#dreamwastaken x reader


Eye of the Beholder

Pairing:cc!Dream Team x plus-sized!Reader (Separately)
Tags:fluff, reader is chubby/plus-sized, affection, body positivity, cuddling, even more cuddling

In which your boyfriend finds you beautiful, no matter what the world says.

Word Count: 222
Warnings: mentions of body dysmorphia

this is a requested work! i’m SO sorry this took so long to get out, i had a bunch of schoolwork :( nonetheless, enjoy reading!



  • He treats you like a god no matter how you look!
  • He would help you search for nice clothes if you’re having trouble finding them in your size. (sugar daddy dream /j)
  • He literally never takes his hands off of you. It’s probably his natural instinct to protect you from the world because he just loves you that much.
  • By the way, don’t bother trying to get out of his grip, he is notletting you go.


  • Two words: bear hugs
  • NO BECAUSE- when you cuddle it’s just perfect.
  • And I hate to be unoriginal, but Sapnap isa thigh guy. Everyone says this, I know, but he would enjoy being able to lie down comfortably on your thighs!
  • If there were times you felt embarrassed about your body, he would list everything he finds beautiful about you, whether it be about your physical appearance or your personality.


  • He honestly doesn’t really care what you look like, he loves you so much either way!
  • Heloveshow warm and comfy your hugs are, though. You’ve slept in so many mornings because he simply would not let you go.
  • “No, don’t leave me, I want more cuddles :[” …who are you to say no?
  • He’s extra clingy during the winter! Expect days where you’re just cuddled under the duvet, absorbing each other’s warmth.

i really hope this was accurate<3 if you have any feedback pls lmk so i can improve! also, feel free to make a req!

reblogs are hot and awesome and sexy :>

Trick-or-treat <3

Just a bunch of lil’ idea’s about spending halloween with mcyts :D

Happy halloween !! <3

Pairings: bench trio x reader (platonic), dreamteam x reader (platonic)

Pronouns: they/them

Genre: fluff :]

Summary: halloween with ur fav boys ^^

Warnings: mentions of jumpscares ? a few cuss words, one inappropriate joke

Bench trio

-omg Halloween would be so much fun

- c o s t u m e c o m p e t i t i o n

- First of all, you cant tell me Tommy wouldn’t get mighty competitive with costumes

- he still looks a lil’ dumb <3

- Ranboo comes in his own cosplay-

- Tubbo literally b e g s you to help him prank Ranboo

- So y'all go and hide some stupid pop up toy outside his door

- He doesn’t get scared

- Tubbo still finds it hilarious

- You guys all go trick-or-treating because who cares about age

- too old to go trick-or-treating? says who

- obviously not tubbo because he is very persistent on the idea of going trick-or-treating

- and so you guys all put on costumes with masks, just to try make sure nobody recognizes you, and go out door-to-door knocking, trying to hold in laughter at the reactions of the people inside expecting some small kid or young teenager and being faced with 6'6 ranboo.

- As soon as they shut the door you all burst out in fits of laughter

- you and ranboo take everyone else’s candy

- commence you two hiding in a tiny cupboard eating all the best candy you can find in your stash

- tommy and tubbo standing outside waiting for you guys to come out to scare you

- they succeed

-tbh the rest of halloween is spent just tryna prank eachother

- 10/10

- if instead of trick or treating you guys decide to stay in and watch horror movies

- i apologize for your ears

- tubbo on one end of the couch, laughing at all the scary scenes and making dumb jokes about it

- ranboo just tryna watch the movie

- Tommy screaming at literally everything

- its chaos

- but hey, it was probably one of your favorite nights of the year :]

Dream Team

- You guys didnt tell the fans.

- then you just randomly post some photos of you four in costumes and twitter FREAKS out

- step one to breaking the internet tbh

- you all go to dream and sapnaps house

-omg omg omg dream goes so over-the-top with it

- but in the best way possible

- he decorates the whole house

- makes a massive blanket fort surrounding his TV


-patches gets put in a halloween costume but she HATES it so you eventually take it off after a few photos

- *insert dramatic queen patches acting like she just got murdered so you give her cuddles*

- george doesn’t care too much for halloween but seeing his friends all be so excited really puts him in the spirit.

- lets be real george probably wears an among us costume and thinks he’s the funniest man alive smh

- okay dream puts a lot of effort into his costume

- if you really wanted to, eveyone cosplays their dsmp! character

- this would make for the coolest photo shoot

- you and dream bake a whole bunch of really cool treats

- george and sapnap are probably goofing off somewhere annoying patches

- eventually you guys all go on a movie marathon

- watching all the classic slasher movies

- if you get scared easily get ready to be relentlessly teased by these boys

- except for sapnap

- sapnap is hiding his face through half the movie

- sapnap will hold your hand with the excuse of “you look scared” but everyone knows he is just doing it because he hates horror movies and needs comfort

- if you like horror movies you get two options

1. join in teasing sapnap

2. scold the others for being mean to poor lil sappy nappy </3

- literally so much fun

- tbh you guys dont even eat dinner, just snack on candy and the little sweets you and dream baked

- okay you guys would definitely carve pumpkins

- by the end of it pumpkin guts are everywhere

- sapnap probably raged somewhere along the way and now his poor pumpkin is very ugly </3

- george goes for something way too ambitious

- probably says he’s gonna draw dream

- makes it really ugly

- dream actually tries

- his is either a normal jack-o-lantern or its his smiley face

- gotta stay on brand

- honestly so much fun

-you guys probably dont sleep that night

- very tired the next day

- but overall worth it

Pet names <3

Hiiii so my adhd has been making hard to do like- anything at the moment. I promise ill try finish all the requests soon i just need to wait out this weird stage so take this in the mean time because apparently this is what my brain wants to write dfvbgrtnr

pairings: dream, george, sapnap, karl, quackity, wilbur, c!technoblade (seperate)

pronouns: none :D

warnings: swearing, mentions of nsfw (in dreams)

summary: just some headcanons about pet names


- Pretty one/girl/boy

idk he just gives me the vibes. I feel like he would make it his mission in life to fluster you so these would give him that power. Definitely uses these to raise his own ego after seeing you get all flustered. (probably doesnt use these ALL the time but uses them when he feels a cocky bitch)

- Baby

this would probably be the most common one he uses. Its simple <3. I think he would way prefer “baby” over babe (or maybe thats just me hating the word babe)

- Bunny

This is the more flirtatious one. Only usually used in more heated situations. this man t h r i v e s from watching you get flustered from this.


- Love/lovely

british. Thats it. Thats the tweet.

- your name

i feel like he would usually just say your name. i cant imagine him being as much into pet names

- Angel

he uses this when he wants something. this man is very convincing. 100% uses this when he feels needy or touch starved but he will never outright tell you so instead he just uses cute pet names and hopes you’ll pay attention to him. Give this man validation pls


- Cutie

he called karl this on stream one time so i will stand by this till my dying breath. calling you this just adds fuel to his sassy, cocky ego but its okay because you love him for it <3

- pup or puppy

this just matches his vibe. he doesnt use this very often but he will use this when you are just cuddling or having really soft, fluffy moments

- my love

he just loves you man. He is so soft. ofc he will never admit it but he is <3


- Bunny

Unlike dream, he is just a very soft boy and uses this pet name in a very fluffy way. this man would do anything for you. he just wants to hold youuu and you remind him of a bunny. fluffy and adorable <3

- beautiful

hes just a simp for you <3 he honestly thinks you are the most beautiful, gorgeous, angelic thing to ever walk this earth (and he is right <3)

- lovely/my love

i feel like he would use this one a lot. it just makes him feel so happy to be able to call you this <3 literally will giggle after calling you this just from the pure serotonin he gets <3 he is just so whipped for you


- mi amor

he feels so much pride calling you this. being able to call you a pet name from his first language is such a nice thing for him. its literally so sweet <3 he always says it with so much endearment too :( /pos

- mi alma

OKAY THIS TRANSLATES TO “MY SOUL” ERGERH. this is a special one for him. he wouldnt use this till he was so sure that you were meant for him. one night he walks into his bedroom after finishing editing, and you are in there waiting for him and when he walks in he see’s you cuddled up to tiger (his cat) and his heart just- melts. he just realized how in love with you he was and this is when he first called you mi alma

- baby

i feel like he would be someone who likes calling you baby just because its nice and gentle. this would be one that he would use more in like- everyday life and sentences.


- dove

i- i cant explain it just- hear me out. sometimes he’ll call you “his little dove” i just-

- my love

he is so whipped for you but this man has so much confidence and honestly thrives off of calling you pet names and this one just makes him feel so nice ya know? its that reminder that you are his and he is yours <3

- darling

with his accent it just sounds so nice. he loves teasing you with this pet name sjsjfrherht. but also he is soft boy so he will just speak really gently and just be so whipped and soft for you

(im such a wilbur simp-)


- my god/goddess

he loves seeing how you get all flustered <3 he just gets happy knowing HE can do that to you, ya know?

