
And again he remembered the vision of fanatic legions following the green and black banner of the AtAnd again he remembered the vision of fanatic legions following the green and black banner of the At

And again he remembered the vision of fanatic legions following the green and black banner of the Atreides, pillaging and burning across the universe in the name of their prophet Muad’Dib.

That must not happen, he told himself.

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“My road leads into the desert.”
― Paul Atreides

#dune movie    #dune film    #dune 2021    #paul atreides    #timothee chalamet    #reverend mother    #lady jessica    #duncan idaho    #fanvid    #my edit    #duneedit    #dune edit    #my video    

Atreidaho Titanic!AU

Dune 2021
♫ Celine Dion - My Heart Will Go On

#dune movie    #dune film    #dune 2021    #paul atreides    #duncan idaho    #paul x duncan    #atreidaho    #fanvid    #my video    #my edit    #duneedit    #dune edit    

Paul Atreides | Everybody wants to be my enemy

#dune movie    #dune film    #dune 2021    #paul atreides    #timothee chalamet    #fanvid    #my edit    #duneedit    #dune edit    #my video    

Paul Atreides x Duncan Idaho | Unstoppable

#dune movie    #dune film    #dune 2021    #paul atreides    #duncan idaho    #paul x duncan    #atreidaho    #полкан    #fanvid    #my video    #my edit    #dune edit    #duneedit    


We are the Sardaukar. The Emperor’s blades. Those who stand against us fall.

kawaiinekoj:  GRAPHTOBER 2020, semaine 2: lockscreen edition FILMS & SERIES - par @graphtober @w


  GRAPHTOBER 2020, semaine 2: lockscreen edition

FILMS & SERIES - par @graphtober@wiisemary

(JOUR CINQ) SCI-FI ;feat. villeneuve’s DUNE (2021), which totally gets me jealous of yet! another white boy (no grudges held here spiderman) casted to fall in love with ms coleman. les posters de film cst pas mon truc mais on vit pr les prises de risques imma right???

❀ made by/credits: kawaiinekoj - commissions: open (instagram) ✨ donations: open (kofi) ✨

❀ like/reblog if you use or appreciate this

update du shop: matez qui débarque dans la boutique!!! en édition limitée, avec son fini holographique, le print DUNE est dès maintenant disponible à l’achat! de quoi vous permettre d’ajouter ma petite patte artistique à vos décos murales à l’occaz

shop here/instagram

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