#dsmp skeppy


first time do to pixel art >:0


Due to how the carbon molecules are structured in diamonds, they’re very tough & can endure very high temperatures. Making Skeppy the perfect babysitter/person for Bad to raise Sapnap with :)

Someone on YouTube said something about skeppy melting, well here’s the thing.. When it gets to a certain high enough temperature, they do not melt, diamonds simply just turn to gas. So no, Skeppy will not melt :]

Skeppy would make a good babysitter for a fire child huh? Only problem would be all the clothes he would go through due to said fire child XD


Luv dub

( idk if that’s how you write it)

One of @jamiebluewind ’s prompt from the list!

The hearts are inspired on this manga cover (ㆁωㆁ)

How cute! And I like how you were inspired by a manga cover, but made it your own. ^_^

In the stream, Skeppy was calling Bad his lub dub (the sound a heart makes). Bad thought he was saying love dove. I love how you meshed the two together to make luv dub. It’s like… the sound your heart makes for someone you love!


So apparently if you drink someone’s holy gamer bath water you turn into them. That’s not information I needed

But heres SkepBoyHalo ig??

I think this is the only image I’ve seen of the cursed version of Skeppy and I love it XD