- my darling

okay hear me out. so piglins are rlly possessive, right. especially the brutes and so you are his darling. Not yandere or anything but just the way he feels so protective over you

- prince/princess/royalty

he will bow down to you. he just loves you man. he was never really fond of love before he met you. he never really thought he would ever fall in love or that anyone would ever love him and then you came along and just- he just wants to treat you like the royalty you are


hiii i hope you liked thisss <3 im hoping getting something published will help me finish all my drafts :0
i tried to keep these as gender neutral as possible :D

gif cred belongs to @animeglitch

requested by anon “Hello!! How are u?:DD could I maybe get 3 and 10 from the prompt list with dream if you don’t mind? Have a lovely day/night!!”

a/n first rq w/ the new prompt list <3

o hey i do writing prompts,, those used in this imagine will be in bold

imagine dream denying his crush on you

“i don’t know why you think y/n wouldn’t like you,” sapnap huffed from dream’s bed, staring at the ceiling while his friend looked through the maps at his desk. 

“im not talking about this again, sapnap,” dream shrugged off, turning his mask from his face.

“c’mon, dream,” sapnap groaned out, turning onto his stomach to look at the blonde. “you two would make such a cute couple!”

dream sent a half-hearted glare at the smiling brunette. “just because you think something’s gonna happen doesn’t mean it will, sap. besides, i don’t really like y/n. they’re just..” he paused his movements on the map for a moment as his mind swarmed with a million words to describe you. “nice.”

sapnap arched a brow as dream continued to busy himself drawing along a map. “..right. soo, you wouldn’t be mad if, hypothetically, they started dating someone else?”

“sap,i don’t care what they do,” dream insisted despite himself, looking over to his friend with annoyance. “they can hang out with whoever they want.”

“right,” sapnap hummed knowingly. “even if it’s wilbur?”

dream’s heart immediately burned, his head snapping toward the man resting on his bed. “come again?”

sapnap burst into laughter and dream’s heart sank with realization, his face burning with embarrassment. he turned his mask back over his smoking features.

“you’re so easy! it was just a hypothetical!”

“can we focus up here?”

The New neighbor (pt1?)

Dream x Fem reader

!tw! Fluff, happiness? !tw!

Y/n’s POV

The sun was bright, not a cloud to block it. The birds were singing their precious tunes. Work was off today. My dog Amara is cuddled up next to me. I let out a content sigh, feeling the sun shine onto me through the blinds on the window. Feeling Amara did nudge my shoulder, I feel a small smile form. Blinking my eyes open the crust that had developed overnight flaking off. I turn my head towards Ama who is laid next to me.

“I know girl, I’m up,” I say, Ama’s tail wagging in response to her nudging.

“Yeah yeah, let’s get you fed hun,” I mumble. Swinging my legs over the side of the bed, I stretch my back. Crack, I sigh in delight. Looking over at Ama who is running in circles waiting for me to feed her. Letting out a soft laugh at her antics, I stand. Grabbing my phone, which was charging next to my bed, I started heading downstairs.

After getting Ama her food, I look around for anything to eat, settling on a blueberry bagel. Leaning back on the counter I look out the window. Tilting my head to the side as I notice the moving truck across the street. Hearing Ama’s paws trot up next to me, I look down at her.

“Weird right, it’s been so long since the previous owners have been trying to sell that house. They used to have such a lovely garden too. I remember every year when I was younger they carefully tended to their orange Calendula flowers. They reminded me of honey and the sun just before the sunset,” I mention in remembrance, “but what do you know you’re just a dog.” I laugh at Ama’s clueless look, tail wagging nonetheless. Finishing my bagel, I go to let Ama outside. Heading upstairs to put my contacts in, letting Ama take her time. Getting them in finally, I head back down to let Amara in.

“Ama,” I yell with a whistle, “inside sweety!” Looking around my backyard, panic sets in when I see the gate slightly open. Rushing out I see her collar caught on the nail that was sticking out of the old fence. Great now not only is she lost, but no one will be able to contact me if someone finds her. My panicked thoughts rush through my head, as I scramble inside for something that would help me find her. Grabbing Ama’s favorite treats, her leash, her collar, and my phone.

Rushing outside the front door I start looking to where I think she would go. I started walking over to the new neighbor, maybe he saw where Ama went. Knocking on the door, it is silent for a moment before the door is swung open, startling me slightly. A young man is standing there. He is rather handsome. Sandy blonde hair, green eyes, about 6'4", a scar running down the corner of his mouth. Ignoring his handsome appearance I say, “Hi I’m your neighbor, and uh I was wondering, have you seen a dog by any chance? She’s a German shepherd but has floppy ears and about this tall,” putting my hand about the mid of my waist. He gives me a weird look before turning and whistling, Ama who is somehow in his house comes trotting up the front door. Noticing my startled face.

“I found her in my backyard just a moment ago, she decided to come inside and make herself at home,” he explains. Ama walks up to me and grabs her collar, only to go back into his house and sit down.

“No, Ama here girl I have to get you home,” I say. The stranger is also helping me try to get Ama over to me. She finally gets up and moves over to us, I let out a sigh of relief.

“Thank you for helping me, I never caught your name stranger,”

“The name is Clay, but I prefer Dream,” he replies.

“Dream, I like it. It’s good to meet you, hopefully, meet you again under better circumstances,” I confess, a grin bright on my face.


Dream’s POV

I watched as my new neighbor walked away with their dog. Oh, I never got their name. Well, I hope I meet them again.



(I wrote this really fast so let me know if there are any mistakes) <3

Thank you for reading. I will be taking a small break from Vilbur and reader, as to not burn myself out. Let me know if you have any requests I don’t bite!

Pairing:Dream / Clay x gn!reader

Summary: [Dream SMP!AU] Talking to animals is easy, especially when you can actually understand them. But talking to Dream? That’s a whole other challenge unto itself.

Word Count: 4.5k

A/N: inspired by dream being a disney princess with like 85 dolphins during the 4v1 manhunt finale :D i hope you all enjoy! i had fun writing this <3


Balancing the bag in your arms carefully, you peeked over the top to see the animal pen drawing nearer and nearer. Your eyes lit up at the sight, and you picked up the pace a fraction or two as you made your way over. Already, you could see the pigs sniffing at the air, their snouts turned toward you expectantly.

“Good morning, guys!” you greeted, coming to a stop just outside the pen. Heaving the bag into one of your arms, you used the other to reach inside. “I brought some snacks for you all.”

The pig closest to you—Darwin, you remembered vaguely—snorted at you. To anyone else, they would have heard just that: a simple snort. But the tone that reached your ears was anything but simple.

“Finally! We’ve been starving!”

Giving him a lopsided smile, you pulled out a carrot from your bag, reaching down to let him bite on. “Don’t you guys have all this grass to eat?”

As Darwin snapped his mouth shut around the carrot, he managed to warble out, “Yes, but quality over quantity, and grass gets boring after eating it for basically ever.”

You gave him a deadpan look, shoving another carrot towards another pig—this one was Rita. “That doesn’t negate the fact that I literally fed you guys yesterday,” you pointed out with a blank stare.

From the back of the pen, you watched as one of the cows rose up to rest its front legs on the side of the wood, grunting out at you. “That was yesterday,” said Pedro, “and this is today.” He let his jaw fall open and waiting. “Now, feed me.”

You giggled, dumping the rest of the carrots in front of the pigs to let them fight amongst themselves. “So demanding,” you joked as you stepped to the side.

Moving over toward the cows, you held out a few carefully tied bundles of wheat, shaking them in front of them. “I hope you guys will settle for wheat.”

Pedro didn’t even look up, his eyes still glued to the wheat you were holding up. “Do you even have to ask?”

With a laugh, you set it on the ground in front of him, watching with amusement as the horde moved in to engulf the pile of wheat entirely. Just a moment later, you felt a nudge at the back of your arm, and you turned to see a pair of horses eyeing you expectantly. You grinned at the sight, turning the bag upside down in your arms.

“And for you two,” you hummed, watching gravity naturally empty the bag onto their feeding tray, “I’ve got some apples.”

The white speckled horse standing to your left—appropriately named Snowflake—let out an appreciative whinny, ducking her head down to devour an apple. “Bless your soul, [Y/N],” she sighed in bliss. “Bless you.”

Smiling, you folded the paper bag onto itself and slipped it back into your pocket, leaning against the wooden fence with a hum. “Just try not to throw me off anytime soon,” you said with a teasing look, “and I’ll bring you as many as you’d like.”

“Are you talking to the horses?”

You jumped at the sound of a new voice—at the sound of hisvoice.Oh my god.

Of all the people you thought would possibly stumble upon you like this, he was definitely the last person who came to mind.

Whirling around, you felt your hands curl up into fists at your side, your heart leaping into your throat as you laid eyes on the man standing before you. His mask had been tucked off to the side of his head, leaving his freckled face free and open to the bright sunshine above.

“O-Oh, I, um, erm…” you stammered, your tongue stumbling all over itself. “Hi, Dream! I-I was just, uh—”

You could hear Snowflake snicker behind you, and your cheeks burned with embarrassment as you finally managed to sputter, “What are you doing here?”

The smile he flashed you was more dazzling than the sun, and you resisted the urge to sigh dreamily. “Oh, just taking a morning stroll.” His emerald eyes flashed. “You didn’t answer my question, though.” He gestured to the animal pen behind you. “Were you really just talking to them, or have I gone crazy?”

