

Plant of the Day

Friday 22 April 2022

The rich dark red foliage of Dianellatasmanica ‘Blaze’ (Tasman flax-lily) was shining in the spring sunshine. The foliage colour darkens as the weather cools and slowly turns to a green shade with some dark coloured flushes over the warmer months. This rhizomatous evergreen perennial has sprays of small, starry blue flowers followed by long-lasting blue berries.

Jill Raggett

Plant of the Day

Tuesday 12 April 2022

Creating a purple waterfall of flowers is Aubrieta×cultorum, this mound-forming, compact evergreen perennial is perfect for a raised bed. There are a range of cultivars with colours from pale to deep purple. Ideal conditions are a well-drained soil in full sun but plants can tolerate light shade.

Jill Raggett
