#duke leto atreides x you



The Last Supper || Leto Atreides x Reader

->Rating: 18+

-> Word Count: 6.8k!!!

-> When an ornithopter crashes in Fremen territory, you feel compelled to nurse the handsome stranger you find inside back to health.

TW/CW: mentions of death. detailed injury, angst, oral (f receiving), p in v sex. Not beta read.

The figure that occupies the head of your dinner table, whose shoulders are broad, imposing, and carrying an impossible weight of duty was once a stranger who fell from the sky.

Memories of that pivotal day are seared into your mind as though someone had left a branding iron out in the scorching Arrakeen sun and pressed it to the grey swirls of your brain. The violent vibrations of the ornithopter colliding with the dunes beyond the sietch in which you lived had shocked you from your slumber overnight, causing you to dart from your bed for fear of another Harkonnen attack. Despite it being only a handful of months since the oppressive regime of House Harkonnen had departed your beloved home world, you still feared them.

While it was almost unquestionable to you that The Baron would launch an attack upon his cousin, Duke Leto Atreides having been gifted Arrakis from the Emperor himself, the shell shock that persisted beyond the Harkonnen retreat often left you fearful for your life when loud noises emerged from the desert plains. Only the repeated muffled knocks of thumpers and, ironically, the swish of sand being moved aside by the enormous bodies of the sandworms Shai-Hulud brought you any semblance of comfort that all was as it should be.

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this was absolutely stunning– I have no words to describe how much I love this, you wrote it perfectly. The feeling of the cruelty of the desert, the emotions reader is going through (which im not gonna lie i really related to) and the way Leto is just so soft, understanding, all of it made me so happy but also so sad because of the ending I will be reading this again and again, thank you so much for writing it <3333
