the nearby mountain wall. As soon as he stopped walking, he whirled to face you.

“Alright, tell me what’s up. Clearly something’s bothering you, and I want to know what’s going on.” His face flickered with a shadow of a frown, and his hand squeezed yours. “It makes me sad to see you like this.”

You wanted to look away and hide from the intensity of his gaze, but the longer you looked at him, the more you knew you couldn’t bring yourself to do it. Not with the way he was looking at you, at least. Your heart beat like a thousand drums in your chest, and it took everything inside of you to suck in a simple, single breath.

“I… promise you won’t laugh at me?” you asked quietly. “Or run away or something?”

He blinked, then shook his head. “From you? Never.” His lips curled up into a crooked grin. “I guess you could say I wouldn’t dream of it.”

The groan escaped you before you could even think about it. His hand thrummed with life in yours, and you sighed, “That was a terrible pun.”

He laughed, his chuckle rumbling throughout his chest. “You love me for it.”

You soaked in the sound of his laughter, traced your gaze over the soft crescent moons of his eyes when he smiled and the scattered freckles on his cheeks. Not once did you take your eyes off his. After all, you were always looking at him, and this time would be no different.

“I do,” you whispered.

He paused, his laughter coming to a halt. “What?”

You swallowed, letting the words spill from your lips like an unbidden waterfall beating at stone. “I do,” you said, again. “That’s what I wanted to tell you.”

His fingers twitched against yours, and a part of you wondered why he was still holding on—why he hadn’t let go yet. But in that moment, you couldn’t think of anything but the light shining from the very depths of your soul onto his features.

“I love you, Dream.” You paused, then tacked on in a hush of a whisper, “Really.”

You watched with bated breath as his eyes grew wide and his hand squeezed yours even tighter than before. You felt your mouth open, pushing more words to the surface as your brain went into overdrive.

“And I know that’s scary, because the way I feel about you is more than just liking someone, which is crazy, I know, and I totally get if you don’t feel the same wa—”

It happened in an instant.

In one second, you were rambling a flurry of anxiety, thoughts, and fears, all of them bursting forth at once.

In the next, Dream’s lips were pressed to yours, and you felt fireworks.

Sparks burst forth from the pit of your stomach, joy unfurling in your chest as you let your eyelids flutter shut, melding into the softness of his touch. You felt his other hand reach up to cup your cheek, his thumb stroking the curve of your cheekbone. You shivered at the tenderness of it all, and you could have sworn you felt him smile against your mouth. A moment later, you parted, gasping for air as you took in the sight of his pink cheeks and adoring gaze.

“Sorry,” he panted as he shot you a lopsided smile, “was that too forward of me?”

Your tongue swiped over your lips, and you caught the way his eyes followed the movement. More, your heart cried, and so you opened your mouth once more.

“Again?” you whispered. “Please?”

He chuckled, then dove right back toward you, his mouth meeting yours once more. He tasted like sunshine on your tongue, the softness of his lips practically drowning you in him, him, him. He smelled like a deep, woody pine that made you want to stay wrapped up in his arms. Your hand squeezed his again, and you felt your insides expand with a melody sweeter than a skylark’s song.

I love you, I love you.

This time when Dream parted from you, he didn’t move too far, only going so far as to rest his forehead against yours and smile.

“I think that makes it pretty clear how I feel about you,” he breathed.

You couldn’t stop smiling, and you knew you must look like a lovestruck fool right now, but you could hardly bring yourself to care. How could you, when he was here with you?

“Will—will you please say it, anyways?” you asked with a glimmer in your eye. “Just so then I know I’m understanding you correctly?”

He let out a puff laughter, the breath fanning over your face. “You can understand animals just fine but you’re stumped by this?”

You reached a hand, tentatively holding his face in your palm. “Animals are easy to figure out. You?” You smiled. “Not so much.”

He nuzzled his cheek into your palm, letting his lips brush a simple kiss over your fingertips. “Well, alright then. But just for you.”

You both closed your eyes, basking in the quietness for a moment longer until he murmured four little words that lit your whole world up.

“I love you, too.”

Light danced along every vein in your body, seeping into every nook and cranny of your heart as your fingers moved to sink into his soft, golden locks. Nothing could ruin this moment, you thought wistfully. Nothing at all.

Then came a loud, braying bark.

“Finally! You did it! Thank god!”

You whipped around with Dream at your side, eyes wide with shock to see Cole yipping at the two of you. His tail wagged behind him faster than you’d ever seen it before, and in a flash, he was dashing off into the distance. Embarrassment washed over your face, and you let out a whine.

“Oh my god. Dream, he is totally gonna snitch to everyone else.”

He lifted his brows in a look that almost came across as accepting, his thumb brushing over your knuckles where your fingers were still intertwined. “Well,” he hummed with a joking tone, “at least I’m not gonna be the one who’ll get teased about it.”

You gasped in mock offence, playfully whacking his arm. “You’re so mean!”

He chuckled, tapping his foot against the ground. “I’m kidding. We’ll deal with it together.”

Above you, you heard a bird chirp in the distance, no doubt spreading word of the news to every animal you knew. Despite the hordes of questions you knew you were bound to get asked, you let yourself simply lean over to rest your head against his shoulder, your side latching onto his.

“Yeah,” you murmured, “you’re stuck with me now.”

Dream’s face flooded with nothing but warm, wholehearted, and unadulterated affection for you. Turning his head, he let his lips press against the crown of your head, and you sighed, caught in a dreamlike haze.

“I sure am, and I don’t intend on going anywhere.”