You felt your mouth go dry, your mind absolutely scrambling for words to form a coherent sentence. Behind you, you caught a glimpse of Darwin pressing his snout forward between the gaps of the fence.

“Is this the guy you like? What’s so special about him?” He tilted his head, then dug at the ground with a triumphant puff. “He’s got nothing on me.”

Before you could stop yourself, you turned, shooting a glare at him. “Sh-Shut up!”

Just a step ahead of you, Dream gasped, his eyes brightening with fascination. “You are talking to the animals!” He shuffled closer toward you. “Can you really understand them?”

Your breath caught in your lungs at his proximity, and you fidgeted as you spoke. “I, um, yeah.” When there was a beat of silence, you wilted under his gaze. “Sorry, I must sound cuckoo.”

His lips were parted in awe, and he shook his head at you. “No, no, I’m just so intrigued. Why did you never tell me?”

You lowered your gaze to your hands, fiddling with your thumbs. “I guess I… just didn’t want anyone to think I seemed crazy, or something.” Your voice grew quiet. “You probably don’t even believe me.”

Just then, you felt a hand settle on the curve of your shoulder. You nearly jumped right out of your skin, and you looked up to see Dream’s face just a few inches from yours. You wanted to melt into the floor.

He’s so close.

“I believe you,” he said softly, honestly lacing his every syllable. “You wouldn’t lie to me. That’s not like you.” His lips twitched up into a small smile, and you felt him squeeze your shoulder ever so gently. “Am I the only one who knows?”

You swallowed, then nodded your head, half-feeling like it would fall right off if you shook it too hard. “Y-Yeah,” you breathed, unable to tear your eyes away from his. “I didn’t really mean to keep it a secret—I guess it just sort of happened. I don’t really remember how this happened, either. I think I was just born with it? I’ve always been able to understand them.”

A part of you wanted to berate yourself for rambling, but you didn’t get the chance to think about it for a second longer before Dream was suddenly grabbing both of your shoulders, practically pressing himself up to you. Your face was aflame in a burst of dizzying affection and bashful warmth, his hot breath fanning over your cheeks obliviously.

Too close!

“That—that’s so cool!” he said, his eyes scanning your face with wonder. A moment later, he stepped back, releasing your shoulders. You missed his touch immediately, and you wanted to lean back into his warmth.

“We have to talk to every animal, now,” he sighed, almost bouncing up and down where he stood with excitement. You couldn’t stop the smile from stretching across your face at the sight. Suddenly he turned, cocking his head at you with a pensive, almost shy look.

“Well, I mean, you can talk to them all if you want, but is it okay if I tag along? I’m just…” He shook his head to himself again, his smile never once faltering. “You’re just so amazing.”

Your heartbeat was practically rattling your rib cage at this point—who gave him the right to be so… so nice?Sopretty?Soperfect? Fumbling to respond, you sent him the best smile you could muster up.

“S-Sure! I don’t think they’d mind.” You glanced over at the animal pen. “Would you guys?”

Rita cocked her head, then let out a snort of approval. “Sure, he’s okay. Besides, you’ve got the hots for him, right?” Something in her beady little eyes gleamed with mischief. “Show off a little, yeah?”

You gaped at her, your brain short-circuiting on the spot. Rita!you internally chided.

At your side, Dream blinked at you curiously. “Well,” he said, “what’d they say?”

Squeaking, you flipped around to look at him, feeling your insides flutter with butterflies as your heart melted.

“Yes,” you breathed, “you can tag along.”

The sheer brightness of his smile made you wonder if maybe it would be better if you had said no.


“Hey there, little guy.”

The puppy in Dream’s arms—his name was Cole—was panting like he had just run three miles, rolling over into his warm touch. His tongue flicked over his wet, black nose as he barked once, twice at you.

“Oh! He’s so tall! And he’s good at giving ear scratches.” Whimpering, he nuzzled into Dream’s eager touch. “Oooh, yes. That’s the spot.” Lifting his head, he turned to look at you and barked once, his pale, glimmering eyes flickering with joy. “[Y/N], bring him around more often. This guy rocks.”

You giggled, brushing some stray dirt off the front of your pants. “I’ll try my best.”

Dream glanced over at you, his eyes lingering on your mouth before dragging over your face. “What’d he just say?”

Bending down, you reached a hand out to poke at Cole’s cheek, not missing the way he yapped at your touch. “He says that I should bring you around more often because you’re good at giving scratches.”

“Don’t forget about the part where I said he rocks!” Cole suddenly yelped, his tail wagging aggressively against Dream’s thigh. “Because he does.”

Your face flushed at that, and you turned your gaze to the grass beneath your feet. “And also that you, um—you rock.”

A smile tugged at Dream’s lips, and he let out a chuckle that seemed all too boyish for a man of his stature. “Aw, really?” he crooned, scratching the pup a little more. “That’s too kind.”

You snuck a peek at him, feeling your heart sing a sweet melody in your chest. “Well,” you murmured, “it is what he said.”

You watched with awe as his features softened into something so tender, so warm that it made your lungs expand just to make room for the affection blooming in your chest. To think it had been well over a few months since Dream had discovered your little power, and he was still as kind as ever. Every morning, he would join you on your way to feed the animals, and from time to time, he would ask you to accompany him while chatting with them.

You, of course, could never say no to him, so here you were, all this time later and still absolutely head over heels for him.

“Thank you, buddy,” he hummed, giving Cole one last ruffle behind his ears before getting to his feet. “We’re gonna go now, but I’ll come back soon.”

Getting back onto his four paws, Cole shook out his fur once, then barked at him with a wag. “Bye! You’re the best!” He turned to look at you. “And give him a kiss for me, [Y/N].”

Your jaw dropped open, and you almost tripped over your foot as you straightened. “I-I most certainly will not!” you shouted.

Dream blinked at you, confusion furrowing his brow. “Huh?”

You squeaked, turning away from him with a dismissive wave. “He—he just says bye back!” you said, praying he would ignore the crack in your voice.

Instead, he cocked a brow at you, looking all the more intrigued. “And what about the thing you won’t do?”

You tore your gaze away from him, dragging a line in the dirt with the sole of your shoe. “I-It’s nothing,” you fibbed. “Ignore him.”

He gave you an amused look, then chuckled, trailing after you. “Okay, okay,” he relented. “Where to next?”

You paused, tapping at your chin with a thoughtful expression. “Mm, have you ever talked to a fox?” you said after a moment.

He grinned. “I mean, I’ve personally never talked to any animals, but no.”

You laughed at his half-joke, waving over your shoulder for him to follow you. “Well, I know one you might like. C’mon!”

As you began striding forward, making your way down the wood plank path, you paused when you didn’t hear footsteps following you. Turning, you looked behind you only to freeze at the sight of Dream’s eyes glued to you, his gaze gleaming with a mixture of awe and wonder.

“You know,” he said, suddenly sounding breathless, “I really appreciate that you’re doing this for me. You didn’t have to, you know?”

Your heart picked up a beat inside you, and you swallowed the rhythm threatening to burst out of your chest. “I wanted to,” you said honestly. “I’m just glad that…” You smiled. “That you’re having fun.”

You didn’t catch the way his cheeks flushed a royal, rosy hue, his eyes still focused on the tender look on your face. With his lips curling up into a fond smile, he took a step closer toward you.

“See, that’s what I love about you. You’re so genuinely kind, and you never even hesitate about it. It’s almost like second-nature to you.”

Reaching over, he gently bumped his arm into yours, and you felt a spark rush into your skin at the gesture. “Have some more pride in yourself, okay?” he chided, grinning at you. “It’s people like you who make this world a brighter place.”

You opened your mouth, then closed it, not trusting yourself to speak. “I—“

Your tongue felt like jelly in your mouth, and you did your best to say a word coherently.

“I—okay.” You could swear you were trembling from head-to-toe. “I’ll try my best.”

He flashed you another one of those blinding grins of his, then breezed past you, resting his hands on his hips.

“Good. That’s a start. Now,” he said, glancing back at you with the sun framing his face, “where were you taking me, again?”

Pushing down the fizzy feeling rising up in your chest, you rushed after him, pointing at a forest in the distance. Although you had a destination in mind, you knew that deep down, you wouldn’t mind going anywhere, so long as it was with him.


“You know, you should totally just confess to Dream.”

Your breath hitched in your throat, and you shot Pedro a glare from where you were sitting on a wood block next to the pen. Already, you could feel your heart start to run rampant at the mere mention of his name. Setting down your handful of wheat, you scoffed.

“What? Are you kidding me? No way!”

Darwin flopped over onto his stomach, digging his snout against the ground as he let out a long, drawn out snort. “You totally should. Watching this is just painful. We all think so.”

You grumbled, digging your heels into the ground as your lungs squeezed a fraction tighter. “Well, you don’t have to watch if it’s so terrible.”

Snowflake leaned her head down to whinny next to you. “He follows you everywhere. It’s impossible to not watch.”

Huffing, you crossed your arms over your chest and turned away, shifting back on the wooden block. “I’m still not doing it.”

“He’s cute,” Rita said.

Your ears burned. “I know that.”

“You like him,” Pedro added.

