

The following is the introduction to the means of experiencing this single nature of mind through the application of three considerations:

First, recognize that past thoughts are traceless, clear, and empty,
Second, recognize that future thoughts are unproduced and fresh,
And third, recognize that the present moment abides naturally and unconstructed.

When this ordinary, momentary consciousness is examined nakedly and directly by oneself,
Upon examination, it is a radiant awareness,
Which is free from the presence of an observer,
Manifestly stark and clear,
Completely empty and uncreated in all respects,
Lucid, without duality of radiance and emptiness,
Not permanent, for it is lacking inherent existence in all respects,
Not a mere nothingness, for it is radiant and clear,
Not a single entity, for it is clearly perceptible as a multiplicity,
Yet not existing inherently as a multiplicity, for it is indivisible and of a single savor.
This intrinsic awareness, which is not extraneously derived,
Is itself the genuine introduction to the abiding nature of all things.
