
Rhaena scattering Aerea’s ashes.A commission for the wonderful @/boredhad on Instagram!commissions

Rhaena scattering Aerea’s ashes.

A commission for the wonderful @/boredhad on Instagram!


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Princess Rhaena Targaryen

23 AC - 73 AC

Eldest daughter of King Aenys I TargaryenandQueen Alyssa Velaryon, sister-wife to Aegon the Uncrowned, mother to twins RhaellaandAerea, and dragondrider to Dreamfyre. She had lilac eyes and silver-gold hair. She was also known as one of the Black Brides for she is one of Maegor the Cruel’s wives. Her third husband was Androw Farman but like her previous marriages, it didn’t end well. Despite all the unhappiness in her life, she’s one of the strong characters in the book Fire and Blood.


sketch of rhaena & dreamfyre <3