You curled your hands into tight fists. “I know that, too.”

Darwin rolled over in the pen. “Dare I say you might even love hi—”


Immediately, the animal pen fell silent, and you were burying your face in your hands, the crack of your shout still echoing through the air. Your blood was absolutely rushing through your ears now, and all you could focus on was the shaky, uneven breaths escaping your mouth.

“I know, I know, I know,” you choked out, your head spinning with an overwhelming cyclone of emotions. “But even then, I’m not gonna tell Dream!”

“You’re not gonna tell me what?”

Your eyes shot open, and you flung your head up to see Dream standing over you just a step behind your seat, his upside down face greeting you with an inquisitive look. Before you knew it, you were gasping and leaning backwards, losing your balance.

“Oh my g—ahh!

In a whirl, you toppled backwards, your legs kicking out in front of you, but suddenly, a pair of hands settled on your arms. Gently nudging you forward once more, you inhaled sharply as electricity ran along your body as you came to a steady stop, sitting upright with Dream’s soft touch holding you in place.

“Woah, there,” he breathed over you, his eyes landing on your panicked ones. “You okay?”

Your gaze darted across his face, only briefly landing on his lips for a moment before shooting to the sky above his head. “Yeah, it’s…” You swallowed thickly. “It’s nothing at all!”

He raised a brow, his hands still firm against your arms. “I wouldn’t exactly call that nothing.” Letting go of you for a second, he walked around you until he was at your side, crouching down to be level with your face. “What’s up?” he asked gently.

Being eye-to-eye with him like this was too much for your head, and you could feel your feet jittering in your shoes. “I, uh, I—I just wanted to tell you that… that your hair always looks really soft!” Your voice came out in a hurried, messy rush, but you nodded like you meant it, anyways. “Th-That’s all!”

Just behind the oak fence, Rita bellowed with laughter—or whatever a pig’s laughter sounded like. “You are such a liar!” she snorted, leaning against the wood with gleaming eyes. “The biggest liar!”

At her side, you caught a glimpse of Snowflake’s snicker, and you glowered at them. “Guys! Stop that!”

Dream’s bewilderment only grew. “What’s with that reaction?” he muttered. Then, his eyes widened. “Don’t tell me… are you lying to me?”

You stiffened, refusing to meet his gaze. “N-No.”

He shoved his face closer to you, his nose only a few inches away from your cheek. “No?” he responded cheekily.

You did your best not to squirm. “N—Not at all!”

“Just tell him how you feel!” Darwin whined, acting as loud and abrasive as he was wont to be.

Pedro nodded, chewing on a mouthful of wheat. “Don’t be such a coward!” After a slight pause, he chuckled. “Get it? Cow-ard?”

You groaned again and felt your face practically burst into flames. “Lay off me, guys!”

Beside you, Dream was quiet, an almost solemn look settling on his features. “[Y/N],” he murmured, speaking your name like it was the most precious thing in the world, “you know you can tell me anything, right?”

You peeked over at him, letting your gaze meet for a brief, fleeting moment. His eyes really did look like emeralds. Gulping, you held his stare.

“Yeah,” you whispered.

His mouth twitched the slightest bit at that. Rising to his feet, he stretched his hand out toward you.

“Here,” he said, “come with me.” After a second, he glanced over his shoulder at the pen and added, “And please, can you all just leave us alone for a bit? Pretty please?”

Snowflake blinked at him once, then gave him a disparaging whinny.“Fine.”

His eyes immediately darted to hours, and you translated for him with lightning speed. “They agreed.”

He grinned, gesturing to his hand once more. “Perfect. Let’s go.”

With a timid touch, you let your hand slip into his as he tugged you to his feet, still not used to the soft hold of his fingers around your skin. You expected him to let go of you, but to your surprise, he simply held on as he led you away from the pen and toward a small alcove in the nearby mountain wall. As soon as he stopped walking, he whirled to face you.

“Alright, tell me what’s up. Clearly something’s bothering you, and I want to know what’s going on.” His face flickered with a shadow of a frown, and his hand squeezed yours. “It makes me sad to see you like this.”

You wanted to look away and hide from the intensity of his gaze, but the longer you looked at him, the more you knew you couldn’t bring yourself to do it. Not with the way he was looking at you, at least. Your heart beat like a thousand drums in your chest, and it took everything inside of you to suck in a simple, single breath.

“I… promise you won’t laugh at me?” you asked quietly. “Or run away or something?”

He blinked, then shook his head. “From you? Never.” His lips curled up into a crooked grin. “I guess you could say I wouldn’t dream of it.”

The groan escaped you before you could even think about it. His hand thrummed with life in yours, and you sighed, “That was a terrible pun.”

He laughed, his chuckle rumbling throughout his chest. “You love me for it.”

You soaked in the sound of his laughter, traced your gaze over the soft crescent moons of his eyes when he smiled and the scattered freckles on his cheeks. Not once did you take your eyes off his. After all, you were always looking at him, and this time would be no different.

“I do,” you whispered.

He paused, his laughter coming to a halt. “What?”

You swallowed, letting the words spill from your lips like an unbidden waterfall beating at stone. “I do,” you said, again. “That’s what I wanted to tell you.”

His fingers twitched against yours, and a part of you wondered why he was still holding on—why he hadn’t let go yet. But in that moment, you couldn’t think of anything but the light shining from the very depths of your soul onto his features.

“I love you, Dream.” You paused, then tacked on in a hush of a whisper, “Really.”

You watched with bated breath as his eyes grew wide and his hand squeezed yours even tighter than before. You felt your mouth open, pushing more words to the surface as your brain went into overdrive.

“And I know that’s scary, because the way I feel about you is more than just liking someone, which is crazy, I know, and I totally get if you don’t feel the same wa—”

It happened in an instant.

In one second, you were rambling a flurry of anxiety, thoughts, and fears, all of them bursting forth at once.

In the next, Dream’s lips were pressed to yours, and you felt fireworks.

Sparks burst forth from the pit of your stomach, joy unfurling in your chest as you let your eyelids flutter shut, melding into the softness of his touch. You felt his other hand reach up to cup your cheek, his thumb stroking the curve of your cheekbone. You shivered at the tenderness of it all, and you could have sworn you felt him smile against your mouth. A moment later, you parted, gasping for air as you took in the sight of his pink cheeks and adoring gaze.

“Sorry,” he panted as he shot you a lopsided smile, “was that too forward of me?”

Your tongue swiped over your lips, and you caught the way his eyes followed the movement. More, your heart cried, and so you opened your mouth once more.

“Again?” you whispered. “Please?”

He chuckled, then dove right back toward you, his mouth meeting yours once more. He tasted like sunshine on your tongue, the softness of his lips practically drowning you in him, him, him. He smelled like a deep, woody pine that made you want to stay wrapped up in his arms. Your hand squeezed his again, and you felt your insides expand with a melody sweeter than a skylark’s song.

I love you, I love you.

This time when Dream parted from you, he didn’t move too far, only going so far as to rest his forehead against yours and smile.

“I think that makes it pretty clear how I feel about you,” he breathed.

You couldn’t stop smiling, and you knew you must look like a lovestruck fool right now, but you could hardly bring yourself to care. How could you, when he was here with you?

“Will—will you please say it, anyways?” you asked with a glimmer in your eye. “Just so then I know I’m understanding you correctly?”

He let out a puff laughter, the breath fanning over your face. “You can understand animals just fine but you’re stumped by this?”

You reached a hand, tentatively holding his face in your palm. “Animals are easy to figure out. You?” You smiled. “Not so much.”

He nuzzled his cheek into your palm, letting his lips brush a simple kiss over your fingertips. “Well, alright then. But just for you.”

You both closed your eyes, basking in the quietness for a moment longer until he murmured four little words that lit your whole world up.

“I love you, too.”

Light danced along every vein in your body, seeping into every nook and cranny of your heart as your fingers moved to sink into his soft, golden locks. Nothing could ruin this moment, you thought wistfully. Nothing at all.

Then came a loud, braying bark.

“Finally! You did it! Thank god!”

You whipped around with Dream at your side, eyes wide with shock to see Cole yipping at the two of you. His tail wagged behind him faster than you’d ever seen it before, and in a flash, he was dashing off into the distance. Embarrassment washed over your face, and you let out a whine.

“Oh my god. Dream, he is totally gonna snitch to everyone else.”

He lifted his brows in a look that almost came across as accepting, his thumb brushing over your knuckles where your fingers were still intertwined. “Well,” he hummed with a joking tone, “at least I’m not gonna be the one who’ll get teased about it.”

You gasped in mock offence, playfully whacking his arm. “You’re so mean!”

He chuckled, tapping his foot against the ground. “I’m kidding. We’ll deal with it together.”

Above you, you heard a bird chirp in the distance, no doubt spreading word of the news to every animal you knew. Despite the hordes of questions you knew you were bound to get asked, you let yourself simply lean over to rest your head against his shoulder, your side latching onto his.

“Yeah,” you murmured, “you’re stuck with me now.”

Dream’s face flooded with nothing but warm, wholehearted, and unadulterated affection for you. Turning his head, he let his lips press against the crown of your head, and you sighed, caught in a dreamlike haze.

