#dsmp spoiler



Tommy shouting “The discs were worth more than you ever were!” only to immediately regret it and feel the remorse for everything he’d said and done come crashing down at once in the same moment that the invis wears off and Tubbo is able to actually see him for the first time.

// SPOILER for the Wilbur van ao3

This part alone remind me so much of the icyduo fight

It has the same vibes oh when he called c!fundy coward and also this dialogue

“- you, by not doing anything? You chose a side. By just watching? Technically I choose a side cause I didn’t do anything but I’m aware. I’m aware I choose a side.

…you weren’t. You thought by being…you’re just teaming, you don’t realized what’s that lead to Fundy..

And I don’t think you will.”
