#dw hot takes


Going to be annoying for a second about Doctor Who.

I just… Don’t think Russell T Davies is all that. He’s okay. He wasn’t a bad show runner. There were a lot of episodes I enjoyed in seasons 1-4b. But honestly, I think I’ve enjoyed the recent seasons with Chibnall more than I enjoyed the earlier stuff with Davies. That’s not to say I think Davies is going to do a bad job as the showrunner, it’s been 10 years since he was on the show and I don’t know how he or his writing has changed since then.

I just get annoyed with everybody saying that he’s going to save the show and put it back on track and what they really mean is make it exactly like it was when it first started out, and I hate that that erases all of the good work and progress made by the other show runners.

Anyways this was brought to you by annoying comments on a Facebook post about whether or not he’s going to switch it back to a Christmas special. I would not be surprised if he did but I preferred the New Year’s special because it keeps it more secular and I think that’s a good thing.

(While I’m here being annoying, my other Hot Take is that David Tenant and Rose are just okay. I don’t personally hate either of them unless they’re trying to do romance stuff but I know multiple people who tried to get into Doctor Who in season 1 and couldn’t because they just could not stand Rose, then liked it when I told them to start later in the show. Don’t come at me, I did start at season 1 and watched all the way from there)