“I sure am, and I don’t intend on going anywhere.”

pairing(s): dreamwastaken x gender neutral reader, georgenotfound x gender neutral reader, sapnap x gender neutral reader, karl jacobs x gender neutral reader

summary: you show them you have nipple piercings.

warning(s): sexual intent implied

note: realistically, you’d have to let them heal fully for MONTHS but let’s just pretend its weeks. if u have piercings please let them heal fully before doing anything


  • “??? babe??? what the fuck?”
  • he cannot keep his eyes off your nipples at all
  • once he gets over his shock, a smirk rises to his lips as he grabs your hips to tug you closer
  • his face falls so quick when you tell him you have to let them heal before he can do anything
  • “why couldnt you have done this when you went on vacation instead of torturing me”
  • thinks its terrible and torturous but leaves them alone for them to heal even if he almost touches with them a few times bc intrusive thoughts


  • mouth drops open in shock like . Comically
  • he laughs in disbelief before asking “when did you get that done?”
  • is very happy to know that it’s been weeks
  • is blushy when he asks “so … i can … play with them? ”
  • if he didnt have an oral fixation before this he does now
  • youre never going to get him off your chest now sorry


  • is sooo pleased when you show him like this is the best fucking day of his life no joke
  • he thinks theyre so hot like ridiculously hot
  • “when can i suck on them” doesnt even hesitate to ask
  • whines like a fucking baby when you tell him he has to wait awhile so they can heal
  • brags about it to punz and dream team because he just cant help himself (and yes with consent to tell them in the first place)
  • has so many accidents where he accidentally touches them and thinks youre about to die when he does


  • “woah. holy crap, did that hurt?!?!” of course it hurt smh
  • you sent a pic to him over snap or whatever and he begs you to let him see in person
  • when you say yes he’s there within like 10 minutes (… he didnt mean to drive that fast)
  • knows you have to let piercings heal but is pretty sad he cant do anything with them yet
  • but hes ok with just staring at them or even just knowing that they are there he has better restraint than others
  • is probably the only one to let them fully heal before touching or sucking on just because he doesnt wanna hurt you

pairing(s): dreamwastaken x gender neutral reader, georgenotfound x gender neutral reader, sapnap x gender neutral reader, karl jacobs x gender neutral reader, quackity x gender neutral reader

summary: you call them by their real name instead of a nickname.

warning(s): use of dream and quackity’s real names. the use of sapnap’s name once.use of the nickname bubs on karl’s since people don’t like that one for some reason ?

DREAM: has the shock of his life when you call him clay. like karl, he thinks you’re mad at him for something he did. he tries to figure out what he did as he walks to the kitchen to you. “yeah?” he asks when he’s unable to come up with anything he did wrong, watching you clean the dishes. it couldn’t be the dishes, right? today is thursday, your day to clean the dishes. “clay, can you get patches some more food while i finish here?” he winces, having hoped you just decided to call him clay for once but nope. “okay,” he mutters, doing as you told him to but can’t help himself and asks, “did i do something wrong, baby?” he watches your expression carefully as he sets patches’ bowl on the floor. your brows furrow, looking over your shoulder at him. “i don’t know, did you?” you’re immediately suspicious of him after that but he shakes his head, “no, no i mean like— you’re calling me clay instead of babe or even dream. you only call me clay when you’re mad at me or being serious.” “oh,” you shrug, turning back to the sink. when you don’t say anything, he grows more concerned. “baby,” he whines slightly, “i’m sorry for whatever i did.” your lips twitch up, listening as he continues to whine and make promises that he’ll make it up to you. when he says, “i promise i’ll do all the house chores for a week!” you brighten up and turn to him, “really? great, thanks, babe. you can start now, i’ll go tell sapnap that you’ll do everything.” he watches in shock as you walk away to the living room, slowly registering that you tricked him. “Y/N!”

GEORGE: you have to stifle your giggles before starting with, “george, pass me my laptop charger.” he goes to grab it but halts halfway, brows furrowing. he concludes it was just a one time thing so he grabs your charger and hands it to you, expecting a kiss on the cheek or lips along with a sweet, “thanks, love!” as you always do. but he gets nothing except for “thanks, george.” and you dismiss him without another thought. he stares at you in silence and you look up at him, “what?” “don’t call me that.” “call you what? your name?” your eyebrows raise. “you don’t call me george, you— you call me love or, or gogy,” he explains hastily, cheeks turning pink at his words. you have to force your lips into a straight line, “oh? i thought you didn’t like me calling you those names since you whine all the time about it.” he huffs, cheeks turning even more pink, “y/n! don’t pretend you didn’t know.” “didn’t know what, exactly?” you can’t hide your smile this time. “that— that i like you calling me love!” you simply stare at him in silence, a satisfied smile on your lips as he soon realized, “you just wanted me to admit that, didn’t you?” “yup,” you chirp, leaning in for a kiss which he quickly dodges, “no! no kisses since you like to trick your boyfriend.”

SAPNAP: he’s busy playing valorant when you decide to do it, eyes focused on his computer screen. “hey, sapnap, what do you want for dinner?” you lean on the door frame, knowing he’s only in call with punz as he plays and neither are streaming. he doesn’t answer, making you furrow your brows. you’re sure that he can hear you, his volume is never loud enough just in case something happens, but you step forward and tap him on the shoulder anyways, “sapnap. what do you want for dinner?” he still doesn’t answer, making you huff only to hear punz ask through his headphones, “dude, y/n’s asking you a question.” sapnap still doesn’t answer. you roll your eyes, crossing your arms over your chest, “oh really? that’s how it’s going to be? nick!” he keeps silent. “jesus, fine! what do you want for dinner, baby?” you emphasize the pet-name and he finally turns around, sending you a sweet smile, completely different than his blank look from earlier. “how about some sushi?” “dude,” you hear punz laugh as you roll your eyes and start to leave the room, “you’re unbelievable.” “don’t call me sapnap again! love you.”

KARL: freezes the moment you say “karl”, trying to think of something he did to upset you. can’t think of anything so he decides to play it safe and tentatively asks, “yeah?” he’s confused when all you do is ask him to do something simple and not at all torturous. stays quiet, deciding to just forget about it but it doesn’t leave his mind for the rest of the day, not to mention he also notices the other times you continue to call him by his real name. he ends up not being able to take it close to dinner time, “okay, what did i do wrong? ‘cause you’ve been calling me karl all day and a hundred percent of the time, you call me bubs. so—” he’s confused at how you start giggling, cutting him off. “i was just waiting to see how long it’d take you to confront me,” you explain through your laughter. he stares at you before giggling in amusement and a huge amount of relief, “thank god. can you call me bubs now? because hearing you say karl directly to me makes me want to be asleep forever.”

QUACKITY: “alex, do you think i should buy this?” you tug him closer to you so he can look at your phone but all he does is stare at you. “alex? … alexis?” he simply blinks at you with a blank face. you stare back at him in confusion, “dude. quackity. do you even hear me?” he then decides to open his mouth, “who is alex?” you give him a bitchy stare, “um, you?” he shakes his head, turning back to his computer and staring at it with his jaw clenched slightly. your lips twitch at the sight, knowing he’s not really mad but just being dramatic and salty. “quackity.” “nope, don’t know who that is. why are you talking about another guy?” you scoff, “oh, sorry, honey. happy now, cutie? oh, or how about handsome? or—” “jeez, okay i get it!” his cheeks flush lightly, avoiding your stare with how quick you seemed to turn the situation on him instead of the other way. “ … i like honey.”

tiktok series.library.

send me a number with one of the feral boys’ name and their group. | credit|inbox|guidelines|library

ionly write for dream team + karl + quackity!

if there is a name already beside the number, please don’t request it again <3

  1. as a hello | karl
  2. with a hoarse voice, under the blankets | dream
  3. a scream | sapnap
  4. over a cup of tea | george
  5. over a beer bottle | george
  6. on a sunny tuesday afternoon, the late sunlight glowing in your hair | sapnap
  7. as a thank you | sapnap
  8. as an apology | george
  9. when baking chocolate chip cookies | george
  10. not said to me | george
  11. with a shuddering gasp | dream
  12. when we lay together on the fresh spring grass | sapnap
  13. in a letter | george
  14. a whisper in the ear | quackity
  15. loud, so everyone can hear | karl
  16. over and over again, till it’s nothing but a senseless babble | karl
  17. when the broken grass litters the floor | dream
  18. from very far away | quackity
  19. with no space left between us | george
  20. as we huddle together, the storm raging outside | george
  21. over your shoulder | dream
  22. muffled, from the other side of the door | george
  23. through a song | quackity
  24. without really meaning it | george
  25. in a blissful sigh as you fall asleep | quackity
  26. broken, as you clutch the sleeve of my jacket and beg me not to leave | george
  27. a taunt, with one eyebrow raised and a grin bubbling at your lips | sapnap
  28. when i am dead | karl
  29. slowly, the words dripping from your tongue like honey | quackity
  30. too quick, mumbled into your scarf | dream
  31. in awe, the first time you realized it | dream
  32. in a way i can’t return | karl
  33. on a post-it note | george
  34. before we jump | dream
  35. as a goodbye | george

pairing(s): dreamwastaken x gender neutral reader, georgenotfound x gender neutral reader, sapnap x gender neutral reader, karl jacobs x gender neutral reader, quackity x gender neutral reader

summary: wiping off their kisses.

warning(s): none

note: let me know if there are any other trends you want me to write and make sure to send an example in case i don’t know what it is !! sorry it got shorter to karl and quackity’s

DREAM: you’re on his lap while he’s editing a video, scrolling through tiktok with earbuds in. he gives you a kiss on the cheek five minutes later. smiling at him, you ‘subtly’ wipe it off with the back of your hand. he freezes, staring at you and you raise your eyebrows at him, “what?” “did you just wipe my kiss off?” he asks and you frown, shaking your head. “okay…” he mutters, kissing you again but this time on your lips. again, you wipe it off with the back of your hand. dream stares at you incredulously, “you just did it again.” “no, i didn’t,” you deny, shaking your head. he scoffs in offense, “yes you did! what, you don’t like my kisses?” you giggle, “i’m not wiping off your kisses, dream!” he shakes his head at you, pulling you in by the back of your neck to give you a rather wet kiss on the lips, tilting his head to deepen the kiss. when he pulls away, he raises a defiant eyebrow, “try to wipe that away.” you stare at him before quickly raising your arm to wipe it away. “babe!”

