

My new roommate is a party girl. She has parties almost every other weekend where she invites 500 of her friends and they all literally just get high and drink and drive home. 

Pisses me off to no end.

While I don’t question their personal choices, even if they go against my religious/personal beliefs, when they decide to hit the road, it’s anything but a “personal” choice. I have strong opinions against people who drive under the influence. I don’t care if you’re “so f$%kin high” or “buzzed”, DON’T risk other people’s lives alongside yours. If you wanna die by destroying all your neurons, do so in the comfort of your own home. Don’t put others in jeopardy because you decided your buzz was more important than someone else’s life.

That being said, I don’t condone drinking or smoking at all. Especially on a school night. It’s my first day of summer classes tomorrow and I’m still up ranting away because my roommates are annoying. If it was over the weekend I’d drive to my aunt’s house…but I can’t because it’s a school night and her kids will already be in bed. -_-
