#du bekar

A MEETING AT THE BLANKET FORT Lilo:  Okay, everyone.  ATTENTION! I call this meeting of the Muses atA MEETING AT THE BLANKET FORT Lilo:  Okay, everyone.  ATTENTION! I call this meeting of the Muses at


Lilo: Okay, everyone.  ATTENTION!

I call this meeting of the Muses at the Blanket Fort to order.

Fili: Why is Lilo conducting the Planning Session? 

Kili: Because nobody in the Blanket Fort wants to get a lecture about their Badness Level and get spritzed on.

Lilo: You guys are s'pposed to be Princes.  Don’t be rude.

Fili and Kili:  *chagrined*  Sorry. 

Lilo: As you know, Ms. Bgtea updated her Very Wonderful The Inevitable Love Story Between Two Oblivious Idiots - and poor Mister King Thorin’s still kind of upset over the ending. 

Darth Stitch:  *pets Thorin*  Is ok. Is ok….you will get to kick Stupid Evil Kidnapping Mook Ass later….

Thorin: *growls untranslatable Khuzdul* 

Lilo:  Mister Colonel Hannibal Who’s Different from the Hannibal Who Eats Rude People, you got The Plan? 

Hannibal: It’s all set, kid.  *lights up cigar*  I love it when a Plan comes together. 

Danny: All I’m sayin’ is that we ought to remember due process here - ah, screw it, it’s Ori and Bilbo. 

Steve: So you’re all set to book ‘em, Danno? 

Danny: Hell, yeah. 

Lilo: Sherlock, have you figured out where they’ve taken Bilbo and Ori?

Sherlock: We’re not dealing with a bunch of geniuses here anyway.  It was easy to deduce, if one actually used their brain instead of frothing at the mouth -

John: Sherlock. That’s a bit not good. 

Lilo: And we got Mister Kenshin - well, he’s being Mister Battousai today…

Battousai: Oro? 

Lilo: … then again maybe not.  Okay.  What’s the thing you Dwarves say when you’re on the warpath?

Thorin: Du Bekar!!

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