GEORGE: he presses a loud kiss to your cheek, being dramatic. you shake your head at him before quickly wiping it away and he blinks in shock as you go back to your phone. he stares at you before kissing you again on your cheek, just in case you didn’t mean to. he then watches as you wipe the kiss away again. his mouth drops open, unsure of whether to feel hurt/offended or just shrug it off. “did i do something wrong?” he asks and you frown as you look up, “no, why?” “i— you…” he racks his brain to think of anything he could’ve done as you go back to your phone again. definitely texts dream and sapnap for help before sapnap realizes what you’re doing and tells george. turns to you in offense that you thought you could get away with this, even though you kinda did at first. he takes your phone away, ignoring your protests and showers you in wet and loud kisses all over your face. “can’t wipe them all away,” he mutters, pressing a kiss under your ear, “no more tiktok for you.”

SAPNAP: he’s immediately suspicious when you wipe his kiss away the first time, going to give you another kiss and watches as you wipe it away again. pokes you in the side, giving you a WTF look and you look at him in the same way, pretending to be confused. he scoffs, “wiping my kisses away? real mature.” “no idea what you’re talking about,” you feign innocence, shrugging at him. “mhm,” he mutters, going back to playing valorant but you can tell he’s still thinking about it, trying to think as to what he could’ve done to deserve this. “is this because i didn’t pick the dirty clothes up from the floor?” he turns to you 20 minutes later and you raise your eyebrow at him. “no, but thanks for reminding me of that.” he huffs, “okay, then… is this because i ate your leftovers?” your mouth drops open, “that was you? you told me it was dream!” he realizes he just snitched on himself and winces, “um…” “sapnap!”

KARL: already knows the trend but it doesn’t register in his brain until the third time you did it in the span of ten minutes. doesn’t give you a reaction and does the same thing to you later on in the day. he tries his best to not laugh when he sees your mouth drop open in shock at him, continuing to scroll through his phone. “babe!” you whine, “did you just wipe my kiss off?” he grins, finally glancing up at you, “no, why?” “liar! you totally just did.” “oh, so you can do it, but i can’t?” you huff before wrapping your arms around his neck, “fine, fine. give me a kiss now, but don’t wipe it away this time.” he giggles again, pressing kisses all over your face, “as long as you don’t do it, either.”

QUACKITY: he stares at you like you’ve grown two heads after he watched you wipe the kiss away. he’s immediately offended but also kinda hurt. tries to act nonchalant but you could tell he was like WTF. becomes clingy and definitely scatters kisses around your face that you also wipe away. around the 15th time, he realizes you’re playing with him when he sees the small smirk on your face. unable to believe that he fell for it, he gives you the silent treatment and makes you beg him for kisses. you lost, he won. will definitely pull a prank back on you because giving the silent treatment just isn’t enough.

tiktok series.library.

pairing(s): dreamwastaken x gender neutral reader, georgenotfound x gender neutral reader, sapnap x gender neutral reader, karl jacobs x gender neutral reader

summary: dropping your towel in front of dream team + karl (separately) (inspo)

warning(s): just a tad bit nsfw / hinting towards it anyway. light choking towards the end of sapnap’s. hair pulling towards the end of dream’s.

note: decided not to include quackity since it just wouldn’t feel right since it’s still implying nsfw i guess

DREAM: you decide to do it when he’s on stream because it’s funny to see his reaction with things like that. he’s busy with minecraft or whatever, facecam off as always. he doesn’t even bother to look at you, being able to see your frame from the corner of his eye but not exactly seeing that you only had a towel on. he quickly mutes himself, “hey, babe. a bit busy right now.” you hum in response, dropping the towel and his brows furrow at the sound but he still doesn’t look at you, making you roll your eyes. “i’m sure you can spare just two seconds to look at me, dream.” well aware of how stubborn you are, he turns his head for a split second to look at you sarcastically before the façade drops and his head swivels to you almost comically. his eyes are wide as he takes the sight of you in, eyebrows raising as a smirk curls up on his lips, “don’t tell me you were walking around in only that with sapnap around.” your head tilts as he beckons you over to him but you don’t move just yet, “maybe he’d appreciate the sight more than you and actually look at me when i first enter and not when i have to ask him to.” his smirk drops, eyes narrowing, “don’t even think about it.” he stands up, completely abandoning his stream and tugs you closer to him, a hand traveling down while another grabs ahold of your hair, tugging your head back so he can kiss you. “not so busy anymore, huh?” you manage through a satisfied giggle. “shut up,” he mutters, tugging your hair harder to pull a moan out of you as he presses his lips to yours.

GEORGE: he’s finishing up a couple of touches on editing the video when he hears you walk through the door, “hey, what do you think of—” he cuts himself off when he turns to look at you, cheeks immediately heating up at the sight of you standing in the doorway without any clothes on. george’s unable to hide the grin that comes on his face, covering his mouth as he asks, “really?” you laugh at his reaction, walking closer to him to take a seat on his lap as he pushes his chair back to let you in. his arms wrap around your waist as you press your body to his, letting him feel everything. “i think …” you hum, going back to what he was saying before he stopped talking, “i think you should kiss me.” a playful smile rises on your lips as he nods immediately, bottom lip captured between his teeth as he has a hard time focusing on your eyes— not that he needs to. “anything for you,” he murmurs against your lips, moving a hand to your back to press you even closer to him.

SAPNAP: frustration builds quickly when you’re left alone by your boyfriend who wants to play games instead of spending time with you. not that you have a problem with him playing games, you literally don’t care but the two of you have literally only given each other kisses and wandering hands these past few days before one of you are called away to something else. it’s frustrating, and you know exactly how to get his attention back to you. you knock on the door lightly to get his attention and he glances over at you, doubling back when he sees what you’re wearing, or more like what you lack. “woah,” he chuckles, a red tint to his cheeks before he looks back to his computer, clicking a few buttons before pushing himself out of his chair, “okay, you have my attention now, baby.” “who said i wanted your attention? maybe i just wanted to walk around like this?” you raise your eyebrows at him. sapnap chuckles again, “not with dream here, which he is, you fuckin’ brat.” he grips you by your hip, pulling you towards him and your hands land on his chest. “so desperate for my attention you decided to walk around naked while risking dream leaving his room, i think that calls for something, don’t you?” eyelashes fluttering, you hum in agreement before being quickly shot down as a hand wraps around your neck, squeezing lightly as a warning, “but do you deserve it, though?”

KARL: he’s on the phone when you enter the room, eyes flickering up to capture yours and he sends you a smile before going back to talking to whoever he’s talking to. not liking the lack of attention, you decide to just drop the towel from around you and pretend as if he’s not even there. your back is to him, unable to see his sudden flaming cheeks as his eyes widen. he stammers through a few of his words, making you smirk as you go through your drawers for clothes. once you find some, you go to pull them on but a hand grabs your wrist gently before you can and you look up to see karl in front of you. “hey, man, i-i gotta go,” he says, not letting go of your wrist before he hangs up and throws his phone to the bed, not taking his eyes off you. “you didn’t have to end your call,” you hum, acting as if you’re not naked in front of him. “yes, i did,” he muttered, eyes glued to you, “i don’t think i’ll ever get used to this.” your heart flutters at his words, unable to help the beam that takes over your face as he pulls you closer, scattering kisses down your jawline.

tiktok series.library.

pairing(s): dreamwastaken x gender neutral reader, georgenotfound x gender neutral reader, sapnap x gender neutral reader, karl jacobs x gender neutral reader, quackity x gender neutral reader

summary: you play the ‘hey shawty, your man still around?’ tiktok trend on the boys.

warning(s): none

note: here is the start of my tiktok trend series! let me know if you have any other trends you want me to write and make sure to send an example in case i have no clue what you’re talking about !!!

