#dried fermented soybeans

 2021.11.16 Shinhwa’s Eric Instagram Update: Homemade fermented soybean lumps that will hang until s 2021.11.16 Shinhwa’s Eric Instagram Update: Homemade fermented soybean lumps that will hang until s 2021.11.16 Shinhwa’s Eric Instagram Update: Homemade fermented soybean lumps that will hang until s 2021.11.16 Shinhwa’s Eric Instagram Update: Homemade fermented soybean lumps that will hang until s

2021.11.16 Shinhwa’s Eric Instagram Update:

Homemade fermented soybean lumps that will hang until spring. Thank you ❤️   #Fermentedsoybeanpaste #Doenjangjjigae #Meju #thankyou

Translation: EricMun.tumblr

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 2021.11.12 Shinhwa’s Eric Instagram Update #2 & 3 Post #2: (Video)Picked radish #Radish 2021.11.12 Shinhwa’s Eric Instagram Update #2 & 3 Post #2: (Video)Picked radish #Radish 2021.11.12 Shinhwa’s Eric Instagram Update #2 & 3 Post #2: (Video)Picked radish #Radish 2021.11.12 Shinhwa’s Eric Instagram Update #2 & 3 Post #2: (Video)Picked radish #Radish 2021.11.12 Shinhwa’s Eric Instagram Update #2 & 3 Post #2: (Video)Picked radish #Radish 2021.11.12 Shinhwa’s Eric Instagram Update #2 & 3 Post #2: (Video)Picked radish #Radish 2021.11.12 Shinhwa’s Eric Instagram Update #2 & 3 Post #2: (Video)Picked radish #Radish

2021.11.12 Shinhwa’s Eric Instagram Update #2 & 3

Post #2:(Video)

Picked radish #Radish

Post #3:

Thank you for your hard work over the past week. I throw in some salt and a fermented soybean lump. There are many photos of Meju (brick of dried fermented soybeans), so I’m going to post them sequentially. Have a nice weekend! #Salt.

Comments & Replies:

OP: Oppa, I’m curious if you watch Street Woman Fighter ❤️
ERIC: I watched everything with my best friend from the first episode

OP: It snowed a few days ago, so I quickly pulled it out because I was worried it would be frozen. It was so hard…. Looks like you’re going to make kimchi now ㅎㅎ
ERIC: The weather suddenly got cold, so we rushed too

OP: Wow…..why is this so healing?
ERIC: Meju is more healing~ I’ll post it soon
OP2: OMG oppa I’ll be waiting for it!!

OP: I want to buy the fermented soybean paste if you sell it… It’s hard to find delicious ingredients ㅠㅠ It’s amazing that you’re making everything you eat! Something that people like me can’t even dream of…
ERIC: I have no intention to sell it to fans~ If I find something good, I’ll share it with you~
OP: I’m always thankful for the information you share!ㅠㅠ Eat good food and if you’re healthy, I’m satisfied with that. Please kindly reply to my nonsense ㅠㅠ I’ll stop saying nonsense from now on..

OP: I’m going to my parents’ house next week to pick radishes and cabbages!ㅋ

OP1: Farming?? Weekend farm?? I made radish kimchi, but it’s bland because I didn’t season it well ㅋ I’m thinking about sprinkling more salt on top. Please tell me if you have any tips ㅋ Good luck making kimchi successfully ㅋㅋ
ERIC: You can add more salt ㅎㅎ
OP1: I’ll try to revive it somehow ㅋㅋㅋ
OP2:@OP1 I heard it’s bitter if you sprinkle salt on top. And it’s good to sprinkle salted shrimp or fish sauce.
OP1:@OP2 Wow, it’s a good tip!!! There are so many hidden masters among the goddesses ㅋ Thank you. I’ll do my best with your tips!
OP2:@OP1 I hope you succeed
ERIC:@OP2 Personally, since fish sauce is in charge of saltiness + unami, I think the appropriate amount depends on individual taste~ When you season with salt on top, the surface becomes salty and bitter. But it’s fine if you mix it in water and use the salt water~
OP1: Oh…um…….. Mimi, who is gullible, will discuss it with my best friend and decide (My eyes are shaking) #DumboTheElephant
OP2: @muneric Oh my…. oppa…..oh my….. you left a comment……. How is this……..OMG ❤️

Source: muneric (1,2)
Translation: EricMun.tumblr

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