#dwarves lotr


So anyways tonight I am crying about how beautifully Aulë’s description of the Dwarves of his creation was, rather than simply their hardened and nearly comical exteriors as presented in the Hobbit and Lord of the Rings. The Dwarves are devoted to their work, yes, but through the lens of Aulë’s passion and lovefor his creatures do we truly see the softer, more beautiful side of the Dwarves and their rough exteriors and creations. 

They may work in the darkness and in stone, but they are craftsmen with finelyhoned talent, intricacy, and attention to detail just like their creator. Their beauty lies in their fortitude, their strength to cradle the most precious of jewels and yet survive in grandiose halls of stone. They are much like the Elves in that regard, as the Elves live long in the strongest of trees (as in Lothlorien) yet they care for the most delicate of flowers, seeds and patterns. One is a beauty of dusty, dirty things and the other is a beauty of light colors and softness. They are quite harmonious when one considers.

Cited: The Silmarillion, p. 43 - 46