DREAM: dream’s playing minecraft and you’re lying on his bed, bored as hell, so of course you decided to prank him. his head kinda perked up when he heard the facetime sound ringing, but didn’t turn to look or pause the game. however, when he heard an unfamiliar male voice say, “hey shawty, your man still around?” he immediately turned in his chair, staring at you with a blank face. “who the hell is that?” he asks and when you don’t answer, looking at him with wide eyes and hiding your phone, he stands up and tugs your phone from your grip easily. dream deflates when he sees the tiktok recording and rolls his eyes, giving you a look and ignoring the fact that his heart was pounding loudly in his chest, “haha, very funny, babe” looks like this emoji before getting off to spend time with you

GEORGE: you immediately regret pulling this the moment his face falls at the sound of another man’s voice. but then his face contorts into a face like this “stop that.” acts like it’s a joke(even though it actually is) and that he isn’t bothered but you know george and he’s itching to grab your phone to see wtf is up but he doesn’t have to when you smile sheepishly and turn your phone to show him the screen. “oh,” he says very quietly, relief filling his chest, “damn you and your tiktoks,” he giggles, “tag me in it when you post.” you were honestly surprised he hadn’t seen the trend before you tried it.

SAPNAP: does not let you even bullshit your way out of this. “who the fuck was that?” sapnap stares at you when you act as if you’re panicked. “just a friend,” and he scoffs at that, rolling his eyes with his jaw clenching. he shakes his head at you, “oh, really? why is your friend calling you ‘shawty’—” he mocks the way the guy says it and you have to stop yourself from laughing, “— and asking if your boyfriend is still around?” you giggle and his eyes widen in disbelief before you tell him the truth, showing him the trend. he automatically relaxes, throwing an arm around your shoulder. “oh. good, i should be the only one calling you shawty anyway.” “never call me that. i actually prefer hey mamas—” “HEY!”

KARL: you thought it was bad with george’s face? oh wait til you see karl’s. his face is so, so sad at the thought of you letting another man call you names like that and ask if he’s not there. he doesn’t say anything, just stares at you with that sad look and you’re immediately folding. beams when you show him it’s a prank and laughs his ass off at himself for even believing it, “i can’t believe you got me!” shakes his head at himself for thinking you’d ever cheat on him. definitely saves this for a story to tell your friends or chat later.

QUACKITY: he’s on call with the guys when you decide to do this, thinking it’d be funny for all of you to get his reaction even though his facecam is off. tenses when he hears the guy, taking his headphones off to stare between you and your phone. definitely doesn’t think you’re cheating but got some random friend of yours to do this. it’s almost comical the way he flies out of his chair, probably knocking some things over to grab your phone. you try to keep your phone away from him, but he’s quick thinker and tickles you to get your guard down. breathes out a dramatic sigh of relief when he sees the screen, “whew. thought i was gonna have to beat someone’s ass for a second there.” doesn’t find it funny when you snicker at the thought of him kicking someone’s ass. will hold this over your head forever.

tiktok series.library.


requesthello! can I request a dream x female reader where they are publicly dating and reader gets hate for that? thank you<33


before requesting, read this.


“Great,” you sighed to yourself as you closed your DMs on Twitter.Somehow, they had found your Twitter despite you literally never interacting with Dream on any of his accounts and that you didn’t face reveal, either. All they knew was your name, so how the hell did they find you?

“What’s wrong?” Dream asked from his chair, currently editing a video for his channel.

“Nothing,“ you said, standing up from the bed. “I’m gonna go get something to eat. Want anything?”

“No thanks,” he hummed, not looking over at you. Sighing, you took your phone with you and went to the kitchen. Unable to help yourself, you opened your mentions and scrolled through it. Most of it were just people saying they found your Twitter and retweeting your picture of Patches. But somehow, your eyes always found the hate tweets directed to you.

Most of the hate tweets were very dramatic, talking about how you ‘ruined’ DreamNotFound or how you didn’t deserve Dream. Shaking your head, you wonder how they even came to those conclusions in the first place. You literally only said a few words on stream and even then, you watched what you said ‘cause you knew anything you said would be taken wrongly by certain people.

“These people are crazy,” you muttered to yourself, eyes widening as you caught sight of death threats. Luckily for you, you were thick skinned and knew to not take anything seriously from your boyfriend’s stans.

“What’s that?” Dream asked, very close to you and you jumped, your phone slipping from your grasp and hitting the counter. “Sorry.”

“It’s fine,” you breathed, shaking your head as you turned your head to glance at him. “What’s the matter?”

“Realized I was hungry,” he said, not looking at you as he picked up from your phone.

“Hey, wait–” You tried to take it from him, but all he did was raise his arm all the way up. “Not fair.”

“What the hell is this?” His eyebrows furrowed, lowering his arm as he scrolled through your mentions. “Are they being rude to you?”

Deciding it’d be best not to lie since he quite literally had your phone in his hand and seeing it in his own eyes, you sighed, leaning on the counter, “Yeah. But it’s fine, just annoying.”

“It’s not fine,” he argued, shaking his head, “They’re literally seeing death threats to you, Y/N.”

“I’m not going to kill myself over random fans telling me to,” you rolled your eyes, taking your phone away from him and adjusting your settings to people you followed only. “I just don’t know how they found me.”

“George and Sapnap followed you, I think,” he sighed. “I’m sorry, I thought they’d be more mature than this …”

“It’s whatever, I told you,” you wrapped your arm around his neck. “I mean..” you trail off, sighing when you thought about something. “It does upset me that not everyone’s gonna like me, but what can I do about it?”

“I’m going to tweet about it … Actually, no, I’ll stream about it so they can hear how upset I am,” Dream said, pressing a kiss to your cheek. “I’ll be back in like .. ten minutes.”

“Okay,” you said, knowing that was him telling you not to go up there. “I’m going to get started on making dinner.”

“I’ll come down and help,” he murmured, pressing another kiss to your lips before pulling away from you. “Wait, let me see your phone.”

You silently handed him your phone, watching him walk off and back into his streaming room. You waited another few minutes before quietly walking towards the closed door, leaning your head on the cool door to hear him.

“Not gonna be a long stream, but I wanted to talk about something,” you heard his voice, unusually stern. “Y/N and I literally came out about our relationship yesterday and somehow you guys have already found their social media. Which, y’know, alright. Inevitable. But I’ve seen the DMs, the mentions, sending my significant other death threats is not fucking okay.” He hit the desk, making you jump from surprise. “Whether you support our relationship or not, I don’t care. Just leave them alone. Nothing you guys say or do will get me to break up with them or them to break up with me. Anyone who sends them hate is nota fan of mine. That being said, leave them the hell alone and stop sending them death threats. … If I see it, I’ll actually contact the police. And don’t think I’m lying, either, ‘cause I will.”

Backing up from the door, you smiled and went back to the kitchen to finally get started on dinner. Moments later, you heard the door open and his footsteps come closer to the door.

“Hi,” you greet without turning around, turning on the stove.

“Hey,” he murmured, pressing a kiss to your cheek. “What can I get started on?”

mcytdream, george, sapnap

requestCould i request a reaction where the relationship is private but reader  is also a streamer and the reader comes in their room and chat knows it  them because of their voice? Sorry if it’s too specific!  

notesorry if it gets a little repetitive ! also you didn’t really specific so i just decided to do dream team only <.<

IVE TRIED TO POST THIS FOUR TIMES … PLS SHOW UP IN THE TAGS THIS TIME or im giving up and never posting again



before requesting, read this.



  • u dont live with him just visiting </3 and literally no one outside of dream team and you know that you’re there lol
  • you decided that y’all would tell everyone after you left bc yall are mean like that
  • anyways u literally just woke up and didnt even bother to check ur phone or anything
  • straight up just assumed he was talking to the other guys and not freakin streaming
  • come in saying shit like “it’s so late did you even go to bed–”
  • he literally so quickly jumps out of his chair to stop you from talking completely forgetting he could so easily mute the damn mic
  • yall literally stare at each other in silence for a good minute before u quietly leave and he goes back to his chair, hoping he could tell chat it was like his mom or drista
  • wants to die when he sees the chat freaking out about you being there
  • he acts like nothing happens and then ends stream 10 mins after lmao


  • okay so in this one we’re gonna imagine u just cant see his door
  • u had JUST gotten there and decided to surprise him completely disregarding that he could be streaming
  • walks in without a care yelling “IM HERE–”
  • and then u realize. Oh shit.
  • chat can see george staring off to the side with wide eyes and then he ends stream right then and there
  • fans kinda think hes freaking out but not really yall are just cuddling and hes kissing u mwah <3
  • hes very happy ur there
  • he doesnt really care that fans already know youre there lmao
  • u guys post a pic some time after <3
  • not that big of a deal in his eyes even tho ur kinda pouty fans know
  • he thinks its so funny that ur pouty ur so cute reader


  • for this one im gonna twist it around sorry
  • anyways hes visiting u and u guys wanted some time to urselves before ur friends and fans found out he was there
  • ur in the middle of ur stream for the first time in a while since he was there n he was cool with u streaming cuz he got to sleep lmao
  • he couldnt sleep and it kinda slipped his mind u were streaming cuz u hadnt so ?
  • starts like saying “i couldnt sleep” when he opens the door and u quickly mute ur mic but chat already heard him
  • idk about yall but sapnap has a very distinct voice i know that voice a mile away
  • so yall kinda like talk for a moment before deciding he’d just join the stream
  • unmute ur mic “um yeah surprise guest haha welcome, sapnap … in real life”
  • u even turn ur cam on bc why not
  • aaaa so many screenshots and clips of yall being cute together <3
  • ur friends r currently spamming ur phones abt “WHY DIDNT YALL INVITE ME????” but u guys ignore them<3


thank you to every single person who joined this event! i just want to start off by saying that you all worked so hard, and every piece submitted was absolutely incredible. i laughed, cried, blushed like a 13 year old— they were all amazingly talented and engaging fics, and trying to pick the ‘winners’ was a really difficult task. however, i’ve managed to whittle it down to the top 5! once again, thanks to everyone who joined!



