

After drawing the Dream team plus Bad I decided to draw the Trio also known as the Muffin Team!


Listen guys,,,

I’m obsessed with the fact that c!Techno’s chat are actual voices in his head. Like, this man actually canonized it. Pog

And I was like “wow, that would be pretty cool if that happened with the other streamers, too!”

So I uh… I came up with headcanons for each streamer’s chat… And just like how only Techno can hear the voices in his head, the others can only hear their voices

-c!Dream:his chat is just a little army of white blob guys that follow him around! They chill on his shoulders and whisper “pissbaby” and “simp” at him all day long. But recently, no one’s really seem them around…

-c!George: I was gonna say mushrooms speak to him, but I really like the idea of like… small fairies always flying around him they love to call him Gogy! They kept tugging at his clothes during the Manberg vs. Pogtopia War to get him to participate, but he ignored them up until the very end

-c!Sapnap: this man’s a pyromaniac so any sort of fire speaks to him. He’s also got small fireballs that sorta float near him and constantly want to fight him

-c!Philza: oh the wind definitely whispers to him. They like to play with his robes and help boost him into the air with his elytra. They also tattle on the other Sleepy Bois. Philza will be chopping down some wood when the wind’ll come and let him know that Tommy has stolen Techno’s crown and won’t give it back. They also help and warn Philza of unexpected guests

-c!Wilbur: the shadows whisper to him, but that’s fine

-c!Tommy: I was stuck on Tommy (so if you have any other ideas, let me know!) but I like the idea of his chat coming out of other people’s mouths. Like, he’ll randomly be talking to Dream when all of a sudden Dream shouts “DON’T TRUST HIM, TOMMY!” It freaks him out every time and he tries to ignore them. If there’s no one else around, the voices force themselves out of his own mouth. Tommy doesn’t like being alone.

-c!Tubbo: bees, of course

-c!Quackity: guys ducks!!! Just imagine little ducklings following Quackity around,,,

-c!Fundy: foxes, of course

-c!Ranboo: endermen, of course

-c!Antfrost: cats, of course

-c!Niki: flowers speak to her,,, which is why she loves being in the flower shop. Or like, she’ll be on her way to L’Manberg when a nearby Poppy just says “hi Niki! How are you?” and she’ll have a little chat with it!! After the Manberg vs. Pogtopia War, all the flowers in L’Manberg froze when she uncovered that piece of TNT. They called out for her to run while she still could, and wilted when everything was blown up anyway

-c!Eret: water! He loves to take long walks in the rain and alongside rivers just to hear what they have to say. But also consider: rainbows

-c!Bad: for some reason, words magically etch themselves into the walls around him. They don’t freak him out anymore, but they used to. Especially when they used to bully him. But they’re much nicer now! The curse words that sometimes appear, though, make him think that someone’s playing some kind of prank on him

-c!Skeppy: his voices come from a singular diamond that he carries around in his pocket. It’s like carrying around a speaker phone, except there are so many people on the other end. They like to watch him play pranks on Bad

-c!AwesamDude: guys, imagine little creepers following him around… He’ll randomly go “MMMMMMMMMM ME GUSTA” and the small army of little creepers will all respond with “MMMMMMMMMM–”

-c!Karl: music speaks to him! It’s like the music notes are a language that he can understand and respond to. They like to sing and compliment his laugh and laugh at all his antics

That’s all I got, but if you guys have anymore ideas, feel free to share! I tried not to make all of them have little creatures that follow them around because it gets kinda old. Like, I love the idea of the wind speaking to Philza

Idek if anyone else is interested in this idea, but I’ve fallen in love with it so <:

I’m so happy I’m staying up at 1 in the morning for this

Alternate scene where Skeppy is on the boat in the Muffin music video <3

I like to imagine that Bad is passing the mic to Skeppy during this small part of Muffin

Skephalo prompt

Skeppy having an awful day/being too stressed out at night. He cannot relax so he decides to stay up and make himself busy doing whatever.

Meanwhile, a sleep deprived bbh decided that he will not fall asleep without skeppy right beside him. So after a lot of persuasion from him (take that as you will.. he’d probably straight up carry him as a last resort), he managed to get a grumpy skeppy to bed next to him.

Skeppy of course tries to argue that he’s fine and doesn’t need to go to bed. Sleepy boy halo being his silly self isn’t having any of that, and starts rambling about anything to skeppy, ignoring his protests.

Eventually, skeppy mentions that he isn’t tired. Bad being ever so helpful, suggested that he’d sing lullabies to pass the time so that skeppy would feel sleepy. However, he doesn’t even sing any “lullabies.”

He starts singing songs that remind skeppy and Bad of each other.

Bad is just singing all the songs his sleepy mind could remember in a soft and gentle voice. He even starts making himself fall asleep as his singing gets quieter and his words get all slurred. It’s a little funny, yet very cute.

It’s enough to make skeppy stay, absolutelymelt in adoration, and eventually fall asleep.


hes just a bit embarrassed


hello im back again with more vampire au stuff, skeppy goes blood thirst feral and bbh has to deal with him

shoutout to badboyhalo looking like light yagami in this (tbf tho my inspiration for his looks is yukio from blue exorcist so if i got close to another anime character i must be doing something right?)


Alternative ending to my latest post as requested by some twt peeps :’)

#skephalo    #skeppy    #badboyhalo    #not mine    



Dream: What’s wrong?

Skeppy: It’s nothing.


lillovingsoul: Skeppy got new merch and like…lillovingsoul: Skeppy got new merch and like…lillovingsoul: Skeppy got new merch and like…


Skeppy got new merch and like…

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Hi, I am back, I guess..? (I forgot I have tumblr) but I draw them :D

first time do to pixel art >:0

goshikle: ah the long awaited skeppy scene + Gay eels :]  ANTFROST AND VELVET AS THE EELS OH MY GOODgoshikle: ah the long awaited skeppy scene + Gay eels :]  ANTFROST AND VELVET AS THE EELS OH MY GOODgoshikle: ah the long awaited skeppy scene + Gay eels :]  ANTFROST AND VELVET AS THE EELS OH MY GOODgoshikle: ah the long awaited skeppy scene + Gay eels :]  ANTFROST AND VELVET AS THE EELS OH MY GOOD


ah the long awaited skeppy scene + Gay eels :] 



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