

Plant of the Day

Wednesday 27 April 2022

Near Dunkeld Cathedral, Scotland, there is a Larix (larch) tree, which is the last remaining survivor of a group of five, introduced into Scotland in 1738. The Duke of Atholl brought the seedling trees over from the Austrian Tyrol and planted them on his estate. The trees became famous as the seed source for the large scale plantings carried out by the Dukes of Atholl on the hillsides around Dunkeld during the 18th and 19th centuries.

Jill Raggett.

Plant of the Day

Monday 18 April 2022

The distinctive flowers of Muscari latifolium (broad-leaved grape hyacinth) consist of dense racemes of deep blue-black flowers topped by a crown of pale sterile flowers. This deciduous bulbous perennial has a single leaf to each bulb and is summer dormant.

Jill Raggett

Plant of the Day

Sunday 17 April 2022

Seemingly too exotic for this time of year the Primula denticulata (drumstick primula, tooth-leaved primrose) are flowering. This herbaceous perennial produces dense rounded heads of white, pale or deep purple flowers with a yellow eye.

Jill Raggett

Plant of the Day

Friday 15 April 2022

In this woodland walk Ribes sanguineum (flowering currant) has naturalised and was being visited by the early bumblebees. This deciduous shrub has lobed, aromatic leaves and an upright growth habit. It can be grown as an informal, flowering hedge.

Jill Raggett

Plant of the Day

Tuesday 12 April 2022

Creating a purple waterfall of flowers is Aubrieta×cultorum, this mound-forming, compact evergreen perennial is perfect for a raised bed. There are a range of cultivars with colours from pale to deep purple. Ideal conditions are a well-drained soil in full sun but plants can tolerate light shade.

Jill Raggett

Plant of the Day

Sunday 10 April 2022

In a small community garden at Dunkeld, Scotland, the colourful Corydalis solidasubsp.solida ‘Beth Evans’ was producing a display of sugar-pink flowers. This tuberous perennial produces fern-like foliage that will die back by the end of spring.

Jill Raggett

A Magic Winter Day around Dunkeld, ScotlandThe area around Dunkeld is not particularly mountainous, A Magic Winter Day around Dunkeld, ScotlandThe area around Dunkeld is not particularly mountainous, A Magic Winter Day around Dunkeld, ScotlandThe area around Dunkeld is not particularly mountainous, A Magic Winter Day around Dunkeld, ScotlandThe area around Dunkeld is not particularly mountainous, A Magic Winter Day around Dunkeld, ScotlandThe area around Dunkeld is not particularly mountainous,

A Magic Winter Day around Dunkeld, Scotland

The area around Dunkeld is not particularly mountainous, yet it is one of the most beautiful parts of Perthshire. It is the doorstep to the Highlands and you can actually get a good glimpse of them in the distance from certain viewpoints. Recently, there has been a lot of fog and low cloud. So whenever the sun is out, it becomes a near-spiritual experience, everything being bathed in golden light of the low Winter sun, including myself. It’s a little bit like light therapy. It’s filling up a cup somewhere inside. The cherry on top were a couple trees, which were bustling with siskins. Those little yellow birds were eating berries and chatting away to one another. I must have stood there for at least 30 minutes, just watching them and trying to capture the scene. 

My December Vlog is up on Youtube.

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Winter WhiteoutThis is one of our tried, tested and beloved walks, but a foot of snow changed just aWinter WhiteoutThis is one of our tried, tested and beloved walks, but a foot of snow changed just aWinter WhiteoutThis is one of our tried, tested and beloved walks, but a foot of snow changed just aWinter WhiteoutThis is one of our tried, tested and beloved walks, but a foot of snow changed just aWinter WhiteoutThis is one of our tried, tested and beloved walks, but a foot of snow changed just aWinter WhiteoutThis is one of our tried, tested and beloved walks, but a foot of snow changed just a

Winter Whiteout

This is one of our tried, tested and beloved walks, but a foot of snow changed just about everything. Apart from creating a special, magical atmosphere, it also made it very difficult to walk and walking the same path we have done dozens of times felt like an eternity. As a reward for labouring through the deep snow, however, we were rewarded with this near-otherworldly beauty.

This walk also features in my January Vlog.

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