1ST PLACE: @grey-rambles

2ND PLACE: @sunniewrites

3RD PLACE: @ohworm-writes

4TH PLACE: @lvfru

5TH PLACE: @beewastaken

the top 3 places will receive a prize (i’ll dm you to sort it out) (it was supposed to be 2 but i couldn’t decide for 2nd place so i’m giving it to both of them LMAO).

once again, i want to thank everyone for joining and i hope you had fun! this event is in no way a reflection of how ‘good’ your writing is, it’s simply for fun and my judgements were based on a number of things such as plot, communication with me, etc.

contestants tag (follow them all for amazing writing!):


{ ; /}

{ }

  • My god would he love everything about you
  • He has such a soft spot for you and you only :))
  • Loves to hold you
  • If you lack confidence
  • Dream would 100% make you feel better on your bad days
  • He finds you the most best looking person he has ever seen
  • Also loves to steal your tops but you didn’t hear that from me ;)

{ }

  • He is not the most skinniest of guys so he understands you and how you feel
  • Loves everything about you
  • Even though he likes being the little spoon he still loves to hold you
  • Thighs?? Loves them
  • Stomach?? Loves it
  • Favorite thing to do is hug you from behind and place his hands on your stomach

{ }

  • MY GOD where do I start?
  • Every time you walk he loves looking at you
  • In the same room? Heart eyes from him
  • Streaming? He will end stream to just lay and cuddle you
  • Yes he may be this big hard guy but around you he loves being held by you and goes super soft
  • He loves to lay on your stomach, it’s his favorite spot

{ }

  • For wilbur I think he would just love you for you
  • He doesn’t see your weight as anything bad, it’s apart of you and he loves everything about you
  • When you do have bad days he is always there to cheer you up
  • To show and remember you that you are beautiful/handsome/good looking
  • Loves to rub your sides, he isn’t very affectionate but when he does get affectionate he loves to hold and rub you :))

{ }

  • Now he is on the smaller side but that doesn’t stop him from loving you and your weight
  • Always makes jokes like “if I die from your thighs, I’ll die a happy man” or something stupid like that
  • When you two cuddle there really isn’t a small or big spoon
  • You two are just wrapped up with each other
  • Like dream he loves to steal your shirts/hoodies

{ }

  • My god what can I say, she is just obsessed with you and how you look
  • In a good way though, if you are comfortable with it she would 100% post you on her IG and Twitter
  • They love to squeeze your cheeks and just see you face smile (not those cheeks :/)
  • Constantly takes photos of you, making some food?*Flash*Petting the cats?*Flash*


{ }

  • Doesn’t care what so ever, not in a mean way but he doesn’t care what your weight is
  • Loves to steal your things, like a little gremlin
  • Constantly making jokes about you, he doesn’t mean it in a bad way, just likes to joke around
  • Of course when he hits to close to home he immediately apologizes and says he didn’t mean to
  • He feels bad that he made you sad/upset but he always calls/visits you to make sure you’re ok and not mad at him

{ }

  • Now tubbo is not the biggest man in the world so you have some thoughts about the relationship and going out on the town with him
  • On your bad days he doesn’t really know what to do, he tries to help
  • He puts on a movie/tv show or some music to help calm you down
  • Doesn’t mind what you look like, he loves you no matter what
  • Likes to make sure you’re ok and always calls you every hour to make sure you’re eating and drinking something

{ }

  • This tall lanky boy loves you (platonically) with all his heart
  • Like Minx loves taking photos of you, especially when you do something stupid
  • He likes seeing your face and your smile. Makes him feel good because he made his best friend smile/laugh
  • He doesn’t care that your curvy/chubby that just means more of you to love!
  • You two send each other hoodies all the time/you send your hoodies while he sends you his favorite sunglasses <3

Authors Note:

I’m very proud with this one! this hits close to home because I’m tall and plus size. I love seeing things that are for us and I’m happy to finally get around to making this!!

• Mcyt x Reader; With a tall s/o •


  • Well all know he is tall, 6’3 i do believe
  • So him with a tall s/o makes since
  • Only a few inches shorter the him
  • But you still get “bullied”
  • “How’s the weather down there, short stick?”
  • “I will literally break your kneecaps dream”
  • When you two hug it’s just
  • Perfect


  • Taller then the average male
  • Standing at 5’8
  • He doesn’t mind you being taller then him
  • Loves it to be honest
  • Every time you two hug he enjoys putting his head by your heart
  • Smiley boy sapnap :)


  • Ok look.. he is smaller then you thought at first BUT
  • You love him with your whole heart <3
  • He loves going through your closet and finding your hoodies
  • “Hey babe, have you seen my purple ho-“
  • *George waring your hoodie*
  • He feels so safe when he is in your arms
  • Even though he is smaller than you he still loves holding you


  • He is around your height, but you have a few inches on him
  • That doesn’t stop him from hugging you every chance he gets
  • He loves holding you or you holding him
  • He was surprised when you two first met but it was a good surprise!!
  • Loves being the big spoon for some reason
  • We don’t judge here
  • Like George he loves stealing your hoodies or any clothing for that matter


  • This man is a GIANT
  • Even though you are slightly shorter then him he still loves calling you short
  • He loves when you give him hugs
  • Makes him go all soft and red
  • So glad he doesn’t have to reach everything for you (not being rude to the shorties, I love you all)
  • When you two cuddle there is no big or smal spoon
  • He will literally climb on top of you and just hold you


  • You are her tall tree s/o <3
  • She loves how tall you are, grabbing stuff for her and all
  • Still loves to hold you
  • Hugs? 24/7
  • She will steal ALL of your clothing, want to wear your new hoodie?
  • Nope she has it but she is just so cute so you just steal her cat ears :)
  • Streaming together will be kinda difficult so you just stand behind her and bend down


  • You two are around the same height
  • Heart eyes from her all day but of course she doesn’t want you to see that :/
  • She is the tough, loud gf in the relationship
  • When she needs help with her cosplay she calls for you
  • She needs someone to try it on? You are there
  • Of course she makes you do it but she buys you food/something after :>

Authors Note;

I did not expect such a reaction on my last post, that was crazy!! I love you guys so much, thank you for all of the love! I hope to continue this!

• Mcyt x Reader; First Date •


  • I feel like dream would either take you to the park to have a cute picnic or either have a game night
  • If he took you to the park then it would be all cute but he definitely asked Niki for some help
  • Nervous dream? Absolutely
  • Tries cheesy pick up lines on you
  • In all seriousness he would try his hardest to make the first impression the best for you
  • He already likes you and he definitely doesn’t want to screw things up


  • First of all we know he is a cocky little shit so the first date would definitely be at a arcade
  • He is so competitive it’s crazy
  • Wants to make sure you are having a great time though
  • If you don’t like the arcade then maybe you two can go to mini golf
  • He is nervous but because of you and your presence his nerves aren’t as bad
  • When he wins he always looks at you to make sure you’re ok
  • “lets” you win sometimes because he loves seeing you smile


  • George is soft, we all know and love, so
  • He would take you to the park and have a cute picnic
  • Make sure he has everything put together
  • Check the weather? You bet
  • Ask you what you don’t like and like, what your allergic to
  • He told you in advance, it was a accident though
  • Just to happy to finally go on a date with you
  • Smilely and awkward George but he warms up to you pretty fast :) because you’re great


  • This man loves music so he would take you to a concert
  • Weather it be rock, pop, alternative he would take you
  • Stalk your playlist to know what you like to listen to
  • Says he doesn’t but come on, one day he has no idea what song your listening to then the next day he knows all the lyrics
  • After the concert he would take you to a small little place to eat and just talk
  • Would walk you home, make sure you got there safe


  • She would take you to a small cafe maybe even a cat cafe who knows
  • Wants to get to know you, learn everything about you
  • Where you came from, favorite flower, what your life is like, that’s sorta stuff
  • Would definitely bring you a small gift
  • Like flowers or a stuffed animal that reminds her of you!!
  • She would give you all of her attention
  • Her phone would go off but she wouldn’t leave your eyes when you were talking
  • She loves hearing you talk, doesn’t matter what it is or about she just loves it <3

Authors Note;

Hi! This is something that has been in the works for awhile now. I have wanted to change up what I do (I still do fsm don’t worry) but I wanted to do something new. If you have any requests for preferences like this let me know! also please let me know if someone doesn’t like me writing about them, it would mean a lot since I don’t really know everything about everyone lol <3
